
[std; all ranks] July's Summer Challenge (Sign-ups over)

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Thank you for coming to my Osu Challenge!

I, like many of you, am interested in the various tournaments hosted by the community, and would love to join one myself. However, due to work and other life commitments I cannot guarantee that I will have a specific weekend or specific dates off to participate in or host a tournament. So, I opted to start my own series of themed challenges meant to be held over the entire month as opposed to a single day or weekend, broken up into 2-day rounds and an end-of-month free period to fix previous scores or fill in ones you missed. If this is something you're interested in, or fits more neatly into your schedule than other tourneys, you're welcome to join in! It's open to all ranks from 3M+ to #1.

The second half of the year begins, and why not start it out by diving into the most topical season: Summer! From sandy beaches, scorching heat, to swims in the pool (or ocean) in the swimsuit of your choice, take some time out of your vacation to relax and play some maps.

As for the polls, it's time to pick the contestants to be potentially featured in the first half of 2025! With 8 selections, an option to choose a sort of non-artist option, or put your own personal option up on the ballot! (Just be aware if it doesn't have at least 5 songs it won't get picked.)

Other notable links:
Penalty mark sheet with descriptions (plus eventual link archive of previous challenges)
Artist's Spotlight polls:
Beatmap suggestion thread:

Sign-up Rules and Brackets
- The ranges for each bracket of play (in rankings and SR) are as follows:
  1. 900K+ (1.3-1.8*)
  2. 899-700K (1.8-2.3*)
  3. 699-500K (2.3-2.8*)
  4. 499-300K (2.8-3.3*)
  5. 299-200K (3.3-3.8*)
  6. 199-150K (3.8-4.3*)
  7. 149K-100K (4.3-4.8*)
  8. 99K-50K (4.8-5.3*)
  9. 50K-10K (5.3-5.8*)
  10. <10K (5.8*+)

- Joining is simple. Merely post "/in" or anything that looks like you want to join in. I would prefer /in to avoid ambiguity, though.
- All who post will be checked by the end of sign-ups for your range (and obviously when I'm putting you in your brackets).
- The second phase of sign-ups is called the "lock-in" phase. At that point, even if you get enough pp to advance to a new bracket (eg. at 501K, you get enough to jump to 497K) you will still be locked into the bracket you originally were signed up for. However, advancements before that point will be accounted for and you will be moved to the proper bracket.
-Players who sign up during this lock-in phase will also be subject to said lock-in as well.
-Any bracket that has one or zero participants will be removed.
--If a bracket has only one player, they will be given a one-time option to jump down to a lower bracket (eg. a single 499-300K player may jump to the 299-200K bracket). If this option is not taken, you will be removed alongside the bracket.
--If this option is taken, this will be waived if and ONLY if a lower-bracket single player decides to jump into your bracket to make it a 2-person (and thus viable) bracket. If nobody opts to take the advancement (or will otherwise be affected by it before you), your own advancement will take place.
Example 1: Player 1 is the only one in the 500-699K bracket and opts to take the advancement to the 300-499K bracket. Player 2 is also the only one in the 700-899K bracket but does not take the advancement. Player 2 will be removed with their bracket while Player 1 will advance.
Example 2: Player 1 is the only one in the 500-699K bracket and opts to take the advancement to the 300-499K bracket. Player 2 is also the only one in the 700-899K bracket and also takes the advancement. Player 3 is also the only one in the 900K+ bracket but does not take the advancement. Player 2 will advance as they were still in a single-person bracket, but Player 1 will not because Player 2 has moved up to join them.
Example 3: Same scenario as Example 2 except the 900K+ does take the advancement. Player 2 will remain in their bracket since Player 3 advanced, while Player 1 will be moved up to the 300-499K bracket

-The lock-in phase will begin at 00:00 on June 28th, 2024.
Sign-ups officially end at 23:59 on June 30th, 2024. Anyone who asks after this day will not be added.

