
DragonForce - E.P.M. [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, November 17, 2024 at 4:19:03 AM

Artist: DragonForce
Title: E.P.M.
Tags: e. p. m. epm extreme power metal ultra beatdown english zp theart herman li japanese release bonus track exclusive
BPM: 145
Filesize: 11687kb
Play Time: 07:22
Difficulties Available:
  1. Eternity - 4Key (5.4 stars, 7408 notes)
  2. hs (im not finishing this) - 4Key (4.3 stars, 1270 notes)
Download: DragonForce - E.P.M.
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
i started this 3 years ago and never finished it and i only did because riko asked me to mod his map so thanks riko

bg (it matches so well i know) ok nvm i guess

first person to hype this gets 2 pennies from me

im pretty sure the choruses should be charted so the jumps land on literally everything but the and of each beat but that would probably play really funkily so naur + it helps differentiate the bulk of each chorus from the ending of each chorus
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