By default, SS in osu!lazer is tied to 100% accuracy. As osu!mania no longer gives full accuracy to GREATs, SS is now tied to getting the maximum score of 1,000,000. It is well known that maxouts are extremely difficult to attain given the frame-perfect timing of PERFECTs. This is known to the devs for quite some time with some discussion and attempts at changing, to inconclusive results.
Should we also award SS to scores with GREATs but without lesser judgements, making it more like v1 SS? Should we change the accuracy formula, or should we untie SS from accuracy in osu!mania? Please vote in the above poll and discuss below.
Terminology: PERFECT is known as rainbow 300 in stable, and as MAX on the website. It is the equivalent of MARVELOUS in DDR and clones. GREAT was normal 300 in stable and on the website.
Should we also award SS to scores with GREATs but without lesser judgements, making it more like v1 SS? Should we change the accuracy formula, or should we untie SS from accuracy in osu!mania? Please vote in the above poll and discuss below.
Terminology: PERFECT is known as rainbow 300 in stable, and as MAX on the website. It is the equivalent of MARVELOUS in DDR and clones. GREAT was normal 300 in stable and on the website.