If you talk about tapping techniques, there are no such things as "good" technique, its your preference. Like my experiences is i tried cookiezi's tapping style and my stream consistency and speed was bad, but when i switch to my normal technique, i feeling better with a bunch of practice !! (and i can burst 11 notes 220 bpm somehow)
If you talk about to improve your stream, i'd say "start from the bottom", not start from 100 bpm, but start from the low bpm you comfortable. 140, 150, 160, 170, and even 180 !! practice it as a warm up for avoid fingerlocking, increasing stamina and speed !! Its ok to jump (like 160 to 180), but dont jump very high (like 170 to 210), except you comfortable at those high bpm. With a bunch of practice, you can do it !!
I'm not a professional on this, but this was based from my experiences (even im still an 6 digit), maybe its not your preference, but i hope this gonna help !!