
Kakuzetsu Thanatos [16:9][STD/CTB]

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This skin was created as a love letter towards Rohi and Kagura and their awesome vocoloid trilogy with focus on Kakuzetsu≡Thanatos specifically. Have fun using it.


This Skin was created and released over two years ago but I never understood how Skin compendium worked so I only ever released it on Reddit (here's the original post). But this year I created osu!checkmate for Skinning Contest #5, so I now know how to submit skins for the compendium. So that's what I'm doing here.


Text files that go really into great detail crediting everything and anything are located inside the skin folder and also available in the Google Drive Folder itself. Please check it out! :)
Really cool skin, maining it for the foreseeable future.
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