
Any tips for 6k

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I just started trying 6k and i have no idea how to get better.I'm also looking for a good 6k skin because i can't find one anywhere
My Angel Marisa
use mine lol
wont say much abt how to start but just start with lower diffs and get a good grasp on how to hit the notes then work your way up
maybe lowering or increasing scroll speed would help
Don't start to play it all the time out of nowhere. Play bit by bit while playing other keymodes and you should not feel it is getting boring.
[TCD] Dzar03
Try to seperate keys, like color for example, use or edit your skin to make ring, pointer column and middle column's color different, that could help you to recognize a note is falling in which column. Don't use a monotone skin or rainbow skin
The rest are mostly play more, aim maps that you can comfortably get an A or S then start pushing your limit
My skin if you want to try
When learning 6k there will be a lot more patterns compared to 4k so make sure to learn and practice the new patterns in particular I'd say noodles and maybe chordjacks could get you to better understand what patterns there are but there's probably a wiki somewhere where you can research them while playing
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