
kors k - Insane Techniques [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, May 29, 2014 at 9:33:47 PM

Artist: kors k
Title: Insane Techniques
Source: beatmania IIDX 21 SPADA
Tags: dj_orange bemani konami hanzer iyasine tks tksalt azer
BPM: 146
Filesize: 18569kb
Play Time: 02:04
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (5 stars, 421 notes)
  2. Azer's Extra (4.8 stars, 481 notes)
  3. Beginner (2.34 stars, 107 notes)
  4. HanzeR's Extreme (5 stars, 514 notes)
  5. iyasine's Hyper (4.92 stars, 325 notes)
  6. Normal (4.07 stars, 154 notes)
  7. TK'S Muzukashii (4.77 stars, 436 notes)
  8. TK'S Oni (4.94 stars, 621 notes)
Download: kors k - Insane Techniques
Download: kors k - Insane Techniques (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Thanks to Faust for the background! redl 5/4/14~ for new mp3!

Hyper: iyasine
Extra: Azer
Extreme: HanzeR
Taiko: TKS

hanzer's original diff before I made him nuke some things lol
first hahahahahaha
Im first in your heart *hides*
thank you for rescuing my diffs ;___; ... niques.rar
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no prob :D

now to spam plays on your oni cause i can't pass it ;;

well this was.. rather flashy
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thanks for the star! :333
Anime girls. Really. >:(

Here's an eyecatch if you decide to use it:

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link not workin?

aahhh that is nice, sweet
There you go.

edit: nvm I'm lacking inspiration
I just cannot.
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finished my Hyper diff ₍₍ (ง ˘ω˘ )ว ⁾⁾
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fast! thanks!!

I'm gonna set your hitsounds to another custom slot so they don't mess up anything else in the map

gap between the another and the extra is quite large

might want to consider sticking another another (huehuehuheuhheu) in between the two to balance the mapset idk
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i've thought about that yeah, might be something like s!ck's mapset with another - extra - extreme, not sure if i'd want to do it myself or find another person who would be willing to do it

azer to the rescueee
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k pending for real this time
m4m via pm.


  • .........ok after I test play this diff two times.
  1. 00:29:302 (4) - I think if you make this slider spacing balance with 00:28:892 (2,3), it will play comfortable. and the beat on 4 is not stronger than the previous note too.
  2. 00:30:330 - what about add note here and move 00:30:432 (1) to the next red tick? to follow the "bzzzz" sound, I don't know how to call it anyway! I think it's more fit.
  3. 00:32:179 (3) - what about change it to 1/4 slider? for the bzzz sound.
  4. 00:33:720 (3) - change to note instead and add 1/4 slider on 00:33:823 (bzzzz) sound. bzzz sound need to be click imo, not on tail.
  5. 00:38:343 (1,2) - ahaha nothing, just so hard to move cursor follow this kind of speed and shape of slider.
  6. 00:39:371 (1) - stack with tail? :P
  7. 00:44:713 (3) - what about move a bit up to make the spacing from note to previous slider balance with 00:44:610 (2) to slider. but this not this important, the thing I want to suggest is curve 00:44:713 (3), It will more flow imo --->
  8. 00:48:412 (2) - mind to perfect stack?
  9. 00:48:720 (1) - I think this note don't need to NC since it's the same pattern (suitable spacing for 1/4 already) so I suggest to remove NC, but the NC on 00:48:823 (1) is fine because the next note is 1/2 rhythm.
  10. 01:09:679 (1) - remove NC? like you always did on previous note.
  11. 01:10:193 (1) - when I play it, I really think that after 01:10:193 (1) is very empty... I suggest you to add note on 01:10:398 and add whistle or use the rhythm you use before.
  12. 01:36:494 - mmm after this part is really really hard, especially the pattern like 01:37:932 (1,2,3). what about change them to increase the spacing on note by note instead of same spacing since start, because I think the music here sounds stronger and stronger. or you can try this pattern the pattern I show still your original rhythm just change 01:37:932 (1,2) to make it stick but make spacing further than 01:37:727 (1,2). and make 01:38:138 (1)'s spacing further than 01:37:727 (1,2) since the music is stronger, I NC on it because the next note is 1/2 rhythm.
  13. 01:41:426 (1) - if you remove NC here, it will follow like you did on the previous pattern.
  14. 01:44:713 (1) - same as above.
  15. 01:47:795 (1,1,1) - hmm so many NC here imo.
    meh so hard
  1. 00:22:110 (4,5,6,7) - increase the SV on slider by slider? would be fit the music imo.
  2. 00:23:549 - try this rhythm instead --> I think many reverse on slider is... too easy for another and not fit with music that well.
  3. 00:27:145 (4) - NC here? since the rhythm are change (blue tick).
  4. 00:39:371 (1) - I think it's really hard to finish the spinner and start the note on blue tick.. I suggest to end this spinner on 00:40:604 instead and add note on 00:40:809 with clap too, It more fit imo.
  5. 01:20:672 - add note? I feel like it's empty.
  6. 01:58:686 (2) - aw :( I hope it would be symmetry. btw overlapped here 02:00:330 (4).
  7. 02:00:741 (6,7,8,9) - :( just zigzag only or make them start on the same side, it's weird imo.
  1. 00:15:741 (5,6) - try this instead? since it's extra. It's too look like Another. up to you ofc :3
  2. 00:27:145 (4) - NC here? since the rhythm are change (blue tick).
  3. 00:50:364 - find a pattern to add note here would be nice ;w;
  4. 00:23:549 (3) - hmm same case as Another, try this rhythm instead --> I think many reverse on slider is too easy for Extra and not fit with music that well
  5. 00:52:521 (4) - NC here? also NC on 00:53:343 (8) too since they're stream.
  6. 01:13:789 - add note here? or this part will easier than Another :(
  7. 01:16:973 - at least add note here imo, its too empty when I test played.
  8. 01:36:905 (1) - shit just got real, the difficult really fit with extra diff. the first part is looks like another imo.
  9. 01:44:097 (3,4) - ahahahaha, so hard here, that 1/4 spacing. maybe it gonna harder than extreme now :X hm but I don't know too which diff should harder but as I see, the extreme is harder so decrease of this spacing?
  1. 00:22:932 (1) - hmm why use 1/8 slider here, I think just note instead is better because this is hyper diff, don't need that hard. and it's overmapped too if I'm right.. also sorry if i'm wrong
  2. 00:28:891 - add note here? to make the spacing to next note to be 1/2 (for easy to catch the next rhythm)
  3. 00:40:809 (5) - hmm since you use same spacing on 00:39:371 (1,2,3,4) but suddenly change the spacing on this note so maybe it will a bit confuse the player that just can play hyper, maybe let's see for other opinion.
  4. I think jump should be on 02:03:206 (9), shouldn't on 02:02:795 (8) :X for follow the song, please reconsider.
  1. 00:26:426 - add note will be fit here.
  2. 00:53:343 (4) - first time that I see this kind of slider on normal diff. really hardcore. maybe use long slider instead?
  1. 00:22:110 (3) - OH GOD PLEASE DON"T USE KIND OF THIS SLIDER ON EASIEST DIFF ;w; use 1/1 reverse slider instead.
  2. 00:37:727 (1) - why this slider is so mean, that spacing..
  3. 00:53:343 (4) - finish on tail instead? whistle sounds really weird.
  4. 01:07:316 - use this rhythm is better fit the music imo please recheck the rhythm on this calm part.
good luck for rank!

P A N wrote:

  1. 00:15:741 (5,6) - try this instead? since it's extra. It's too look like Another. up to you ofc :3 changed!
  2. 00:27:145 (4) - NC here? since the rhythm are change (blue tick). changed!
  3. 00:50:364 - find a pattern to add note here would be nice ;w; changed!
  4. 00:23:549 (3) - hmm same case as Another, try this rhythm instead --> I think many reverse on slider is too easy for Extra and not fit with music that well i think its fine since it fits the music perfectly
  5. 00:52:521 (4) - NC here? also NC on 00:53:343 (8) too since they're stream. changed!
  6. 01:13:789 - add note here? or this part will easier than Another :( changed!
  7. 01:16:973 - at least add note here imo, its too empty when I test played. it's empty in the music! the synth takes a break here
  8. 01:36:905 (1) - shit just got real, the difficult really fit with extra diff. the first part is looks like another imo.
  9. 01:44:097 (3,4) - ahahahaha, so hard here, that 1/4 spacing. maybe it gonna harder than extreme now :X hm but I don't know too which diff should harder but as I see, the extreme is harder so decrease of this spacing? lowered spacing
good luck for rank!
Thanks for the mod!!
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"P A N"
m4m via pm.

  1. 00:22:110 (4,5,6,7) - increase the SV on slider by slider? would be fit the music imo. cool idea but i think that would get too fast
  2. 00:23:549 - try this rhythm instead --> I think many reverse on slider is... too easy for another and not fit with music that well. I think it fits the music really well, sorry
  3. 00:27:145 (4) - NC here? since the rhythm are change (blue tick).
  4. 00:39:371 (1) - I think it's really hard to finish the spinner and start the note on blue tick.. I suggest to end this spinner on 00:40:604 instead and add note on 00:40:809 with clap too, It more fit imo.
  5. 01:20:672 - add note? I feel like it's empty.
  6. 01:58:686 (2) - aw :( I hope it would be symmetry. btw overlapped here 02:00:330 (4). (:3[__]
  7. 02:00:741 (6,7,8,9) - :( just zigzag only or make them start on the same side, it's weird imo.
  1. 00:26:426 - add note will be fit here.
  2. 00:53:343 (4) - first time that I see this kind of slider on normal diff. really hardcore. maybe use long slider instead? I think since it's a repeat slider it's okay, but i'll get more opinions
  1. 00:22:110 (3) - OH GOD PLEASE DON"T USE KIND OF THIS SLIDER ON EASIEST DIFF ;w; use 1/1 reverse slider instead.
  2. 00:37:727 (1) - why this slider is so mean, that spacing..
  3. 00:53:343 (4) - finish on tail instead? whistle sounds really weird.
  4. 01:07:316 - use this rhythm is better fit the music imo please recheck the rhythm on this calm part. I was trying to avoid the 3/2 spacing here, i'll consider though
good luck for rank!

most things fixed, thanks~

hanzer's response
i changed everything except 00:38:343 (1,2) - ahaha nothing, just so hard to move cursor follow this kind of speed and shape of slider. and 01:10:193 (1) - when I play it, I really think that after 01:10:193 (1) is very empty... I suggest you to add note on 01:10:398 and add whistle or use the rhythm you use before.

