
osu!shush - Volume fade on osu! start.

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This is something I worked on quite a while ago but never thought to make it public.
Though now LoliFlan has done something similar here, I guess I'll just post it because mine works a little differently which may be a preference for some people (though I don't mind if LoliFlan would like to incorporate my methods).

osu!shush is a simple application which just launches either osu!/osu!test with volume muted, and then fades the volume in.

Download Latest [v1.0 - 12.03.14 - 63kb]: [Mega]
Requires: .Net Framework 4If you can't run osu!shush, try running .Net Framework Repair Tool
Supports: Windows XP/Vista/7/8

osu!shush features a config file which allows you to change a few variables, which are the following:
  • ★ Directory - Directory of osu!, leave it as 0 if you put osu!shush.exe in the osu! directory.
    ★ Test - Whether to launch osu!test instead.
    ★ Interval - The rate at which the volume will be incremented by.
    ★ Step - The amount at which the volume will be incremented by.
    ★ Method - Making this '0' will mute the volume when the osu! splash screen initiates, making it '1' will mute when the actual osu! window is visible.
Method 0 will be a bother if you're listening to something else while osu is loading. - Depends on how long it takes for osu! to load for you.
Method 1 is a slight bother because for a fraction of a second you can hear osu at the current volume before the volume sets to 0.

LoliFlan's method (at least currently) depends on whether osu! has finished loading by the time it has nibbled on 100mb RAM.. so if it's still loading at that time, the fade-in starts before sound is coming from osu.

The best method would be to check whether sound is actually coming from the osu process (I know it to be possible with NAudio at least but I made this before I ever used NAudio and I don't think I plan to make any changes).

If you want to use this application for both osu! and osu!test, just duplicate the application and the config file, and then in one of them have 'Test' set to 0 and in the other have 'Test' set to 1.
Ensure the config file has the same name as the application (excluding extension of course), eg:
osu!shush.exe & osu!shush.ini (Test set to 0)
osu!shush.test.exe & osu!shush.test.ini (Test set to 1)
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