
[osu!standard, osu!mania4k] Irvine’s Definitive osu! LAN Spring

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Tournament Registration (CLOSED) | RSVP | Discord | Stream

What's up everyone!
osu! UCI is excited to host Irvine’s Definitive osu! LAN Spring (IDOLS) at the University of California, Irvine!

Date: Saturday, May 25th, 2024
Location: Woods Cove A, B, and C at the University of California, Irvine

Here is the photo album from our last event, Project Winter: Anteater Stage!

The RSVP does not have a closing date.

• This is a bring your own computer event, no setups will be provided
• The LAN will be held on Saturday, May 25th, 2024 from 8:00am to 10:00pm. We will be located in Woods Cove A, B, and C at the UCI Student Center
• Food will not be provided at the event, but there are plenty of chains and restaurants within walking distance of the venue
• All-day parking is available in the adjacent Student Center Parking Structure for around $13
• Please plan on arriving early as other running events may affect parking availability
Schedule and Bracket
• 8:00am: doors open and check-ins begin
• 10:00am: qualifier lobbies begin
• 1:00pm: upper bracket round of 16 (pool 1, bo7)
• 2:00pm: upper bracket quarterfinals and lower bracket round 1 (pool 1, bo7)
• 3:00pm: lower bracket round 2 (pool 2, bo9)
• 4:00pm: upper bracket semifinals and lower bracket round 3 (pool 2, bo9)
• 5:00pm: lower bracket quarterfinals (pool 3, bo9)
• 6:00pm: upper bracket finals and lower bracket semifinals (pool 3, bo9)
• 7:00pm: lower bracket finals (pool 4, bo11)
• 8:00pm: grand finals and reset, if needed (pool 4, bo11)

• 8:00am: doors open and check-ins begin
• 11:00am: upper bracket quarterfinals (pool 1, bo7)
• 12:00pm: upper bracket semifinals (pool 1, bo7)
• 1:00pm: lower bracket quarterfinals (pool 2, bo9)
• 2:00pm: upper bracket finals and lower bracket semifinals (pool 2, bo9)
• 3:00pm: lower bracket finals (pool 3, bo11)
• 4:00pm: grand finals and reset, if needed (pool 3, bo11)
Qualifier Lobby Procedure
• All players will play in a qualifier lobby and play through every map in the qualifier mappool
• After each map, each player is given a points based on their placing compared to all other players, and their total points is calculated after all maps have been played
• The 16 players with the highest points will advance to the bracket stage, where seeding is determined by each player's point total
• Qualifier Results Sheet:
Match Lobby Procedure
• No warmups
• Each player has 1 ban
• Player with the higher !roll with either choose to ban or pick first; player with the lower !roll will get the first of whatever was not chosen by the other player (if player 1 chooses ban first, player 2 will get to pick first after)
• Map pick order will alternate between players
• Tiebreaker will be played when both players are at match point
• Freemod will be enabled for tiebreaker; there is no extra mod multiplier for any mod
• In the event that there is a tie on a map, the map will be replayed
Disconnects and Miscellaneous Situations
• Disconnects during a map counts as a map loss UNLESS the player can show that the they completed the map with a score
• Missing your match counts as a loss; no rematches will be made
Misconduct and Cheating
• Unsportsmanlike behavior and harassment will not be tolerated and can factor into your removal
• Any sort of verbal harassment towards another in the tourney will NOT be tolerated. This includes referees, bystanders, and any other attendees of the LAN
• Players will have their computers inspected prior to the beginning of matches to ensure that there are no illegal programs running at the time
• Under no circumstances are players allowed to touch the peripherals or computer of another without explicit permission

Any disregard for these rules will be met with punishment, ranging from a warning to immediate disqualification. It will be up to the discretion of the staff to punish based on the severity of the offense.
Disclaimer: These rules and regulations are subject to change without notice, and hence should be reviewed frequently.

• 1st Place: Profile badge (pending) + Sanrio keychain
• 2nd Place: Sanrio keychain
• 3rd Place: Sanrio keychain
(for both osu!standard and osu!mania4k tournaments)

Host: osu!UCI
Referees: chmpchmp, Drowzy-, Yes1Yes1, blocta, freddiiieeee, clayton, PorkIsGreat, Science, TheHunter1
osu!standard Mappoolers: freddiiieeee
osu!mania4k Mappoolers: blocta, PorkIsGreat
Commentators: freddiiieeee, PorkIsGreat, Kahli, Caboozled_Pie
Graphics: APOLLY (twitter link)

osu! Support Tournament Report Form
Zot! Zot! Zot!
So Cool!
tf is wood cove

see u there :D

clayton wrote:

tf is wood cove

see u there :D
Directly across the hall from Moss Cove :D
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join the zot cult
erm what the scallop
LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
APOLLYON cooked with the banner and badge designs 🔥🔥🔥

Also, signups close in about 48 hours, whoever is interested ^_^
bella hadid
wanna go but im too scared of breaking all my stuff in my car gg
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