
Should SS conditions be relaxed in Lazer?

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Should SS conditions be relaxed in Lazer?

Yes; allow scores with GREATs to get SS, but keep current accuracy formula
Yes; make PERFECT give the same accuracy as GREAT as in Score v1
Yes; support alternative scheme that is not covered (comment below)
Total votes: 79
Polling ended
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By default, SS in osu!lazer is tied to 100% accuracy. As osu!mania no longer gives full accuracy to GREATs, SS is now tied to getting the maximum score of 1,000,000. It is well known that maxouts are extremely difficult to attain given the frame-perfect timing of PERFECTs. This is known to the devs for quite some time with some discussion and attempts at changing, to inconclusive results.

Should we also award SS to scores with GREATs but without lesser judgements, making it more like v1 SS? Should we change the accuracy formula, or should we untie SS from accuracy in osu!mania? Please vote in the above poll and discuss below.

Terminology: PERFECT is known as rainbow 300 in stable, and as MAX on the website. It is the equivalent of MARVELOUS in DDR and clones. GREAT was normal 300 in stable and on the website.
I would prefer adding another rank, SSS to denote 100% accuracy with all MAX. SS is rare on its own and can be considered an achievement, why make it *even rarer*? And SSS would denote the 1,000,000 score, which is much harder than stable SS.
I think score rank should be let players/viewers that not familar with game mechanism knowing score is enough "good" in tournament scene. so if we always see "S" in tournament score rank seemed a bit useless. so i agreed with first part, only change score ranks condition to let player/ viewer easilier understand the score is enough good.

AlFas wrote:

I would prefer adding another rank, SSS to denote 100% accuracy with all MAX. SS is rare on its own and can be considered an achievement, why make it *even rarer*? And SSS would denote the 1,000,000 score, which is much harder than stable SS.
the grades between 4 modes should be unified

AlFas wrote:

I would prefer adding another rank, SSS to denote 100% accuracy with all MAX. SS is rare on its own and can be considered an achievement, why make it *even rarer*? And SSS would denote the 1,000,000 score, which is much harder than stable SS.
agree, It's the best of both worlds

Mooos wrote:

AlFas wrote:

I would prefer adding another rank, SSS to denote 100% accuracy with all MAX. SS is rare on its own and can be considered an achievement, why make it *even rarer*? And SSS would denote the 1,000,000 score, which is much harder than stable SS.
the grades between 4 modes should be unified
I think an SS for all 300's and SSS for an absolutely perfect score would actually fit well in all modes. Anything that doesn't affect acc but gives score like std spinner bonus, taiko rolls, etc could be represented at a glance with a SSS if perfect.
this terminology is so confusing

Mechafinch wrote:

Mooos wrote:

AlFas wrote:

I would prefer adding another rank, SSS to denote 100% accuracy with all MAX. SS is rare on its own and can be considered an achievement, why make it *even rarer*? And SSS would denote the 1,000,000 score, which is much harder than stable SS.
the grades between 4 modes should be unified
I think an SS for all 300's and SSS for an absolutely perfect score would actually fit well in all modes. Anything that doesn't affect acc but gives score like std spinner bonus, taiko rolls, etc could be represented at a glance with a SSS if perfect.
It's not hard to clear a spinner, but nobody can spin it *PERFECTLY* because it has no upper bound. And in CTB, the spinner is also hard to give a upper bound(auto gets all banana LoL). Even if they all have an upper bound, i think the difficulty to get SSS between mania and other modes are hugely different.
i feel like 1m scores work as a grade by itself without needing an extra indicator (ss grades indicate a perfect score)
also theyre very hard to achieve and allat anddddd
yeah id be ok with SS being achieveable with max and 300s

side note
can we please normalize ONE type of term for mania judgements??? this terminology is getting horribly confusing between new players, other VSRG mains and stable users
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-Kori wrote:

side note
can we please normalize ONE type of term for mania judgements??? this terminology is getting horribly confusing between new players, other VSRG mains and stable users
I don't know why this was ever changed. So many games out there allow a lower bound for a perfect play but have a separate metric in place for a "perfect score". An SSS rank would be sufficient, but perhaps the score could have an addition of +1 point above max per MAX perfect?

...Then again, I'm not sure how that would interact with mods.
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elevatorz wrote:

I don't know why this was ever changed. So many games out there allow a lower bound for a perfect play but have a separate metric in place for a "perfect score". An SSS rank would be sufficient, but perhaps the score could have an addition of +1 point above max per MAX perfect?

...Then again, I'm not sure how that would interact with mods.
A similar scheme is exactly what was implemented by peppy. The 1,000,000 score cap notably has a sacred status in the community, though, the change was rolled back shortly before the pp update.

AlFas wrote:

I would prefer adding another rank, SSS to denote 100% accuracy with all MAX. SS is rare on its own and can be considered an achievement, why make it *even rarer*? And SSS would denote the 1,000,000 score, which is much harder than stable SS.
wait so a marvelous is now a perfect and a perfect is now a great

i like the SS and SSS rank idea but the lazer terminology had me confused for a second
Nah just get good bro -annoying o!m person
I think the conditions for an SS rank should be reverted to being tied to getting no judgements under a 300 instead of all MAX judgements so that SS ranks aren't redefined as something astronomically harder than stable without good reason, however, I don't really like the idea of adding an SSS rank because it wouldn't work in the other three game modes and having a new grade for only one game mode when it isn't really necessary to so do feels messy.
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I think the SSS rank idea is considered by the team as "not for a long time" at least?
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Mooos wrote:

It's not hard to clear a spinner, but nobody can spin it *PERFECTLY* because it has no upper bound. And in CTB, the spinner is also hard to give a upper bound(auto gets all banana LoL). Even if they all have an upper bound, i think the difficulty to get SSS between mania and other modes are hugely different.
In Lazer spinners do have an upper bound in the bonus it gives, in that after a set number of spins a spinner will say "MAX" and no longer give any bonus. See this article.
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