Competition Rules
-There will be 10 maps for each bracket, with each map getting two days to play.
--6 Maps will be within your designated SR spread for each bracket.
--1 Map will be .2-.3* harder than your spread.
--1 map will be .2-.3* easier than your spread.
--2 maps will be 1-1.5* easier than your spread.
-For each map, players will have two days to submit scores for the map. Once that two-day period is up, you will be unable to submit another score for that map until the final days of the challenge. However, as stated in the sign-in rules above, you may submit as many scores as you like within that two-day period for that map.
-After Round 10, the final days of the month will be a free submission period, where you may submit scores for all the maps in your bracket as a final chance to upgrade your scores. Once the final day of the challenge is over, no more submissions will be accepted.
-You may use any mod except the following combinations:
--V2 (as this doesn't submit scores to the website meaning I can't trawl for them myself if I have to.)
--NFDT D-rank (to ensure that all players at least attempt to try for a score.
--Any auto-play mod (Relax, auto, autopilot)
---While score-reducing mods like HT, EZ and NF are allowed, be aware that they will be a detriment if it comes down to score tiebreaks.
-IF YOU ARE PLAYING ON OSU!LAZER, YOUR SCORE MULTIPLIER FOR ANY MOD COMBINATION YOU USE MUST MATCH THE SCORE MULTIPLIER ON STABLE (to the hundredths place). (eg., if HRHD normally would give a 1.12x multiplier, you must have those two mods on plus ensure the multiplier is also 1.12x). I will give playing with Lazer and Stable a shot, but if Lazer scores prove to be incompatible with stable scores, I may very well make this stable-only.
- Scores must be submitted or dated from during the round of that particular map or during the free period at the end. That does mean you will need to re-do your score if you had one submitted previously.
--This dating is based on the website-side timestamps for your scores, as those are based either on UTC or are converted from UTC to my timezone (US Central) instead of each player's own local timezones.
- There is no limit to the number of scores you may submit, so long as it is submitted within the time-frame of the challenge and the specific round for each map. Submit one-and-dones, or replay your maps every day until you get the best score you can, whatever works for you.
- A link to your score page on the website is required in a companion thread that will be made on the day the challenge starts. Pictures are optional but encouraged, or required if you get scorev1'd. It is also on you to ensure your links work and are updated. I can and will trawl for scores if absolutely necessary or if something janky happens, and if I find a broken link I will try to point it out, but I will not be doing so regularly.
- Players must submit scores for at least three maps by the end of the first five rounds, and for at least seven maps before the open submission period. Players who fail to do so will be automatically DQ'd and may not re-enter. Repeat offenders will be barred from participating in future challenges. If you find out you can no longer participate or don't want to, please just let me know instead of ghosting. I have no problem with you requesting to leave at any time. If you wish to see if you are affected by this, please see the penalties sheet.
- Points will be distributed based on the number of players in each bracket minus one per 5 people. I.e. if there are less than 5, all participants will get points (1st gets 4, 2nd 3, etc.), while if there are 5 then four will get points while last place will get none (if there's 5 players, 1st will get 4, 2nd 3, and so on while 5th will get none. If there's 10 players, 1st will get 8, 2nd 7, 3rd 6, and so on while 9th and 10th get none.)
- If a player FC's a map (Full combo, no dropped slider-ends; your combo should be green on the scores page), they will be given a bonus point.
- If a player FCs a map with at least 98% accuracy, they will be given two bonus points.
- If a player SS's a map, they will be given three bonus points.
---Do note that these do not stack; you can only earn up to three bonus points for the SS.
- The winner of each round (and any potential tiebreaks) will be determined as follows, from top priority to lowest: Accuracy->score->timestamp.
Tiebreak examples
--Example 1: Player A has a play with 93% acc., while Player B has 95%. In this scenario, Player B would win the map.
--Example 2: Player A and Player B both have 97% acc, but Player A has 8.5M points while Player B has 7.8M points. In this scenario, Player A would win the map.
--Example 3: Player A and Player B both SS the map, but Player B has 1,100 more points due to a faster spinner. In this scenario Player B would win.
--Example 4: Player A and Player B both SS the map and either have the same spinner points or the map has no spinner. However, Player A submitted their play one day before Player B. In this scenario, Player A would win.
- The challenge will officially end at 23:59 on July 31st, 2024. No other submissions will be accepted after this time.
-- The player from each bracket with the most points wins. If two or more players are tied, the player who has the most round wins will be the winner.

