
jack notes problem

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hi there..

so how i can say this to you....when i play jacks notes or or clicking very fast notes, my hands cannot handle the combo...also my hands also shaking so much which it let me lose stamina.

please how i can fix this?.

(i practice my hands everyday and eating healthy food....but still nothing changes)
Wimpy Cursed
What accuracy do you usually aim for in heavy jack maps? Do you play out of your comfort zone?
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yes i play out of my comfort zone like 5-6 stars*
Wimpy Cursed
And what would your accuracy be on average on those maps
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80%-90% until i die
Wimpy Cursed
Ok. Don't do that, it's terrible.

I'd suggest playing jack maps that you can get 95% accuracy on and then build up to 98-99%.
Jacks are simple to hit, and should not be so difficult to acc. Being able to have consistent accuracy on them will help your combo immensely.

Once you get 98%+ accuracy, make the rate higher on the map or look for other jack maps that you will get 95% on.
Brute forcing yourself to play faster jacks will only make your progress slower and create bad habits in the long run. Be more patient with your improvement
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what about my shaking hands?

they affect me alot while i can atleast descrease these shakes?
Wimpy Cursed
I am not sure I would be able to help with that, and I don't think it is the main concern (maybe).

But I would assume that it came from tensing on harder maps, that is just a guess. If you tense at all, stop that. You should make it a habit to tense at the very minimal. If it is nerves, I'd suggest looking for ways on how to die that down.
Could be a medical thing as well, so maybe checking yourself out can be a good option.
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thank you for helping
i Appreciate your tips
If your hands are shaking it could be damage but to be honest who cares if you lose an arm or two (in all seriousness shaking hands is something you should ask your doctor about chances are your hands are just tired or something but it doesn't hurt to try and save them lol)
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