
#165k thoughts on top plays

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What should I improve and what good plays I have and what I need to work on like “play more bursts maps” or play more tech or fingercontrol idk I just wanna know ur opinions
play longer maps (3+ minutes) to get consistent! it will help you
It entirely depends on your goals. Some people love finger control and tech and want to be the best at it. If that's you, then play them. If you just want to gain rank (which is perfectly valid), that's a waste of time. It's also hard to identify weaknesses simply from a profile, although the person above me is right in that you have very few long maps in your top plays.
needs more longer maps in general. Plus more NM (and more SS's), but that's a personal preference.

If you just want more ranks, figure out what's similar in your top plays and then try to find that in other plays that'll give you more pp. If you can find a unifying theme (lots of bursts, more jumpy than burst-y, etc.) and that theme is also something you enjoy playing (or at least have little trouble enduring a grind on), that will also help. For instance, for NM I'm kinda all over the place, and for dt I prefer "simpler" maps that don't do a lot of fast bursts, but generally speaking I like maps that aren't super-technical. It's blase, sure, but it's what works for me in terms of pp gains.
You definitely appear weak with finger control. A lot of your top plays are jump maps, or jump maps with DT... not really a single one stands out as being finger control--at least not when you compare it to your relatively monstrous ability to jump. I have tons if you ever want to burn through some in multi.
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yeah you are right my ability jump is really the only thing saving me i can play dt fingercontrol extremely well but when it is nomod i suck at it

Akisu wrote:

yeah you are right my ability jump is really the only thing saving me i can play dt fingercontrol extremely well but when it is nomod i suck at it
Well there you go. STart working on that.

That and longer maps for consistency/stamina. It looks better when you have 3-4 min. 17-24M score maps in there, imo.

Akisu wrote:

yeah you are right my ability jump is really the only thing saving me i can play dt fingercontrol extremely well but when it is nomod i suck at it
These may be below your level, but try some of these. If they're too easy, I can sniff around for stronger maps. But if they're too hard, I can get you weaker ones.

Wimpy Cursed wrote:

Looking for collections for certain skillsets like fingercontrol or stamina etc. will help probably. Check that Wimpy Cursed list I guess, or just go looking for maps used in past tournaments that were and practice with them.
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