- The winner of each bracket will earn 1 month's Osu!Supporter from me.
- If a player FC's all maps in their bracket, I will give them an extra 1 month's supporter.
- If a player SS's all their songs in their bracket, I will give them an extra 2 months Supporter on top of the 1 month for winning.
- Others are more than welcome to offer their own rewards to players if they so choose. However, if you are participating you may not offer a reward of any kind for the challenge. If there is enough support for it I may allow for rewards on brackets outside your own, but that remains to be seen.

WHEEEE posting ahead of time this time!
Golden Egg

if nobody is in the 900k+ brackets i would be fine with joining the 899-700K (1.8-2.3*)
699-500K (2.3-2.8*) 499-300K (2.8-3.3*) brackets.

I'm fine advancing in brackets too if i'm the only one in the 500K - 699k

Just to know, is there any way of knowing if we get registred?
question before i go "/in" [I'll edit the post afterwards]

I guess it isn't a badged tournament, If I'm correct
Topic Starter
Everyone's added.

Golden Egg wrote:


if nobody is in the 900k+ brackets i would be fine with joining the 899-700K (1.8-2.3*)
699-500K (2.3-2.8*) 499-300K (2.8-3.3*) brackets.
To reiterate, players will only advance to the bracket right above theirs, and no higher. If you're in the 900K+ bracket, you could only advance to the 899-700K one.

Blaizerest_ wrote:


Just to know, is there any way of knowing if we get registred?
Once I get to it, I do try to mention that everyone is added. Barring that, simply check the spreadsheet.

Elfilin wrote:

question before i go "/in" [I'll edit the post afterwards]

I guess it isn't a badged tournament, If I'm correct
I wouldn't know how to go about having this be a badged tournament in the first place, and given that this isn't strictly a 1v1 or team tourney style in a multi-player lobby I doubt I would get it even if I asked. Nor was that ever really something I was looking for.


/in [900k+]
/in (50-10k)
/in 899-700k

i guess 149K-100K
Sounds fun, I'm \in
Topic Starter
and you're all added.
hi, just looking if i havent been marked.
is there a discord?
Topic Starter
Everyone's added.

simplyrein wrote:

hi, just looking if i havent been marked.
in the penalties sheet?

I admit I haven't yet updated it for June, but you can see my policy regarding those pentalties on the first tab in that spreadsheet.

Wasard wrote:

is there a discord?
I don't use nor intend to use discord, so no.
/in :D
Emerald Ages

Voidedosu wrote:

in the penalties sheet?

I admit I haven't yet updated it for June, but you can see my policy regarding those pentalties on the first tab in that spreadsheet.
I am pretty sure i'm disqualified, but just appeared to ask in case i missed something.
Topic Starter
all are added.

simplyrein wrote:

Voidedosu wrote:

in the penalties sheet?

I admit I haven't yet updated it for June, but you can see my policy regarding those pentalties on the first tab in that spreadsheet.
I am pretty sure i'm disqualified, but just appeared to ask in case i missed something.
You currently have only one green mark. Green and Yellow marks don't disqualify anyone from participating, but are essentially warnings that if you get auto-dq'd another time or two then you will be. Only having a red or black mark outright disqualifies you from participating at all (red temporarily, black permanently).
/in i think
/in should be fun

How does the unlimited scores submission works? Do you just replaces the previous score in the template?
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EatenVibes63 wrote:


How does the unlimited scores submission works? Do you just replaces the previous score in the template?
So long as it is within that round (or in the free period), you can make as many submissions as you like for that particular map. You could submit a single score and then never bother to try again, or you could do, like, 20-30 different improvement submissions. And yes, you would simply remove the previous submission and link the new one.
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Added. Furthermore, The lock-in phase has begun.

43 participants so far, and all brackets are viable as of right now. Such a great thing to see.
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