
Pasonia and I are more similar than I thought.

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We both end up making the same type of threads about each other.

The only difference is mine get deleted and his clutter the mod lounge, and mine are for (bad)humor and his are for huttburt.
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Also, are you guys ever going to come face to face with me with your complaints.

Except for Pasonia, I could give less of a fuck what he has to say.
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gaeman discussions.

lukewarmholiday wrote:

Except for Pasonia, I could give less of a fuck what he has to say.

I've come to enjoy you, luke. Granted, I hate it when people intentionally carry "conversation" using "language" like Pokebis just did. However, I know how to ignore things. (Takumu could learn from me, ah?)
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I will not defend pokebis's actions.

Most of his posts I dislike but I tolerate him since he is in vent daily and we share some common interests. Honestly I'd probably bunch him in the same boat as everyone else if he had just joined today.

Then there's my BFF gimmick that was a result of spending long hours in a few chatrooms which basically turn into joke tsundere relationship arguments when we get bored.
lukewarm loves my posts. And so does everyone else.
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Yeah, and I was referring to his general actions and that post.
I like Pokebis. His comments usually have a deeper meaning, even though he doesn't mean to make them that way.

strager wrote:

I like Pokebis. His comments usually have a deeper meaning, even though he doesn't mean to make them that way.
No, I do. They almost always have more than one. Sometimes three. Unfortunately, they usually require thought which most users here lack.

Pokebis wrote:

strager wrote:

I like Pokebis. His comments usually have a deeper meaning, even though he doesn't mean to make them that way.
No, I do. They almost always have more than one. Sometimes three. Unfortunately, they usually require thought which most users here lack.
Didn't know it was intentional. Must be its elegance. =]

lukewarmholiday wrote:

Also, are you guys ever going to come face to face with me with your complaints.

Except for Pasonia, I could give less of a fuck what he has to say.
I will But then you'll thrash me on Guilty Gear
But if you be so nice to stop banning vent users that have done nothing wrong. I'd be thankful
Honestly I'm just tired of hearing them bitch

lukewarmholiday wrote:

Also, are you guys ever going to come face to face with me with your complaints..
I came face to face with both of you with my complaints.

Pokebis wrote:

strager wrote:

I like Pokebis. His comments usually have a deeper meaning, even though he doesn't mean to make them that way.
No, I do. They almost always have more than one. Sometimes three. Unfortunately, they usually require thought which most users here lack.
Don't flatter yourself.

ztrot wrote:

lukewarmholiday wrote:

Also, are you guys ever going to come face to face with me with your complaints.

Except for Pasonia, I could give less of a fuck what he has to say.
I will But then you'll thrash me on Guilty Gear
But if you be so nice to stop banning vent users that have done nothing wrong. I'd be thankful
Honestly I'm just tired of hearing them bitch
shut up ztrot he's doing a fantastic job at that

if they want to bitch then ignore them

mtmcl wrote:

Don't flatter yourself.
Why the fuck not?

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Tell them to take it up with me ztrot.

Because Pasonia's I usually remove(although I think I usually kick, I dunno. Anything to get a text message across since he leaves the channel so hilariously when I log on.) and greenpoint should stay banned. Unless, for some reason you need to talk with him.

I had to remove your strager ban.
Luke I could care less about you and Pasonia But leave the other vent dwellers to me.
Btw strager really deserved it ;P
IMO someone who never uses the vent not even the chat but to stir up shit shouldn't be there.

ztrot wrote:

Btw strager really deserved it ;P
You deserve this.

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Todesengal wrote:

he's right though, you add absolutely nothing to vent. You don't even use the damn comments.
What the fuck is smoking you?

Just ask Larto. =|
nothing *of merit
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I will uphold my stance on my ban of greenpoint0 mainly because he's the only person I've really banned.(really as in, I really don't want him back.)

I'm really to the point where I'm ready to forgive and forget with pasonia but goddamn every single thing I fucking say and do he takes completely personally.
luke being the bigger man
I like that

I still stand with my ban on strager then. you ban green point I ban strager everybody wins =]
Wizard Of Orz
except me

I think we have a general consensus going.

Pokebis wrote:

[attachment=0:0fff6]Mark Agrees.png[/attachment:0fff6]
I think we have a general consensus going.
So out of context.
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Oh you~
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