Every DS rom game contains a file with a .sdat extension that contains all the sounds in the game.
within teh.. .sdat there are wave arcives with .strm extension. It is possible to convert them into a .wav but there is no code to covert back to the original format.
When you extract ouendan or eba music from a level its seperated into 15 to 30 parts each corresponding to the levels sequence.
If it was possible to convert .wav into a .strm then in theory you should be able to create a level with a custom song, but then the beats won't be in sequence but thats another story.
within teh.. .sdat there are wave arcives with .strm extension. It is possible to convert them into a .wav but there is no code to covert back to the original format.
When you extract ouendan or eba music from a level its seperated into 15 to 30 parts each corresponding to the levels sequence.
If it was possible to convert .wav into a .strm then in theory you should be able to create a level with a custom song, but then the beats won't be in sequence but thats another story.