so i have around 40 hrs of gameplay on std and i cant pass 4 stars yet (im at the point where i can fc or 1 digit miss most 3 stars) is it bad that i cant do that or is it normal with the amount of playtime i have
Your playtime doesn't matter it's more about the quality of your playtime
If you spend a whole day being casual your gonna have fun but you won't push yourself as far as a competitive session would
I reccomend not caring how many hours you put in vs how skilled you are and I don't reccomend only having competitive sessions as you need breaks and it's not as fun when your only playing maps you can barely do
Basically yeah it's great you can do this stuff and it always will be lol
Don't compare yourself with other and have fun, push your limit but alternate between out of comfort zone map and comfort zone map, like 1 day you push yourself the other you chill and try to fc, so you will improve both skill and consistency/accuracy. Everyone improve at his own speed so just be satisfied with yourself and the more important just have fun.
I am kind of in agreement with pizzaboy. Your playtime doesn't really matter, but it's the quality of your playtime.
In my personal opinion I would say... Challenging yourself for the competitive session, farming pp is another thing, but the number two on the list should be getting better and just improve your skillset period.
The number one on the list should be that you enjoy the game.
Agree with the others in this post. 40 hours is barely scratching the surface for a game like Osu. You're still far off from your potential. Practice makes better!