forum quick Signature

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Hello again!

I know this one is not related to osu!, but it's just a small thing to add to your signature/userpage.
You also scrobble from osu!, so yeah :D

That's gonna be a short thread.
Not sure if there was already a project like this, but ok.
Wanted to have some fun with API and made signature.

You can use it from my server, just change the user name in the parameter.
Known issues?
On song switching it just won't show your image, that's error, I can't to anything about it. But it's only for few seconds.... so please don't post it doesn't work unless you wait at least 10 seconds xD....
  • OH!
    This is the VISITOR font so it DOES NOT support all the characters, sorry :P
    Didn't know which font I should use, so I picked this one, because it looks perfectly fine for me :c
Image was not showing if user didn't set his country in options. Now fixed, but now there is just empty space, so please set your country :(
I know that if you try to make a signature for non-existing user it shows OFFLINE. It's throwing an error in the background by the way, so I just avoided it with creating an empty signature instead.

~I had to add more space for avatars since had these bigger on height ones.

Scrobbling example:

And not scrobbling one (also with the bigger avatar)


There may be some problems with flags, but I can't test it with all of them :P
And I guess I fixed everything, wrong user, typos, random issues.

And a live example D:

Enjoy, should work. Use my link from the beginning of the post if you want to grab your own signature :D

And as always, please post everything that you hate in this signature or if there is something that should be fixed.
I will fix things if needed

Oh, it took me around six hours for the whole project :D
Nice job, but there's so much empty/unused space at the top-center and the bottom gray area... I'd suggest moving things around a bit and allowing for a larger avatar like this:

The area on the left should be more of a square, but I didn't feel like fixing it again. :P This wouldn't help people with tall avatars, but it really depends how many people use those compared to normal square ones.

Also, I'd suggest adding the last played song when one isn't currently being scrobbled. Otherwise, the empty space looks even emptier. :/

EDIT: And maybe add a message that says something like "now playing" or "last played" to distinguish.

EDIT 2: Nice
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Thank you Derekku.

Also I need some more people to test it, because I don't know what sizes of their avatars are.
I need some more avatars with different Height.
But for now fixed everything.

Before Fix - scrapped post
Well, you are right.
But about the avatar thing: They provide 4 sizes of avatars. The one I used is the smallest.
If I use the bigger one, the tall avatar will just go off the image if someone has the tall one of course.
I can add a checking function if user has a tall avatar. Tall vs Square~, which I can try tomorrow.

And I agree about the empty space, I will add the last scrobbled song on non-scrobbling state and more space for avatar.
It's like: If Height is greater than Width, use Small-Tall avatar. If Width is greater than Height, use Large-square or almost square :D.

Thanks for feedback of course! I will try to edit it later if I will have some time.

Edit: yes, "last played" and "now playing", forgot :P
I highly recommend to use 128x256 avatar size if you want to have a full-size av in the signature or it will look misplaced|too small|weird.
Wow, nice work, i like it.

Now i will share it with my my friends.

Don't necropost really old threads next time if you have nothing of really important to add, just a friendly suggestion, since these threads will get locked afterwards usually.
it would be best if add a costum signature, and i suggest this font
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Well, this thread is 1 year old, and I don't really feel like pushing updates to this, since it's simple and a small test-project.
There is no point in reviving and improving this project.
I will leave it as it is, because I'm not interested in developing it further, like adding a user-custom image, sorry :c

@to mods: I request closing this thread, as I'm not interested in it anymore. The signature will remain working on my server, but thanks -Troke-, in some time I will think about changing the font. If someone was using this signature, don't worry, it will be working forever.
oh sorry i dont see it the thread year :(
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