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Ladies and Gentlemen.

Welcome to my own introduction!

I've been playing osu! for approximately 2 years at the moment although I haven't been hanging out at the forums at all. I browsed through it a few days ago for the first time and I really enjoyed reading all kinds of threads at my disposal.

Just some quick facts about me.

  1. I live in Sweden, the country of vikings and bookcases with horrible building instructions.
  2. I consider myself quite strange, in a good way of course.
  3. I'm pretty bad at osu!
  4. If I'm not playing osu I'm playing CS:GO, watching anime or just talking about weird stuff with some ill-fortuned individual.
From this day on I will be a part of the osu! forums. Feel free to be my friend if you'd like. I (probably) won't bite.

That's all for me. Thanks for reading. :)
Welcome LunarStorm-san. Hopefully you will enjoy it here with the osu!community. Have a blast and keep on clicking.
Hello there ;) (Tjäna!!)
I was in a simular situation as you hehe i also played for weeks without even knowing there was a community ^^
Hi LunarStorm, welcome to the osu! forums.
Please enjoy your stay here.
welcome friend
From this day on I will be a part of the osu! forums. Feel free to be my friend if you'd like. I (probably) won't bite.
that rhyme amuses me so much D:
welcome to osu forums.
Heey , welcome to the osu! forums , have a good time :D
Welcome to the forums!
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