P A N wrote:

m4m via pm.

  1. 00:22:932 (1) - hmm why use 1/8 slider here, I think just note instead is better because this is hyper diff, don't need that hard. and it's overmapped too if I'm right.. also sorry if i'm wrong
  2. 00:28:891 - add note here? to make the spacing to next note to be 1/2 (for easy to catch the next rhythm)
  3. 00:40:809 (5) - hmm since you use same spacing on 00:39:371 (1,2,3,4) but suddenly change the spacing on this note so maybe it will a bit confuse the player that just can play hyper, maybe let's see for other opinion.
  4. I think jump should be on 02:03:206 (9), shouldn't on 02:02:795 (8) :X for follow the song, please reconsider.
good luck for rank!
sorry All no change :o Thanks for modding~ PAN!!
I love you

and hanzer + azer
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IRC modded Extreme
21:19 *Priti is editing [ kors k - Insane Techniques [HanzeR's Extreme]]
21:19 Priti: yey tablet bias maps :d
21:19 HanzeR: :D:D:D:D:D
21:20 Priti: 00:11:426 (1) - consider making it soft since it doesn't really land on anything.
21:20 HanzeR: sure
21:20 Priti: 00:20:261 (2) - whistle?
21:20 Priti: 00:21:699 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - This type of things make the HP Drain of the map go crazy
21:21 Priti: consider using combos of 2 instead of 1, pretty similiar readability without being drain breaking.
21:21 HanzeR: yeahh but each one is a sv change
21:21 Priti: True.
21:22 Priti: but at this level of play, SV changes like this are pretty intuitive.
21:22 Priti: Also, its pretty early on the map, the replay button exists.
21:22 Priti: 00:24:576 (1) - Whistle on head and body.
21:22 Priti: 00:26:631 (1) - Increase volume for the head so the whistle is more audible, the emphasis is REALLY strong here.
21:23 Priti: 00:27:864 (1) - finish on head.
21:23 HanzeR: oke
21:23 Priti: 00:39:371 (1) - I hate everything about this circle's existance.
21:24 HanzeR: loll really
21:24 HanzeR: m
21:24 Priti: Maybe place it where 00:37:727 (1) - is?
21:25 HanzeR: then the pattern wouldnt be symmetrical D:
21:25 Priti: its still coolio.
21:25 Priti: 00:49:234 (1) - whistle on head.
21:26 HanzeR: mk
21:26 Priti: 01:08:035 (1) - Remove combo.
21:26 Priti: maybe do it liek, dis?
21:26 HanzeR: ok
21:26 Priti: 01:13:789 (1) - again, unneeded.
21:27 HanzeR: okk
21:27 Priti: 01:31:973 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - These ones don't have SV changes so I think splitting them into combos of 2 would work better.
21:28 HanzeR: sure
21:28 Priti: 01:36:494 (1) - Stack on 01:37:213 (2) - to be more coolio?
21:28 HanzeR: neat
21:28 Priti: 01:39:987 (1) - ew combos of 1
21:29 Priti: maybe do it like this?
21:29 HanzeR: ya
21:29 Priti: Also, soft finish sounds better on this 01:36:905 (1) -
21:29 Priti: 01:41:426 (3,1) - Switch combo placement so the circles on this stanza are 2 2 2 2 2 and not 2 2 2 3 1
21:30 Priti: 01:44:713 (3,1) - Same
21:30 HanzeR: ye
21:30 Priti: 01:47:384 (3) - Combo 01:47:795 (1) - Remove Combo
21:31 Priti: 01:50:364 (2) - I really hate how you skip the white tick on these since it has a really blunt sound..
21:31 Priti: 01:55:809 (1) - Whistle on tail.
21:32 Priti: 01:56:220 (2) - remove combo?
21:32 Priti: 01:56:220 (1) - This one*
21:32 HanzeR: lol but the sv change
21:32 HanzeR: mm
21:33 Priti: 02:00:330 (1,2,1,1,2,3,4) - Change combos to something like this?
21:33 Priti: There's no SV change on 01:56:220 (1) -
21:33 HanzeR: o
21:33 HanzeR: hey there isnt
21:33 HanzeR: LOL
21:33 HanzeR: ok
21:34 Priti: 02:01:562 (1,2) - This looks too 2010, ugly sliders that look like beziers..
21:34 Priti: Also, their movements are really bad to play, not challenging, just bad.
21:34 Priti: and they don't work well into the stream.
21:35 Priti: What about something like this?
21:35 Priti: Ignore the combo on the red one, I accidently placed it.
21:35 Priti: But it creates nicer movement and looks cooler.
21:35 Priti: ofc, you can make this type of sliders better than me, This is just an example.
21:35 HanzeR: myabee
21:36 Priti: 02:03:309 (1) - Shouldn't this end 1/4 earlier?
21:36 Priti: I've noticed most fadeouts on BEMANI songs end on a blue tick and not on a white one, strangely enough.
21:36 HanzeR: weird
21:36 Priti: Yet true.
21:36 HanzeR: yeah
21:36 Priti: Same goes for Calamity Fortune (Isn't BEMANI but still sorta counts)
21:36 Priti: And some others.
21:37 Priti: So ye, going to post now, kai?
21:37 HanzeR: mk


  1. My liking: ( Azer's Extra = Another ) >>> HanzeR's Extreme
  2. also let it be known that i limit my modding to 3 diffs in total hereafter (modding 2 mins of map without getting my own things modded is kinda wasted effort)


  1. Solid map, yo
  2. 00:22:110 (4) - wouldn't overmap these to be longer as expected, but instead increase the slider velo to 1.4

    This way the ends of every slider snapt to an actual sound and you could keep their length, because this also fits
  3. 01:21:289 (4) - Suggestion for the streams in this part: Right now you're just using a constant snap for every circle in the stream somewhere around 0.52 - 0.58, because the music grows increasingly louder, wouldn't it make sense to actually slightly enlarge this spacing... let's say up until 0.75x at this one? 01:27:864 (3) -

    This would be the 01:27:864 (3) - stream starting here with a constant 0.75x snap. you could go about this like that
    1. 01:22:932 (3) - 0.60x
    2. 01:24:576 (3) - 0.66x
    3. 01:26:220 (3) - 0.72x
    4. .. or something like that, I think this would make this beatmap even nicer :D
  4. 01:36:391 - dunno if mapping this vocal as a circle would suit your style but i guess one could do that
  5. 01:48:412 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really like how 01:49:028 (4) - could take you by surprise, so i tried to give you a suggestion for this:

    I rotated the first 3 circles along with the slider by 13 degrees and then stacked the last circle with 01:47:590 (5) -
Wonderful diff <3

Azer's Extra

  1. looks nice aswell
  2. 00:38:960 (5,6,7) - I'd move these down a bit in order to have not that "sharp flow" and in order to get the distance snap closer to 3.0 or at least have the distance between 00:38:652 (4) - and 00:39:165 (6) - fit the longer sliders :D

    This way you'll have the the distance a bit fixed and not such a sharp angle in the flow
  3. 00:42:967 (2) - nazistack.. lol
  4. 00:46:665 (4,5,6,7,8) - random notice that i hate such streams, but you may keep it :<
  5. 01:42:658 (4,5,6,7,8) - would CRTL+H it and rotate it a bit to avoid the sharp angle in the flow

  6. Example

    ok i went a bit over board with this one, but this would be one way to make this a nicer flow
  7. 01:47:590 (4,5,6,7,8) - could do something similar here or
  8. 02:03:309 (1) - spinner should end in 02:05:672 -
Wonderful diff <3

HanzeR's Extreme

  1. Judging by your last ranked map you won't take that many suggestions about spacing, but let it be
  2. 01:23:343 (1) - pls if you have such a cramped stream, move the last circle a bit closer to the previous ones >.<
  3. 01:57:453 (1,2,1,2,1) - this pattern is completely anti flow (basically 01:57:864 (1) - is completely out of place, and only remotely hittable if you can singletap 146 bpm)
  4. 01:59:097 (1,1,2) - this is kinda out of place as well...
    Nothing much to say about that and I'm also sorry that i can't suggest more for your diff, it's just that i don't really like it at all

Gl with your map!
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:


  1. Solid map, yo
  2. 00:22:110 (4) - wouldn't overmap these to be longer as expected, but instead increase the slider velo to 1.4 hmm nah, I like the extended feel of these

    This way the ends of every slider snapt to an actual sound and you could keep their length, because this also fits
  3. 01:21:289 (4) - Suggestion for the streams in this part: Right now you're just using a constant snap for every circle in the stream somewhere around 0.52 - 0.58, because the music grows increasingly louder, wouldn't it make sense to actually slightly enlarge this spacing... let's say up until 0.75x at this one? 01:27:864 (3) - nice idea, worked this in a bit

    This would be the 01:27:864 (3) - stream starting here with a constant 0.75x snap. you could go about this like that
    1. 01:22:932 (3) - 0.60x
    2. 01:24:576 (3) - 0.66x
    3. 01:26:220 (3) - 0.72x
    4. .. or something like that, I think this would make this beatmap even nicer :D
  4. 01:36:391 - dunno if mapping this vocal as a circle would suit your style but i guess one could do that don't think it's necessary, and would mess up the pattern i have now
  5. 01:48:412 (1,2,3,4) - I don't really like how 01:49:028 (4) - could take you by surprise, so i tried to give you a suggestion for this: didn't do this exactly but I did move 4 away to help

    I rotated the first 3 circles along with the slider by 13 degrees and then stacked the last circle with 01:47:590 (5) -
Wonderful diff <3

Gl with your map!

