
How screen resolution works?

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I want more detailed explanations on how osu! resolution works. I couldn't find it anywhere, so i will ask here:

What is the difference between widescreen and normal resolutions with the same height?
For example, the movement i do when i play through a map with 1024x786 resolution are completely the same as when i play with 1366x768 (i checked with IOGraph - a tool to record your mouse movement), means circles placed in the same way, yet they seem to be more spaced.
Same thing happens with 1280x960 (the res i use normally) and 1440x900.
How is that possible?

If there an answer somewhere already, just point me to.
Thanks in advance.
The actual playfield, is ALWAYS 4:3. Only thing that changes in osu!standard, is that storyboard/video can be widescreen, and some elements don't overlap on playfield.
The play field is always 4:3, it's only the other elements that are displayed (i.e. the scoreboard, the HP bar, the background, etc.) that get moved around based on width. Other than that, I can't really think of any real differences between resolutions other than the fact that osu! also scales skin images from x768 resolution (or x1536 resolution when using @2x) to the resolution you're using.
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Alright, thanks.
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