
I'm new in osu even so I want to make beatmaps how do I start?

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probably this is asked a lot still I need answers help me, maybe an youtube tutorial playlist or some beginners advice would be really helpful for me.
the first thing u need to do is to open the editor and start mapping, nothing else u do will help u very much before u familiarise urself with the editor. the easiest way to start is to right click an existing map, select "Edit", and click "File" > "Create new difficulty"

try to make something you'd enjoy playing. it's easier to come up with ideas, it's easier to see whether the map works the way u intended, it's easier to enjoy the result

acknowledge that your maps won't start out good. learning takes time, not having lofty expectations (such as ranking any of your first several maps) will save you a lot of disappointment down the line

ask mappers u like for feedback. it's way harder to learn in a vacuum; all youtube tutorials are highly generalised and won't get you very far. getting specific advice from someone who (at least somewhat) knows what they're doing is invaluable

make mapper friends. everything is better with friends
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lewski wrote:

the first thing u need to do is to open the editor and start mapping, nothing else u do will help u very much before u familiarise urself with the editor. the easiest way to start is to right click an existing map, select "Edit", and click "File" > "Create new difficulty"

try to make something you'd enjoy playing. it's easier to come up with ideas, it's easier to see whether the map works the way u intended, it's easier to enjoy the result

acknowledge that your maps won't start out good. learning takes time, not having lofty expectations (such as ranking any of your first several maps) will save you a lot of disappointment down the line

ask mappers u like for feedback. it's way harder to learn in a vacuum; all youtube tutorials are highly generalised and won't get you very far. getting specific advice from someone who (at least somewhat) knows what they're doing is invaluable

make mapper friends. everything is better with friends

thank you, I'll start to put that into practice then
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