Okoratu wrote:

Azer's Extra

  1. looks nice aswell
  2. 00:38:960 (5,6,7) - I'd move these down a bit in order to have not that "sharp flow" and in order to get the distance snap closer to 3.0 or at least have the distance between 00:38:652 (4) - and 00:39:165 (6) - fit the longer sliders :D done

    This way you'll have the the distance a bit fixed and not such a sharp angle in the flow
  3. 00:42:967 (2) - nazistack.. lol woops
  4. 00:46:665 (4,5,6,7,8) - random notice that i hate such streams, but you may keep it :<
  5. 01:42:658 (4,5,6,7,8) - would CRTL+H it and rotate it a bit to avoid the sharp angle in the flow

  6. Example

    ok i went a bit over board with this one, but this would be one way to make this a nicer flow
  7. 01:47:590 (4,5,6,7,8) - could do something similar here or
  8. 02:03:309 (1) - spinner should end in 02:05:672 - the note in the song ends closer to the blue tick
Wonderful diff <3
Thanks for modding!
Topic Starter

Okoratu wrote:

HanzeR's Extreme

  1. Judging by your last ranked map you won't take that many suggestions about spacing, but let it be
  2. 01:23:343 (1) - pls if you have such a cramped stream, move the last circle a bit closer to the previous ones >.< it seems pretty even to me as is
  3. 01:57:453 (1,2,1,2,1) - this pattern is completely anti flow (basically 01:57:864 (1) - is completely out of place, and only remotely hittable if you can singletap 146 bpm) hmm tried a ctrl+g on 01:58:270 (1,2) - , works well for me
  4. 01:59:097 (1,1,2) - this is kinda out of place as well... I think this one is alright
    Nothing much to say about that and I'm also sorry that i can't suggest more for your diff, it's just that i don't really like it at all

Gl with your map!
hanzer can't get to his computer for a while so fixing for him

also redownload may 4, with a new mp3
m4m via ur queue owo

  1. I'm not sure if you should put epilepsy warning or not but the colors moving around seem a bit flashy lol
[HanzeR's Extreme]
  1. 00:29:709 (2) - uh very nazi but move this down 1 grid to make it look more straight (idk how 2 explain gg)
  2. 00:35:359 (2) - place it here so it sorta blanket with (1)'s angle?
  3. 00:37:928 (1,1) - ahh this overlap tbh does not look too pretty, maybe you could space the whole thing out a bit so they don't touch (whole thing as in 00:36:695 (1,1,1) - and 00:37:003 (2,2,1) - )
  4. 00:49:229 (1) - i think you should at least make it so that the slider head and tail do not touch lol
  5. 00:53:133 (1) - add finish owo? idk i just feel like this note doesn't feel emphasized enough since it's like right under a huge stacked stream but i don't really know a good way to effectively emphasize this. some ideas are making it a slider but eh idk.
  6. 00:54:983 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - place so that they're in a line?
  7. 01:01:558 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - ^
  8. 01:16:455 (2,1) - these overlap a bit, space out?
  9. 01:16:147 (1,2) - ^ and 01:17:277 (2,1) - 01:16:969 (1,2) -
    okay wow O_O that had a bunch of stuff that i have never seen before. very creative! :D
  1. 00:13:887 (2,3) - okay this is like very very nazi but i noticed that your all your patterns with this 1/4 slider followed by the 1/2 are spaced out differently, so basically i would recommend making the spacings constent.
    eg. 00:13:887 (2,3) - u used like 1.7 here 00:19:846 (5,6) - 1.8 here
  2. 00:22:517 (2) - i feel like this rhythm could be expressed better if you used 3 1/4 sliders instead of the repeats
  3. 00:33:818 (2,4) - blanket (2)'s head with (4)?
  4. 00:53:750 (2,3) - not a great looking overlap here, maybe just space all 4 of the sliders out?
  5. 00:56:215 (2,3) - ^
  6. 01:17:791 (1,2) - personally i would space this out but idk
  7. 01:29:298 (1,3) - ^
  8. 01:32:585 - maybe add a circle with nc here instead for the emphasis on the strong sound?
[iyasine's Hyper]
  1. 00:17:380 (3,1) - probably not important at all but make these the same slider owo?
  2. 00:28:476 - the sound is kinda strong for it to be mapped with a slider end imo >_> also, it would allow you to nc here to which would follow your 1 measure nc pattern better
  3. 00:48:202 (4) - NC for consistency?
  4. 01:58:887 (1) - ^
  5. 01:00:325 (1) - i'm a bit confused to why there is an NC here owo
  6. 02:02:174 (9) - NC for emphasis?
    (lol sry all i could find was nc stuff, placement is good) and i suck at hitsounding owo
[Azer's Extra]
  1. 00:16:147 (3,4,5) - following what you had here 00:14:503 (3,4,5,6) - shouldnt you have a jump between (3 and 4) and space (4 and 5) more closely?
  2. 00:26:113 (1,2,3) - spacing should be consistent
  3. 00:31:044 (5,7) - imo you should space this out
  4. 00:42:757 (7) - nazi but move this down a grid or 2 to form a better curve xD
  5. 00:48:099 (6,1) - spacing is inconsistent with 00:47:174 (2,3) - i would recommend spacing all of these 1/4 patterns with a slider similarly
  6. 00:51:489 (1,2,3,4) - can you make this spacing change more diverse with the one at the stream? it may be confusing since the spacing looks so similar
  7. 00:54:366 (3,5) - why is this so far away compared to the rest of your pattern owo
  8. 01:22:311 (8) - NC for emphasis and possibly make it easier to read?
  9. 01:23:955 (11) - ^
  10. 01:25:599 (11) - ^ here for the vocal or shout thing w/e too
  11. 01:27:243 (13) - ^ yep
  12. 01:44:914 (6) - can you find a way to put some emphasis on the strong music sound here? since this upcoming set of streams clearly sound different than what 01:44:709 (4,5) - is mapping
  1. 00:23:955 (1,2) - hmm..... nvm
  2. 00:32:174 (4,6) - haha so very nazi, not perfectly parallel
  3. 01:57:654 (6) - tbh would look and flow better if you blanketed (1)
  1. 00:19:024 (3,3) - these might overlap and looks a bit messy owo
  2. 01:56:010 (1,4) - ^
  3. 00:26:010 - consider adding not here :D? to map out the "that"
  4. 01:26:832 (3,2) - also very nazi but looks a bit too close owo space out a bit xD
  5. 01:57:654 (4) - this slider. 10/10 would slide again
phew that took a while owo

anyway i hope this is helpful ;w;
Hi~ m4m possible???

Kibbleru wrote:

[Azer's Extra]
  1. 00:16:147 (3,4,5) - following what you had here 00:14:503 (3,4,5,6) - shouldnt you have a jump between (3 and 4) and space (4 and 5) more closely? the song is a bit different
  2. 00:26:113 (1,2,3) - spacing should be consistent fine as it is
  3. 00:31:044 (5,7) - imo you should space this out why? This doesn't overlap in gameplay
  4. 00:42:757 (7) - nazi but move this down a grid or 2 to form a better curve xD changed
  5. 00:48:099 (6,1) - spacing is inconsistent with 00:47:174 (2,3) - i would recommend spacing all of these 1/4 patterns with a slider similarly intended for emphasis
  6. 00:51:489 (1,2,3,4) - can you make this spacing change more diverse with the one at the stream? it may be confusing since the spacing looks so similar potential confusion is kind of a part of the difficulty imo and fits with the rest off the diff as far as distance consistency goes
  7. 00:54:366 (3,5) - why is this so far away compared to the rest of your pattern owo the note is different if you listen closely
  8. 01:22:311 (8) - NC for emphasis and possibly make it easier to read?
  9. 01:23:955 (11) - ^
  10. 01:25:599 (11) - ^ here for the vocal or shout thing w/e too
  11. 01:27:243 (13) - ^ yep changed all 4
  12. 01:44:914 (6) - can you find a way to put some emphasis on the strong music sound here? since this upcoming set of streams clearly sound different than what 01:44:709 (4,5) - is mapping no need to imo, if anything it would create inconsistency
wow so much red, thanks for the mod though

Kibbleru wrote:

m4m via ur queue owo

[iyasine's Hyper]
  1. 00:17:380 (3,1) - probably not important at all but make these the same slider owo? nice!
  2. 00:28:476 - the sound is kinda strong for it to be mapped with a slider end imo >_> also, it would allow you to nc here to which would follow your 1 measure nc pattern better keep it!
  3. 00:48:202 (4) - NC for consistency? fixed!
  4. 01:58:887 (1) - ^ nice!
  5. 01:00:325 (1) - i'm a bit confused to why there is an NC here owo sorry , miss lol remove NC
  6. 02:02:174 (9) - NC for emphasis? nice!
    (lol sry all i could find was nc stuff, placement is good) and i suck at hitsounding owo
phew that took a while owo

anyway i hope this is helpful ;w;
Thanks for modding~ kibbleru ;)
hi :) trying m4m

I'm not too good modder so if you think that something in my suggestions is shitty please, don't apply this to map

00:17:380 (1) - I suggest rotate it by selection center by 30 degrees. It has better flow, it is straighter.
00:42:037 (3) - if you make it in the same shape as 00:43:681 (2) - it will looks prettier
01:14:503 (2) - try to curve it somehow (i suggest: its ugly as straight
01:16:147 (3) - (if you apply previous mod) ctrl+g
01:29:914 (1) - this is only thought. it can be put perfectly above that sad face
01:55:188 (4) - rotate it like 00:17:380 (1) -

all for beginner

00:37:620 (2) - try this rhythm
00:46:147 (6) - make it in the same angle as you made 00:45:325 (4) - looks prettier
01:38:955 (8) - place it in x 424 y 323. it has better flow becauese slider is like continuation of this pattern

all for standard

[iyasine's Hyper]
nice diff ;)
00:27:962 - i can hear a sound here. place a note above 00:28:065 (4) - head (you followed this sound here 00:29:400 (4) - )

nothing else

01:59:914 (7,8,9) - this one thing caught my attention in this diff. i suggest to ctrl+g 7 and 8 (when i was playing this diff i automatically tried to do this pattern instead of yours)

[About Azer's and Hanzer's diffs:]
In Azer's Extra i see nothing except streams like this 00:45:633 (4,5,6,7,8) - but probably it is purposely so I dont mention about this
And Hanzer's Extreme. I cant even pass this :(

