
Confess II: Confess Harder

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mathexpert wrote:

This is probably a very ignorant thought to have, but why would anybody kill themselves life is such wonderful privilege to have
I wouldn't say life is a privilege to begin with. It's a gift. But even gifts can be toxic. Suicide nearly always (I'm assuming this) occurs through depression, and a depression is like a reverse nightmare. You don't fall asleep and enter a nightmare, you wake up in one. Suicide will always be a viable option in the minds of those who live like that. When the heat of your mental state pushes you to the edge, the fear of falling will be less grave than the fear of the flames in your back.
"So Nano Ka?" means "Is that so?" afaik.

Also, it wasn't because my freetime was shortened, but I'm forced to do some work for school. And I'm also stressed.
Yeah, it may sound retarded to you, but it's a huge problem for me. I'm an idiot, but I can't help it.

A different confession; I'm afraid that I'm actually a huge retard, while everyone around me is way smarter than me.
I often don't understand things when someone talks to me irl. I also suck with words. And my memory is horrible. I often think I already did something until someone somehow manages to prove me otherwise.

I also act like I'm bad at something when I hate it / don't care about it. Especially in school. I'm about to fail my year because of this attitude.

Oh, I have one more confession. A pretty huge one. I'd rather keep it for myself for a time though.
Perhaps you might have ADD? All these things do classify for it. Doesn't mean you have it though of course.
I just checked google for the symptoms, and I think I have all of them..
It would explain many things at least.

Life would be awesome if I wouldn't have to do stuff that I don't want to do.
Trash Boat
if only the multiverse theory were true, you could be happy in a paralel universe. seriously
Well, the universe is infinite, which means there's also an infinite amount of galaxies and planets. It could be very possible that parallel universes actually exist.
Physical laws are being broken so many times in the universe anyways.
Especially things like quasars. A trillion times brighter than our sun, so bright that you can clearly see them even when they're billion lightyears away. That's beyond incredible.
We don't even know 0,1% of our galaxy, so even our galaxy has so many secrets that have yet to be discovered.

I'd give a lot to move freely through space, unaffected by forces, temperatures, etc.

mathexpert wrote:

This is probably a very ignorant thought to have
It's good to be self aware.

Chris9427 wrote:

"So Nano Ka?" means "Is that so?" afaik.

Also, it wasn't because my freetime was shortened, but I'm forced to do some work for school. And I'm also stressed.
Yeah, it may sound retarded to you, but it's a huge problem for me. I'm an idiot, but I can't help it.

A different confession; I'm afraid that I'm actually a huge retard, while everyone around me is way smarter than me.
I often don't understand things when someone talks to me irl. I also suck with words. And my memory is horrible. I often think I already did something until someone somehow manages to prove me otherwise.

I also act like I'm bad at something when I hate it / don't care about it. Especially in school. I'm about to fail my year because of this attitude.

Oh, I have one more confession. A pretty huge one. I'd rather keep it for myself for a time though.
Honestly I feel like you just described me o_o, esp. when I was in high school. I did have a bad memory, was bad in social situations and I was lazy and didn't go to school much, didn't get along with my parents and didn't have any motivation. But the school psychologist/support worker person helped me move to my own place, and now I go to college. I'm still pretty lazy, esp. in the classes I don't like, but I enjoy learning Japanese at least. I still don't know what I'm going to do in the future, but I want to go on a trip to Japan and that gives me some motivation for the future.

Try not to worry about the things you can't change about yourself, there's no point in stressing about it or any temporary problems you have, things always change in life and if you're down now then things can only get better. If there's some support worker or psychologist at your school they're a good person to talk about your problems, and they can help, and maybe if you think about it you can find something to look forward to the future.
Ohh.... its a box...
Well.... to start this off..... I have Asperger's syndrome.
Errr... yeah. (fml. But hey, you guys are still awesome!)

I wasn't diagnosed with this until like, 6th grade. