21:19 *Priti is editing [http://osu.ppy.sh/b/389703 kors k - Insane Techniques [HanzeR's Extreme]]
21:19 Priti: yey tablet bias maps :d
21:19 HanzeR:

21:20 Priti: 00:11:426 (1) - consider making it soft since it doesn't really land on anything.
21:20 HanzeR: sure
21:20 Priti: 00:20:261 (2) - whistle?
21:20 Priti: 00:21:699 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - This type of things make the HP Drain of the map go crazy
21:21 Priti: consider using combos of 2 instead of 1, pretty similiar readability without being drain breaking.
21:21 HanzeR: yeahh but each one is a sv change
21:21 Priti: True.
21:22 Priti: but at this level of play, SV changes like this are pretty intuitive.
21:22 Priti: Also, its pretty early on the map, the replay button exists.
21:22 Priti: 00:24:576 (1) - Whistle on head and body.
21:22 Priti: 00:26:631 (1) - Increase volume for the head so the whistle is more audible, the emphasis is REALLY strong here.
21:23 Priti: 00:27:864 (1) - finish on head.
21:23 HanzeR: oke
21:23 Priti: 00:39:371 (1) - I hate everything about this circle's existance.
21:24 HanzeR: loll really
21:24 HanzeR: m
21:24 Priti: Maybe place it where 00:37:727 (1) - is?
21:25 HanzeR: then the pattern wouldnt be symmetrical D:
21:25 Priti: its still coolio.
21:25 Priti: 00:49:234 (1) - whistle on head.
21:26 HanzeR: mk
21:26 Priti: 01:08:035 (1) - Remove combo.
21:26 Priti: maybe do it liek, dis?
http://puu.sh/8jaxp.png21:26 HanzeR: ok
21:26 Priti: 01:13:789 (1) - again, unneeded.
21:27 HanzeR: okk
21:27 Priti: 01:31:973 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - These ones don't have SV changes so I think splitting them into combos of 2 would work better.
21:28 HanzeR: sure
21:28 Priti: 01:36:494 (1) - Stack on 01:37:213 (2) - to be more coolio?
21:28 HanzeR: neat
21:28 Priti: 01:39:987 (1) - ew combos of 1
21:29 Priti: maybe do it like this?
http://puu.sh/8jaJO.png21:29 HanzeR: ya
21:29 Priti: Also, soft finish sounds better on this 01:36:905 (1) -
21:29 Priti: 01:41:426 (3,1) - Switch combo placement so the circles on this stanza are 2 2 2 2 2 and not 2 2 2 3 1
21:30 Priti: 01:44:713 (3,1) - Same
21:30 HanzeR: ye
21:30 Priti: 01:47:384 (3) - Combo 01:47:795 (1) - Remove Combo
21:31 Priti: 01:50:364 (2) - I really hate how you skip the white tick on these since it has a really blunt sound..
21:31 Priti: 01:55:809 (1) - Whistle on tail.
21:32 Priti: 01:56:220 (2) - remove combo?
21:32 Priti: 01:56:220 (1) - This one*
21:32 HanzeR: lol but the sv change
21:32 HanzeR: mm
21:33 Priti: 02:00:330 (1,2,1,1,2,3,4) - Change combos to something like this?
http://puu.sh/8jb39.png21:33 Priti: There's no SV change on 01:56:220 (1) -
21:33 HanzeR: o
21:33 HanzeR: hey there isnt
21:33 HanzeR: LOL
21:33 HanzeR: ok
21:34 Priti: 02:01:562 (1,2) - This looks too 2010, ugly sliders that look like beziers..
21:34 Priti: Also, their movements are really bad to play, not challenging, just bad.
21:34 Priti: and they don't work well into the stream.
21:35 Priti: What about something like this?
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/153750921:35 Priti: Ignore the combo on the red one, I accidently placed it.
21:35 Priti: But it creates nicer movement and looks cooler.
21:35 Priti: ofc, you can make this type of sliders better than me, This is just an example.
21:35 HanzeR: myabee
21:36 Priti: 02:03:309 (1) - Shouldn't this end 1/4 earlier?
21:36 Priti: I've noticed most fadeouts on BEMANI songs end on a blue tick and not on a white one, strangely enough.
21:36 HanzeR: weird
21:36 Priti: Yet true.
21:36 HanzeR: yeah
21:36 Priti: Same goes for Calamity Fortune (Isn't BEMANI but still sorta counts)
21:36 Priti: And some others.
21:37 Priti: So ye, going to post now, kai?
21:37 HanzeR: mk