Short mod but it's too good map for me ;_; Hope it will be helpful.
Topic Starter
m4m via ur queue owo

  1. I'm not sure if you should put epilepsy warning or not but the colors moving around seem a bit flashy lol ha I'll discuss this
[HanzeR's Extreme]
  1. 00:29:709 (2) - uh very nazi but move this down 1 grid to make it look more straight (idk how 2 explain gg)
  2. 00:35:359 (2) - place it here so it sorta blanket with (1)'s angle? I think it's fine
  3. 00:37:928 (1,1) - ahh this overlap tbh does not look too pretty, maybe you could space the whole thing out a bit so they don't touch (whole thing as in 00:36:695 (1,1,1) - and 00:37:003 (2,2,1) - ) believe this is what he was going for here, so not gonna change
  4. 00:49:229 (1) - i think you should at least make it so that the slider head and tail do not touch lol same as ^
  5. 00:53:133 (1) - add finish owo? idk i just feel like this note doesn't feel emphasized enough since it's like right under a huge stacked stream but i don't really know a good way to effectively emphasize this. some ideas are making it a slider but eh idk. finish is fine
  6. 00:54:983 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - place so that they're in a line? as before
  7. 01:01:558 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - ^
  8. 01:16:455 (2,1) - these overlap a bit, space out?
  9. 01:16:147 (1,2) - ^ and 01:17:277 (2,1) - 01:16:969 (1,2) -
    okay wow O_O that had a bunch of stuff that i have never seen before. very creative! :D hanzer is a beast
  1. 00:13:887 (2,3) - okay this is like very very nazi but i noticed that your all your patterns with this 1/4 slider followed by the 1/2 are spaced out differently, so basically i would recommend making the spacings constent.
    eg. 00:13:887 (2,3) - u used like 1.7 here 00:19:846 (5,6) - 1.8 here nice catch, done
  2. 00:22:517 (2) - i feel like this rhythm could be expressed better if you used 3 1/4 sliders instead of the repeats this slider is cute ww
  3. 00:33:818 (2,4) - blanket (2)'s head with (4)? not the pattern i was going for here
  4. 00:53:750 (2,3) - not a great looking overlap here, maybe just space all 4 of the sliders out? yep did for all
  5. 00:56:215 (2,3) - ^
  6. 01:17:791 (1,2) - personally i would space this out but idk
  7. 01:29:298 (1,3) - ^
  8. 01:32:585 - maybe add a circle with nc here instead for the emphasis on the strong sound? sure
  1. 00:23:955 (1,2) - hmm..... nvm
  2. 00:32:174 (4,6) - haha so very nazi, not perfectly parallel
  3. 01:57:654 (6) - tbh would look and flow better if you blanketed (1) nice!
  1. 00:19:024 (3,3) - these might overlap and looks a bit messy owo
  2. 01:56:010 (1,4) - ^
  3. 00:26:010 - consider adding not here :D? to map out the "that" I think i'll leave this empty, since the rhythm is so fked I'll just come back in on the kiai
  4. 01:26:832 (3,2) - also very nazi but looks a bit too close owo space out a bit xD
  5. 01:57:654 (4) - this slider. 10/10 would slide again whee
phew that took a while owo

anyway i hope this is helpful ;w;


to HabiHolic: Keep an eye on my queue if you would like to m4m, I will be organizing everything there

to Tagre: While I appreciate the mod, I would like to keep random mods from adding to my mod list, so if I mod your map it will probably be delayed. Sorry!
Topic Starter
why are you so moe fast


  1. Turn on ¨Display epilepsy warning¨ that video is really crazy lol
HanzeR's Extreme:

  1. 00:10:804 unnecessary green line, better remove it
  2. 00:14:709 ^
  3. 00:19:332 ^
  4. 00:19:846 ^
  5. 00:24:983 you have more lol, but I'm lazy to post them all
  6. 00:13:681 this should be NC, for consistency with the others ones 00:15:325 -,00:16:969 -, 00:18:613 - etc
  7. 00:14:914 (6,1) - this is too close, since is a 1/2 pattern, if you compare it with your 1/4 spacing, this play a bit awkward, so yeah I feel adding more space between 6 and 1 will improve the gameplay
  8. 00:16:558 (6,1,1) - same as above, even with the NC this is too confused to play, IMO
  9. 00:19:024 missing whistle in the head, since you was adding whistle + clap in similar parts before
  10. 00:19:332 (1) - this doesn't fit the song, since there is nothing in the music at 00:19:537 -, is not better to end this slider 00:19:332 (1) - in 00:19:435 with the drums?
  11. 00:23:955 (1) - using 2 circles instead of the slider will make a better empathise with the song, since 00:23:955 (1,2) - the second one fit really nice the song, but the first one need two clicks actions, due to the music
  12. 00:24:983 (1,3) - not sure if you are trying a blanket here, but if that is the case try to improve it a bit, actually look really off
  13. 00:25:599 (1) - not a fan of this slider it doesn't follow the music, there is not sound at 00:25:907 -, but in 00:25:804 -, since the extended slider doesn't fit the song a 1/2 slider will suit the music better, or maybe two 1/4 sliders, I guess you should stress the beat at 00:25:599 and 00:25:804
  14. 00:26:113 - 00:26:318 - 00:26:626 - add whistles? I feel is necessary, also you add them in others similar parts, for example here 00:27:757
  15. 00:28:476 (1,2,3,4) - this pattern is cool, but actually I guess 00:28:784 (2,3) - are in the wrong positions, the slider leniency will work better if you change the position of 2 and 3 like this:
  16. 00:29:400 (1) - move the red anchor of this slider to x: 288 y: 332 to fit better the sound in 00:29:503 -, like this:
  17. 00:35:770 (1) - missing whistle in the head? since you have one in 00:35:976 with almost the same sound
  18. 00:35:770 (1,2,1,1,2,1,2,1,1,1) - this is so cool O:
  19. 00:39:983 (1) - this need CTRL-G so the slider leniency allow you to don't break your combo when you move to 00:40:394 (1) - , since is a 1/8 spacing <:
  20. 00:40:702 add whistle in the head is similar to 00:40:907
  21. 00:41:010 whistle here too, the sound is similar to the one in 00:41:421
  22. 00:49:024 (5) - I guess you're missing a clap here
  23. 01:05:667 (3,4) - this is too close compared to the others circles in the same combo, move this 01:05:873 (4) - a biit down or add NC on it, both ways should work imo
  24. 01:07:517 (1) - missing whistle in the tail is the same sound as 01:06:900
  25. 01:08:955 same as above
  26. 01:09:161 this should be a 1/2 slider, since this part have the same rhythm as 01:07:106 (1,1,1,1,1) -
  27. 01:16:969 (1,2) - can you avoid the overlap here? and do a better blanket like the one in 01:17:277 (2,1) -
  28. 01:31:558 maybe change the sampleset to soft or reduce the volume at this point? if you notice 01:30:531 (1,2,1,2,1) -have a higher pitch than 01:31:558 (2,1,2,1,2) -
  29. 01:44:092 (1,2) - nazi, but I feel better if you avoid the overlap with the slider heads and instead stack 1 in 2 body, like this:
  30. 01:53:955 (1,1) - this doesn't fit the music <:, plus you're ignoring 01:54:161 and 01:54:263 -, I feel some 1/4 jumps fit better this part, like captin1 did or add a single 1/8 slider from 01:53:955 to 01:54:572
  31. 01:58:681 (2,1) - why this overlap? is not better if you keep this section clean like 01:58:476 (1,1) - , something like this:
Azer's Extra

  1. 00:14:503 (3,4,5,6,7) - this is really confuse to play, also is just the beginning, consider to keep your spacing consistent? or at least use some NC to indicate the changes? also you mapped anothers streams with a properly spacing 00:32:483 (4,5,6,7,8) -
  2. 00:16:147 (3,4,5,6) - similar as above
  3. 00:27:551 (4) - remove whistle in the tail and add in the head, fit better the melody here
  4. 00:27:757 (5) - add whistle in the head too
  5. 00:28:065 (6) - remove whistle in the head and add it in the tail, fit better the music
  6. 00:28:784 (2,3) - a stack will be more consistent with others similar parts, like 00:27:140 (2,3) - 00:33:715 (2,3) - 00:35:359 (2,3) -
  7. 00:29:709 same as 00:28:065 -, idk I feel your whistles are following more a ¨pattern¨ than the music, with the previous suggestions I guess you get my point o:
  8. 00:38:339 missing NC, I suppose, since it will follow your combo pattern, also it will be consistent with 02:02:174 (1) -
  9. 00:40:702 (5) - whistle fit better in the head, for the tail I feel a clap fit better the music, same goes to 00:41:215 (7) - whistle in the tail and keep the clap in the head
  10. 00:41:935 (2,3) - nazi, stack this properly lol, don't kill me D;
  11. 00:45:633 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - this spacing <:, same as 00:14:503
  12. 00:53:133 missing finish in the head
  13. 00:53:133 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - where are the whistles <:? not in all the beats, but in the ones with prominent sounds
  14. 00:53:133 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - a bit more NCs like Hanzer did will help, if you fail 2 beats in this section you're death xD, or reduce the HP Drain to 6
  15. 01:43:887 (9,10,1) - try to keep your spacing consistent here, the pattern will play more comfortable if you do
  16. 01:50:154 (8,9) - same as above, I prefer if you do the same as 01:53:441 (8,9) - and 01:56:729 (8,9) -
  17. 01:50:667 (1,2,3) - same here, also this is not consistent with the previous stacks and the others patterns like 00:47:174 (2,3) - 00:48:099 (6,1) -
  18. 01:55:599 (1,2) - ^

  1. 00:13:476 (1) - this slider doesn't fit the song, ending slider on strong beats is not ok IMO, maybe try something like Iyasine or Azer did in their diffs
  2. 00:18:202 mising whistle, since you was using a whistle + clap in similar sounds in the music
  3. 00:18:613 (1,2) - and 00:19:229 (3,4) - will be nice if every circle after the slider have a consistent spacing
  4. 00:21:078 (4,5,6,7) - wow D:
  5. 00:25:599 (3) - add whistle in the tail too, fit a lot with the song
  6. 00:27:757 (4,5,6) - wow this jump + antijump feel a bit random and not comfortable to play, I doubt it is readable in the first play, since it look like 1/2 spacing when is 1/4 -, is not the same as 00:27:243 (2,3) -
  7. 00:29:503 add a circle to fit the melody better? I guess is similar to the ones you're following in previous patterns, a bit similar with 00:29:914 (7) -
  8. 00:31:044 (4,5,6) - same as 00:27:757 (4,5,6)
  9. 00:32:791 (6,7,8) - same here too, really this 1/4 jump + the 1/2 beats in the same spacing, are really confused to play :l
  10. 00:34:332 (4,5,6) - same, maybe some new combos or rearrange the pattern?
  11. 00:38:339 add a circle and start the spinner 1/4 later?
  12. 00:39:983 (3) - this should be NC I guess, due to the change in the music
  13. 00:40:907 (5,6,7) - same as 00:32:791
  14. 00:44:195 (4,5,6) - ^
  15. 00:47:483 (3,4,5) - same here too xD, I guess you get why I'm complaining so much about this, if you agree with me do the same for next similars ones
  16. 01:29:298 (1,3) - a bit nazi, but try to avoid the overlap here, if is possible try to make the whole pattern a bit more symmetrical
  17. 01:32:585 (1) - were is my whistle D:<
  18. 01:57:654 (2) - so sexy ♥, but try to make it a bit more symmetrical xD?
  19. 01:59:298 (4) - maybe add a NC here? since the previous slider is really long, it will help to keep the drain a bit more uniform during this section
iyasine's Hyper

  1. 00:22:106 add whistle in the head? it fit a lot with the song, also I feel you're missing some more in similars parts
  2. 00:25:188 (3,4) - claps fit better the music instead of whistle, the sound in 00:25:188 (3,4) - is pretty different to 00:25:599 where the whistle fit
  3. 00:26:832 missing finish I guess
  4. 00:27:859 you're missing a circle here, since the sound at 00:27:859 is really important in the music, also will be consistent with 00:28:681
  5. 00:28:681 and 00:29:503 others similars beats will fit really nice with whistles IMO
  6. 00:29:400 (4,5) - this spacing is so confused it looks like 1/2 but is 1/4, use a proper spacing for better playability
  7. 00:40:907 (5,6) - same as above, this spacing is not consistent with the one you was using for this kind of patterns
  8. 00:44:195 (4,5) - ^, there are others similars that I feel don't play nice for a hard diff
  9. 00:44:811 (1,2) - swap NC , for consistency with the music and your comboing
  10. 00:46:969 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - this combo is going really long compared to others, I guess you're missing a NC in 00:48:202 (4) -
  11. 01:12:654 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - same here, you're missing one in 01:14:709
  12. 01:21:078 missing NC here too
  13. 01:23:339 remove NC this one is not even necessary
  14. 01:24:983 (1) - ^
  15. 01:32:791 this spinner should start in 01:32:688 for consistency with the others diff, also sound a lot better IMO
  16. 02:02:174 missing NC here too, I guess

  1. 00:19:024 mising whistle, since you was using a whistle + clap in similar sounds in the music
  2. 00:23:955 you're missing whistle and clap here, like you did in another D:!
  3. 00:24:777 (2) - are you sure about this antijump in a standard diff? I feel is better to avoid it, it will be more comfortable to play if you use a properly spacing here
  4. 00:24:777 (2,3) - mmm also here I don't like your slider to be honest, the rhythm can be better if you map the beat at 00:25:188 as a circle, like you did with 00:25:394 (3) - , for bring a better empathise to the vocals and important sounds there
  5. 00:26:832 missing finish I guess
  6. 00:28:065 (4) - same here I understand your symmetry, but this doesn't fit the song IMO, is not consistent with 00:26:832 (1) - which was mapped as a circle, since is the same sound in the music
  7. 00:30:120 ^
  8. 00:31:763 ^ there are more, I feel if you bring a click action to that beat, the rhythm and playability will be improved
  9. 00:52:311 (4) - mmm this have not precedent in your diff, are you sure this 1/4 repeat slider will be readable for a normal diff? I guess is better if you try something else orz
  10. 01:35:873 I like the rhythm of the last part ♥

  1. 00:24:366 missing finish, I suppose, the others diffs have one there, also it fit the music like a cake ._.
  2. 00:26:832 missing finish I guess
  3. 00:27:243 (2,4) - well this slider shapes look a bit weir, if you look at the last curve is a bit forced IMO, maybe this look better:
  1. 01:07:928 (2) - also this one doesn't look nice, the curve look a bit forced too

GL <3, I'm a cake D:
Topic Starter

Hello; modding here!

*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. 00:16:147 (4) - Make it look like this? It looks more structured in a way (because now the two sides are curved, not just one), and it also creates a better flow to 00:17:380 (1).
  2. 00:24:366 - 00:24:777 - Try using Soft finishes here (You can combine the clap at 00:24:777 (3) with the finish)? I feel that it's accurately following the music, but feel free to try first.
  3. 00:25:188 (4) - Try to make it like this? Not too important; I just think that it looks neater since (4) is in the middle (not quite, but close enough, I suppose) of 00:23:544 (2,3)'s head.
  4. 00:26:832 - 00:35:051 - Use a whistle every four beats starting from 00:26:832 (1)? It... just fits the instrument here nicely, IMO. It's difficult to explain, but I can feel that a Normal whistle goes along quite well with the instrument. It feels kinda empty too, anyway...
  5. 00:41:626 - 00:48:202 - ^ (I'm sure the instruments that are being played here are the same, or at least quite similar.)
  6. 01:19:435 - The hitsounds are somewhat inaudible here at 40% volume (the hitnormal is really hard to hear, too). Maybe use 50% starting from here instead?
  1. 00:24:366 - Just wanting to say that the hitsound here isn't consistent with Beginner. Any reason?
  2. 01:38:955 (8) - Move to (430,317) for a better flow?
  3. 01:51:900 - Missing a clap? I don't think there shouldn't be a clap, anyway...
>iyasine's Hyper
  1. 00:13:270 (1) - Make the volume here 50% and add a whistle at the tail so the hitsound here will be more audible and fitting to the song? Right now, it's hard to feel the rhythm due to how difficult it is to hear the hitsound.
  2. 00:46:558 - Add a finish? I think it fits with the instrument here.
  3. 01:00:325 (1) - Remove NC? I can't see why this has to have an NC, making 00:59:709 (1) the only object in its combo.
  4. 01:06:284 - 01:12:448 - Why don't you continue making a rhythm pattern like 00:59:709 - 01:06:078 instead? There's no big change in the song rhythm-wise, so it'll only make people feel awkward while playing due to how the objects aren't really following the stronger instruments here.
  5. 01:22:722 (1,2,1,2) - This rhythm can be confusing to players because they can't see how much repeats are there on the sliders with repeats. Maybe change 01:22:722 (1,2) to two 1/2 sliders instead of 1/4 sliders with a repeat, and change 01:23:339 (1) to only a circle (picture of the new rhythm here)? The rhythm will be easier to follow.
  6. 01:24:366 (1,2,1,2) - ^
  7. 01:26:421 (5) - Move to (465,201) so the stream will look neater?
  1. 00:13:476 (1) - For some reason, I find that ending a slider on a downbeat like this is very awkward, especially since the slider begins at a tick where the instrument is far weaker than 00:13:681. It might be just me, but... yeah, you might want to change the rhythm to be like what iyasine did in the Hyper diff at 00:13:270 (1,1,2,3) instead, since it's not so awkward and is easier to follow.
  2. 00:18:613 (1,2,3) - Don't you think it might be kinda hard to read the rhythm here because the spacing for the objects here (that are spaced by 1/4 (1,2) and 1/2 (2,3) beats in the timeline) are kinda close, visually? Maybe space (2,3) by 1.5x?, by moving (2) to (216,244)? I also think that the increase of spacing fits very well with the music.
  3. 00:19:229 (3,4) - Space them by ~1.7x like 00:18:613 (1,2)? It's just for the sake of consistency. I can't really see why must the two couple of notes with the same rhythm have a different distance spacing between each other, though...
  4. 00:20:976 (3) - Remove this circle? The sound that this circle follows is faint, and by removing this, 00:21:078 (4,5,6,7) will be far more comfortable to play, IMO.
  5. 00:25:599 (3,1,2,3) - The rhythm here is very hard to comprehend due to how the objects are positioned. Again, I encourage you to just follow iyasine's rhythm in the Hyper diff since that's easier to follow, but if you want to keep this rhythm. The best solution that I could find is by moving 00:26:113 (1) to (82,21), (2) to (185,50), (3) to (12,220), and 00:26:832 (1) to (109,267), like this. This plays quite intuitively, but I think it can still be improved. You may want to add whistles for 00:26:113 (1,2,3) at 50% volume too; I find them even easier to follow with that, but it might be just me.
  6. 00:53:133 - 01:04:229 - Not a big problem, but I just found that the sliders here are a little bit boring to play because their position and flow are just too focused to the center of the playing field. Just saying my opinion!
  7. 01:28:270 (3) - Apply an NC here since the music's rhythm is quite different compared to 01:27:654 (1,2)?
  8. 01:47:791 (3) - NC this to separate 01:47:791 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) from 01:47:380 (1,2), since they're completely different patterns?
  9. 01:54:777 (4,1) - Swap NC? I think that follows the rhythm of the song accurately.
  10. 02:00:120 (8) - Ctrl+G and move to (204,164) to follow the flow that you have made at 01:59:709 (6,7)? Here's a picture showing the result of the suggestion.
>Azer's Extra
  1. No video?
  2. 00:14:503 (3,4,5,6,7) - Is spacing them like this really necessary? I understand that the instrument at (3,5) are stronger than (4,6), but not strong enough to justify the usage of such a pattern. Either space them normally or use two 1/4 sliders to replace (3,4) and (5,6), like what you did at 00:17:791 (4,5).
  3. 00:16:147 (3,4,5) - Ctrl+G for the rhythm, so they'll be like this? Using the 1/4 slider for the last will fit better with how the instrument's pitch here increase gradually from 00:16:147 to 00:16:455.
  4. 00:22:517 (3) - Why do you only use a slider with a lot of repeats here? You can easily make something cool from this, maybe a series of 1/4 sliders like this. The current rhythm is completely fine, though; I just think that you can definitely be more creative here!
  5. 00:25:599 (3,1,2,3) - Same as captin's Insane diff. Maybe you can space 00:26:113 (1,2) and 00:26:626 (3,1) by ~0.9x, and both 00:25:599 (3,1) and 00:26:318 (2,3) by ~1.4x for a more intuitive pattern. Try something like this? (That's what I would make, though, since it's a part of my mapping style. There is definitely a different pattern to create here, so try by yourself if you want to follow this suggestion.)
  6. 00:39:777 (1,2,3) - Why is the spacing here inconsistent? I believe there's no reason to do this.
  7. 00:45:633 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - Same as 00:14:503 (3,4,5,6,7).
  8. 01:15:633 - Add a 3/4 slider? It feels weird to have nothing for the next 3/2 beats because of the rhythm at 01:12:859 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and the music itself.
  9. 01:22:311 (8,9) - Why stacking them? I feel that it'll be more fitting to the song if these circles are unstacked. Maybe space 01:22:311 (8,9,1) by around 1.8x DS or something like that? (Applies to similar parts.)
  10. 01:43:887 (9,10,1) - Space them consistently so they'll look neater? I can't see why should it be like this, especially after those 1/4 jumps, and because (1) is a slider while (9,10) are circles. This kind of rhythm and placement, if combined, can also confuse players too, other than making them look disjointed.
  11. 01:44:400 (2,3) - Space them by 0.9x, just like 01:43:887 (9,10)? Again, I can't see any reason about why they should be spaced like this, since the music doesn't support the spacing suddenly getting a little inconsistent like this.
  12. 01:45:325 (10,11) - Not a big problem, but it'll be cooler and neater if you make the two of them shaped the same. Something like this...
  13. 01:48:818 (8,9) - Replace them with a 1/4 slider? It'll create a more intuitive 1/4 jump to 01:49:024 (1).
  14. 01:50:154 (8,9) - Space them consistently with 01:49:743 (4,5,6,7,8)? The stream will look neater and be more comfortable to play.
  15. 01:58:065 (4) - Apply an NC here because the music gets noticeably different from 01:57:243 (1,2,3)?
  16. 01:58:373 (6) - Change this to a 1/2 slider? It's kinda confusing to have to differentiate the length of this slider with 01:58:065 (4) while playing with such a short reaction time, and I don't think 01:58:476 needs to be emphasized since the instruments at the blue ticks before and after it are stronger than the instrument on the white tick.
  17. 02:01:969 (4) - Move this to (213,146)? It just looks tidier and makes a better flow, considering how you designed 02:01:352 (1,2,3).
>HanzeR's Extreme
  1. Check the timing setup panel; as what Natsu said, there are a lot of useless inherited timing points because the sampleset, volume, and multiplier of some of the timing points are the same with the previous ones.
  2. 00:15:736 (1,2) - I know what are you trying to do, but this is still pretty overboard. Move (2) to (98,282) for readability?
  3. 00:16:147 (3) - NC to indicate that it's the beginning of a different pattern and rhythm from 00:15:736 (1,2)?
  4. 00:23:544 (1,1) - Make them spaced larger, maybe by moving 00:23:955 (1) to (286,286)? I think it goes very well with the song (and your mapping style too). And it should be still readable.
  5. 00:37:928 (1,1,1) - Is it really impossible to avoid the overlaps here? They look kinda unaesthetic, IMO. Feel free to leave this as is, but it can definitely look better.
  6. 00:51:695 (2,3) - Ctrl+G for a better flow?
  7. 00:52:311 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Would be cooler if the spacing was accelerated for (5,6,7,8), but I guess it's okay as is.
  8. 01:06:284 - 01:09:161 - So uh, what are these notes following, exactly? I've tried to play this section and watched Auto play this, but I just can't feel it.
  9. 01:09:161 (1) - Move this to 01:09:366? There's nothing notable to follow on its current spot, and there is a clear instrument sound at 01:09:366.
  10. 01:12:859 - 01:15:941 - Same as 01:06:284 - 01:09:161.
  11. 01:16:969 - Add an inherited timing point at 80% volume to follow how the instruments play (since it gets louder from here)?
  12. 01:19:435 - Use 50% volume starting from here instead of 01:22:722? 40% isn't really audible for the section, I think.
  13. 01:53:955 (1,1) - Why are they only 5/12 in length? Not a big deal since it'll be hard to notice a difference of 1/12 beats at this BPM while playing, but I just feel that making them repeat once more will be better.
Okay, just that I guess... And I hope that was useful.

Good luck on the way 8-)

EDIT: Forever in our memory, the glorious cake.
Heya, m4m from your queue. Let's do this <3

Everything looks nice. The video seems to be a bit low on quality though. You can try using this if you want: | I believe the offset is somewhere near -1200

Maybe try swapping Colors 3 and 4 so you have the softer colors alternating with the harder colors.

Source: ... X_21_SPADA
Seems like beatmania should be lower-cased according to the logo.

Also forgive me for being stupid about beatmania difficulty names, but shouldn't Standard be called Normal?

02:02:174 (1) - (From Beginner/Standard) | This spinner actually ends at 02:04:589 - and a bit closer to 02:04:640 - than where it currently is if you listen closely at 25% volume. I recommend changing anything that needs to be changed in the other diffs to match this. Either to the 1/8th or white tick.

01:04:640 - Try ending your breaks here (Dragging the break line so it turns blue). (taken from Beginner/Standard)

  1. 00:13:681 (1) - Generally this is a pet peeve of mine having circles start on the edge of the map right after a spinner. I would recommend moving it closer to the middle so new players can have that extra second to recover and get to the note on time. Maybe try something like x204 y196 to keep the triangle. | Better idea. - Swap the positions of (1,2) so they player can start on a slider and be closer to the middle. The note played at 00:14:914 - feels kind of seperated from the first three anyways. | I'd also like to add that this note feels very very awkward to play at the start. mostly because of the vocals saying "start" 1/1 before it really adds on to the player hitting the note early. A slider replacement would help tons.
  2. 00:22:311 (1) - Try blanketing this more around the previous (3) | | Just so it makes the (1) stick out less and make it feel more like part of the song since you've been flowing and placing the notes nicely together.
  3. 00:23:544 (2,3,4) - Consider moving the (3,4) further away so you can adjust the tail end of (2) to be less confusing on its length. | ex: | Try redoing the (2) from the middle so its symmetrical and rotate it back into place.
  4. 00:26:832 (1) - x434 y40 - for symmetry with the upcoming (1) If you are keen on keeping distance snap (which at this point because of the gap between notes, it might even be better not to worry about it) then maybe readjust the notes differently from the previous mod. The only thing I don't really like about the connection between this (1) and the previous is the fact it doesn't really give any indication the next note will be way in the corner. This may take a bit to figure out, but maybe try to find a good way to create some connection between this and the previous. | Looking at Standard diff. It might be a good idea to have a slider or something extend to 00:26:010 - so it closes the gap a bit more.
  5. 00:36:695 (1) - A bit sharp for a slider no? Maybe try something a bit more natural (keeping your red node) like:
  6. 00:45:325 (4) - try remaking this shape to better blanket? instead of making it a control+g flip or whatever you've done. | | doing something like this will make you have to adjust 00:46:558 (1) - a little, but it shouldn't be much of an issue.
  7. 01:06:284 (1) - I'll admit I'm not really fond of this. You have a ton of cool custom sliders after this so it really makes this one feel unimpressive and lacking.
  8. 01:28:476 (2,1) - Ahh This is going to be tough for newer players to hit just because of how odd the beat sounds. | Maybe try a rhythm like this? | | This also kills the odd note played at 01:31:352 (3) - since it really doesn't fit imo. tail end for it is fine.
  9. 01:48:202 (4,1) - Lessen this curve? and adjust (1) for it? | | with the SS I also moved the previous (3) 1/2 reverse slider up a bit.
  10. 01:59:298 (1) - how about a blanket? |

    and back to the start! \o/
  11. 00:19:024 (3) - Feels a bit strange you skipped this whistle. I know you start a whistle rhythm change here, but it really doesn't feel any different from 00:17:380 (1) - when comparing the music, and there should be enough of a gap that it won't sound bad.
  12. 00:26:832 (1) - Finish? Also when testing this map, I had a hard time hitting this note.
  13. 00:28:887 (4,4) - Because you whistle at 00:35:462 (4) - Why not do it on the tail ends of these as well? Just to add some flavor since this is a pretty long time without using any whistles.
  14. 00:46:558 (1) - Try lowering the volume of this finish on the tail end to about 40-50% so it has more feel on the head instead of just two loud crashes.
  15. 00:42:037 (3,4,4) - If you want, maybe try adding whistles to the ends of these sliders as well.
  16. 01:21:900 (2) - I'm all for the alternation of skipping the whistle at the tail end, but I do actually feel it's better to have one on the tail of this (2).
  17. 01:30:530 (2,3,4) - if you didn't change the above mod for this. Maybe try using soft hits instead of normals? They really stick out. If you do this, maybe some soft whistles will help
  18. 01:41:626 (5) - How about putting a whistle here to carry the previous whistles build-up?
  19. 01:49:435 (2) - I found it a bit strange how you swapped from the later clap note to the earlier one here, but I guess it fits. You seem to be following the synth slide noise thingy now.
  20. 01:51:900 (6) - If what I said above is correct, maybe try a whistle on the head here with half volume?
  21. 01:57:654 (4) - not sure how fond you are of slider body hitsounds, but you should try a normal whistle with lower volume here. | | try putting a whistle on the head, body, and tail. | Even if you don't use the above, I would highly suggeset putting a whistle on the head at least, and possibly even the tail.
Really cool diff. Some parts still give off a pressured feel to hit (as in hard to time) but overall I really like the design of this. Some clap start sliders feel a bit odd, but nothing big enough to worry about.

  1. 00:17:996 (2) - This note really doesn't belong. It hits nothing and just sounds completely out of place. | Maybe consider a pattern like this: so you hit the key sounding note at 00:17:585 - instead.
  2. 00:19:229 (4) - You've made some cool zigzaggy sliders before, so this is another good spot to possibly do it? | Possibilities are endless, and I know you can come up with some sweet designs. | this one emphasizes on the start more. | Not to mention you could probably create something that can flow much better into the next (1) slider.
  3. 00:23:955 (1) - Nazi. x122 instead of x123
  4. 00:37:620 (2) - The slider feels too long really. Try ending it at 00:37:928 - and if you want. (not needed) add a circle where the tail used to end.
  5. 00:50:257 (1) - Try taking advantage of your previous looking cool slider and blanket this around it? |
  6. 01:06:284 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - Break NC consistency here please. You should NC every 2 instead of 3 so it goes 1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2. This will make all the sliders match and look much better when being played. |
  7. 01:30:222 (2) - Same as 37 seconds, but this one is even worse. After playing this, the next note at 01:30:941 (3) - feels very very uncomfortable. Even just shortening this to 01:30:531 - and leaving a 1/1 gap makes it feel a lot better to play.
  8. 01:47:791 (5,6,7) - You should delete (5) it interferes with how the music should be followed and there really isn't a 'clap' note to play there.

    Back to the start again \o/
  9. 00:16:558 (5) - Is this extra whistle on the head intentional? It doesn't really feel needed.
  10. 00:19:229 (4) - maybe try a whistle on the head of this slider?
  11. 00:21:078 (2,3) - Try lowering the volume of the tails on these sliders because the overuse of whistles here is pretty annoying to be honest.
  12. 00:25:599 (4) - Soft sampleset on the end of this slider.
  13. 00:42:859 (6) - Missing whistle at the end of this slider.
  14. 01:51:900 (7) - same suggestion as Easy Beginner with adding a lower volume sounding whistle here.
  15. 01:57:654 (6) - same as Beginner with the whistles on each end of the slider and the whistle body. (make sure volume settings are the same)
  16. 02:01:352 (5,6) - Lower the volume of these slider ends as well so the whistle spam doesn't take over the song.
Cool basic standard. Really don't have much to say about it.

Lemme try modding this without crossing over Hinsvar or Natsu.
  1. 00:19:229 (4) - Two suggestions, either reduce it by 1/2 and add a circle at 00:19:640 - because 00:19:435 - has that big note playing, or make a custom slider with an edge that hits the white tick like this:
  2. 00:20:873 (4) - Just a circle is fine here. No need to create a jump from a 1/4 note, and it honestly plays bad everytime even when I fully expect it.
  3. 00:21:900 (1) - Why the 1/8? nothing in the song even uses 1/8 here.
  4. 00:26:832 (1) - x251 y187 (x +1)
  5. 00:28:065 (4) - ^
  6. 00:34:332 (4,5) - You should really just use distance snap on these since you used it on the previous (2,3)
  7. 00:40:907 (5,6) - same thing, just use distance snapping.
  8. 00:44:195 (4,5) - once more. Just go with distance snapping. Especially since this is only supposed to be a hard.
  9. 00:46:558 (1) - This is the one time I thought I'd expect a 3/4 slider and I was pretty surprised after playing it that it wasn't. maybe consider lengthening to to a 3/4 slider?
  10. 00:50:257 (1,2,3) - x375 y91
  11. 00:59:709 (1,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - What is up with these new combos? Why does the very first one only have 1 combo in it? Maybe try to NC every 2 or 4 sliders as they add up correctly at the end.
  12. 01:12:654 (1,3) - swap NCs | It's much better to put them on the dominant note rather than the lead-ins
  13. 01:15:325 (7) - same idea as Natsu, though I recommend it here on (7) instead of at (6). This will balance 4 and 4 sliders, and also this is when you start using different shapes.
  14. 01:26:421 (5,6) - make these touch? You can then move these off the edge like:
  15. 01:30:736 (5) - Try moving this to x374 y205 for better spacing. your current is a bit exaggerated, and this position evens them out at 1.30x
  16. 01:44:709 (4) - Turn this into a circle to match the pattern at 01:43:065 - you don't include a 1/4 note there so it makes no sense to put one here.
  17. 01:47:791 (3) - This note. I really really hate it. It just feels so unnatural to play, and I think the song would feel a million times better without it.
  18. 01:53:955 (1,2) - Too exaggerated again. Highly recommend you reduce the distance between them. If any 1/4 jump, this one is the worst.
  19. 01:58:681 (3) - x196 y222
  20. 01:58:887 (4) - NC here so the combo isn't so long, and since it ends the unique rhythm.

  21. 00:19:846 (5) - Try adding a clap here.
  22. 00:20:873 (4) - Remove clap? This double doesn't make much sense. If you are going for the double effect. It works much better at 00:19:229 (4) - on the head (make sure you add the clap from the first mod) | This is because it's the fourth measure
  23. 00:25:599 (5) - Standard whistle would work much better here. try taking off the custom set for this
  24. 01:05:667 (5,7) - try removing the whistles from these, or at least turning the volume down for them. kind of overloaded when you have this many in a row.
  25. 01:46:969 (5) - Even if you try a lead-in effect here to the next pattern, It still works out better to maintain your current pattern (so swap whistle for clap)
This diff plays somewhat nice, but there are a lot of forced jumps that I feel are unneccesary, and a lot of the streaming patterns feel too complex for a hard difficulty. To me, I think this diff could be toned down quite a bit, but hey, it works as it is. When comparing it to the next difficulties, I guess this fits fine.

Hinsvar and Natsu really modded the crap out of these diffs. I'll see what I can find, but I'm really not the best when it comes to high level difficulties so don't expect too much.
  1. 00:21:078 (4) - Maybe NC here because you end up using a bunch of 3/8 (?) sliders that are completely different from the rest of the mapset. that being said. Maybe try putting softs on the ends of 00:21:078 (4,5,6) -
  2. 00:31:044 (4,5,6) - Try rotating ~15° and moving it up a little. Right now the (4) feels too far apart from the end of (3) |
  3. 00:32:483 (5) - Switch direction of curve? |
  4. 00:36:284 (7) - Isn't it recommended or whatever to NC on any slider velocity changes? Mainly just to prevent surprises that should be avoidable all-together at the start? You do this lots throughout the song swapping to 1.3x so I won't bother mentioning anything else.
  5. 00:39:880 (2,3) - should probably NC on the (3). Kiai swaps off, and as Natsu already ninja'd.. I mean said. The music swaps over to a new beat.
  6. 00:42:757 (6) - Maybe start this 1/4 earlier? The guitar synthy thing at 00:42:654 - feels a bit too important to miss.
  7. 00:45:839 (4) - very nazi, move this one grid left?
  8. 01:30:941 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - You should redo this stream with a slider convert so you get the proper distance spacing and angle. | Comparable screenshots: (new) & (old)
  9. 01:32:585 (1) - how about moving this off the tail end of the (9) so it's at least visible.
  10. I don't even remember the last time I saw a 1/4 spacing between a spinner and a slider lol.
  11. 01:35:462 (2) - Proper blanket? | | either that, or maybe make a unique shape? The sharpness of this 3 point slider is pretty ugly. |
  12. 01:59:092 (3) - NC here. The combo is way too long after this and the next section sounds different as well.
  13. 00:40:394 (4) - lower the volume of this finish by 20%
  14. 00:46:969 (2) - ^
  15. 01:57:654 (2) - whistle on body at low volume? :D
[Azer's Extra]
Why slidertick 4? 2 is more than enough.
  1. I'm just going to ninja quote this from Natsu because he said it perfectly, and I fully back this up. "00:14:503 (3,4,5,6,7) - this is really confuse to play, also is just the beginning, consider to keep your spacing consistent? or at least use some NC to indicate the changes? also you mapped anothers streams with a properly spacing 00:32:483 (4,5,6,7,8) -" | To add on. I don't really see a reason to have all this strange spacing. It just looks a bit messy to me.
  2. 00:17:996 (5) - Try moving this to about x148 y284 so it balances the distances between the notes in this combo.
  3. 00:21:284 (6,7,8) - highly recommend you NC these SV changes. Also consider moving (7,8) a little bit up more since the rise from (5) to (6) is pretty big to help maintain consistency.
  4. 00:25:599 (3) - NC this for the SV change.
  5. 00:36:078 (7) - Check out the spacing on this stream. try to even them out more so you don't get gaps like 0.79 to 0.89
  6. 00:41:935 (2,3) - these aren't properly stacked.
  7. 00:42:859 (8) - move this slider up a bit so it has better flow with the stream before it. | Maybe consider moving (6,7) down a bit as well so it ends up something like this | | be sure to adjust the previous (4) slider for flow if you do this. (which you should even if you don't, as it doesn't angle nicely into these notes)
  8. 00:48:099 (6,2) - stick to 0.8 distance spacing for these like you've done with all the others before?
  9. 01:30:941 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - if you want to do increases like this. maybe try to do each note increasing by 0.05 each time. Right now you have so many random spacing increasements that it's pretty hard to follow. Ex: 0.60, 0.65, 0.70, 0.75 etc to the next note.
  10. 01:29:298 (1,2,3,4) - NC these SV changes please.
  11. 01:43:887 (9,10,1) - I don't really see a reason why you can't keep constant spacing with these. the extra little jump doesn't add anything.
  12. 01:48:202 (5) - NC this as well for SV change.
  13. 00:20:257 (1) - Feels pretty empty without the sampleset's whistle here. Consider adding it.
  14. 00:25:599 (3) - Just go with the default N sampleset and use a normal whistle slider on the body. You can put soft samplesets on the head/tail if you want.
  15. 00:53:750 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - and so on. This section could really use some soft whistles or something. It really feels bland without anything at all during this section. Try looking at the other difficulties for ideas.
  16. Consider adding a silent-sliderslide to SC:3 or using one of the SC's that do use them (2 is nice). at this point in the song: 01:06:284 (1) - (use slidertick 2 please so you don't have to worry about the tick noises)
  17. 01:49:024 (1,3) - any reason why you have these ends on soft? They really don't sound any different from 01:50:667 (1,3) -
[HanzeR's Extreme]
  1. 00:15:736 (1) - and all similar patterns to this. NC this 1.5 sv? (And by this, I meant NC the note after it since you have other sliders at 1.00 in the same combo. unless you want to NC the (5). like 00:14:709 (5) -
  2. 00:48:202 (1) - angle this out more (try moving the last node to x383 y144 | | So it properly flows into the next notes.
  3. 01:09:161 (1) - Wouldn't this make more sense at 01:09:366 - ?
  4. 01:46:044 (2) - Try putting this in the blanket of (1) |
  5. 00:16:558 (6) - Remove this whistle? Like the other diffs I don't really understand it and it breaks the hitsound pattern you have.
  6. 00:19:846 (3) - because of how you have the whistle pattern set up here. try adding one to this note to complete this.
  7. 00:25:599 (1) - Try a whistle on the body instead of just the head.
  8. 00:34:640 (2) - Consider removing this whistle to keep in flow with your hitsounding rhythm as this is the only spot you use a double whistle early on in a pattern.
  9. 01:23:031 (2) - Add whistle for consistency?
  10. 01:24:674 (4) - ^
  1. 00:38:133 (107) - D instead? the note feels a lot more like 102-104 instead of 105/106
  2. 01:09:983 (114) - k?
  3. 00:23:339 - Consider adding a d
  4. 02:01:866 - how about a d here?
Can't really say too much, this is just a bit too hard for me to play so I can't really give any suggestions. Patterns are pretty solid.

Nice? :D
I can't comprehend how Oni's work so I'll skip this X_x

Have a

Cool mapset.

Natsu wrote:

wait, I'm a cake D:
holy mod macaroni
anything not listed is applied

Natsu wrote:

Azer's Extra

  1. 00:14:503 (3,4,5,6,7) - this is really confuse to play, also is just the beginning, consider to keep your spacing consistent? or at least use some NC to indicate the changes? also you mapped anothers streams with a properly spacing 00:32:483 (4,5,6,7,8) - yeah agreed. kinda changed my ideas about the mid midway through the map and forgot to change this.
  2. 00:16:147 (3,4,5,6) - similar as above changed somewhat to be more of a constant distance increase instead of a jumpy part
  3. 00:27:551 (4) - remove whistle in the tail and add in the head, fit better the melody here not hitsounding to melody, the whistle hitsound represents a bass drum and wouldnt be appropriate on anything else than a bassdrum
  4. 00:27:757 (5) - add whistle in the head too ^
  5. 00:28:065 (6) - remove whistle in the head and add it in the tail, fit better the music ^
  6. 00:28:784 (2,3) - a stack will be more consistent with others similar parts, like 00:27:140 (2,3) - 00:33:715 (2,3) - 00:35:359 (2,3) - i actually dont agree with this, the stacks on the other part change the direction of the flow while this goes in a linear way and keeps it moving, stacking here and stopping the flow would be detrimental imo
  7. 00:29:709 same as 00:28:065 -, idk I feel your whistles are following more a ¨pattern¨ than the music, with the previous suggestions I guess you get my point o: already explained
  8. 00:40:702 (5) - whistle fit better in the head, for the tail I feel a clap fit better the music, same goes to 00:41:215 (7) - whistle in the tail and keep the clap in the head ^
  9. 00:53:133 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - where are the whistles <:? not in all the beats, but in the ones with prominent sounds oh yeah
  10. 00:53:133 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - a bit more NCs like Hanzer did will help, if you fail 2 beats in this section you're death xD, or reduce the HP Drain to 6 woops, major improvements here
  11. 01:50:667 (1,2,3) - same here, also this is not consistent with the previous stacks and the others patterns like 00:47:174 (2,3) - 00:48:099 (6,1) -
  12. 01:55:599 (1,2) - ^ not changing both of these because these jumps are emphasised the synth in the music

Hinsvar wrote:

*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

>Azer's Extra
  1. No video? ;w;
  2. 00:16:147 (3,4,5) - Ctrl+G for the rhythm, so they'll be like this? Using the 1/4 slider for the last will fit better with how the instrument's pitch here increase gradually from 00:16:147 to 00:16:455. gonna use green cause you stole my red ;w; , i prefer it like this since the slider end as it is is the least important note in the pattern (in the song) and makes sense for it to require no input
  3. 00:22:517 (3) - Why do you only use a slider with a lot of repeats here? You can easily make something cool from this, maybe a series of 1/4 sliders like this. The current rhythm is completely fine, though; I just think that you can definitely be more creative here! having it like this adds a sort of 'broken record machine' feeling and applying this suggestion would kill that effect
  4. 00:25:599 (3,1,2,3) - Same as captin's Insane diff. Maybe you can space 00:26:113 (1,2) and 00:26:626 (3,1) by ~0.9x, and both 00:25:599 (3,1) and 00:26:318 (2,3) by ~1.4x for a more intuitive pattern. Try something like this? (That's what I would make, though, since it's a part of my mapping style. There is definitely a different pattern to create here, so try by yourself if you want to follow this suggestion.) I don't agree with this, the current placement emphasises the correct spots and the distance slows down, just like the song.
  5. 00:39:777 (1,2,3) - Why is the spacing here inconsistent? I believe there's no reason to do this. unintentional
  6. 01:15:633 - Add a 3/4 slider? It feels weird to have nothing for the next 3/2 beats because of the rhythm at 01:12:859 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) and the music itself. added circle
  7. 01:22:311 (8,9) - Why stacking them? I feel that it'll be more fitting to the song if these circles are unstacked. Maybe space 01:22:311 (8,9,1) by around 1.8x DS or something like that? (Applies to similar parts.) i dont have a good reason to disagree with this but i dont think its a necessary change
  8. 01:45:325 (10,11) - Not a big problem, but it'll be cooler and neater if you make the two of them shaped the same. Something like this... the inconsistency is intended! the second slider represents a bend in the synth
  9. 01:48:818 (8,9) - Replace them with a 1/4 slider? It'll create a more intuitive 1/4 jump to 01:49:024 (1).i dont think its appropriate to remove input from one of these 4 notes, theyre all important
  10. 01:58:373 (6) - Change this to a 1/2 slider? It's kinda confusing to have to differentiate the length of this slider with 01:58:065 (4) while playing with such a short reaction time, and I don't think 01:58:476 needs to be emphasized since the instruments at the blue ticks before and after it are stronger than the instrument on the white tick. a part of the difficulty is for this to be hard to read and i dont want to remove that blue tick noise, i value it alot ;w;

Lanturn wrote:

02:02:174 (1) - (From Beginner/Standard) | This spinner actually ends at 02:04:589 - and a bit closer to 02:04:640 - than where it currently is if you listen closely at 25% volume. I recommend changing anything that needs to be changed in the other diffs to match this. Either to the 1/8th or white tick. done

01:04:640 - Try ending your breaks here (Dragging the break line so it turns blue). (taken from Beginner/Standard)

[Azer's Extra]
Why slidertick 4? 2 is more than enough. hitsounds in kiai time
  1. 00:17:996 (5) - Try moving this to about x148 y284 so it balances the distances between the notes in this combo. i dont want consistant distance here, i prefer emphasis on the jump top (6)
  2. 00:36:078 (7) - Check out the spacing on this stream. try to even them out more so you don't get gaps like 0.79 to 0.89 wow this compleltely slipped past me, good find
  3. Consider adding a silent-sliderslide to SC:3 or using one of the SC's that do use them (2 is nice). at this point in the song: 01:06:284 (1) - (use slidertick 2 please so you don't have to worry about the tick noises) cant have both silent sliderslider and slidertick
  4. 01:49:024 (1,3) - any reason why you have these ends on soft? They really don't sound any different from 01:50:667 (1,3) - actually, the ones that didnt end on soft were the mistake here. Forgot about them.
Thanks for the great mods guys <3

Giralda wrote:

Natsu wrote:

wait, I'm a cake D:
  1. Try to use the same colors in every difficulty if possible to have some consistency.
  2. Same goes for the kiai time, but they're both optional things, since you've got guest difficulties.
  1. 00:23:955 (1,2) - I highly suggest you to avoid such kind of stacks on a Normal difficulty, since they could be confusing to read for beginners.
  2. 01:47:791 (5,6) - I'd change these two circles into a slider, to make this pattern easier to play.
~iyasine's Hyper~
  1. 00:37:825 (5,6) - This small pattern would be better if stacked together, this small spacing distance could be confusing imo.
  2. 00:49:229 (8) - Add a new combo here to emphasize the voice effect change in the music.
  3. 01:00:325 (1) - Remove this new combo from here, it's not needed.
  4. 01:14:709 (6) - Add a new combo here otherwise it will be too long, better to split it in 2 parts.
  1. Increase HP Drain by 1 tick to make the difficulty more challenging.
  1. 00:26:113 (1,2) - These 2 circles are kinda weird to play since they're both on blue ticks, I'd suggest to make them into a slider instead.
  2. 00:27:757 (4,5) - I suppose this is a spacing mistake here, otherwise it's pretty hard to read anyway.
  3. 00:31:044 (4,5) - Same as above, please change patterns like these, they're too confusing imo.
  4. 01:26:010 (1,2) - I'd suggest to make this spacing a bit closer if possible.
  5. 01:47:380 (1,2) - Kinda confusing imo, stacking these circles together would be better to play and easier to read.
~Azer's Extra~
  1. 00:26:113 (1,2) - Same comment like Another difficulty for these 2 circles.
~HanzeR's Extreme~
  1. 01:53:955 (1,1) - These 2 sliders sounds too loud, please try to reduce the volume even more by 10% if possible.
Good luck everyone~
Part of the difficulty is hitting on blue ticks, I prefer them being two circles so there's input on both notes. (It stops being weird to play after the second play anyway)

also as of right now my difficulty isn't updated cause captin was lazy last night


00:46:558 - ~ 00:49:435 - try this timeline? or

01:12:859 (1,2) - change slider shapes


00:37:620 - ~ 00:39:983 - try this timeline?


00:21:900 (1) - use the triplet




00:36:695 (1,2) - change slider shapes cuz stack on 00:37:928 (1,1) -

00:38:339 (1) - move x76 y120 for flow

00:40:034 - add greenline for volume

00:41:524 (1) - remove nc and 00:41:626 (2) - nc

00:44:811 (1) - remove nc and 00:44:914 (2) - nc

nokds cuz nazi and troll
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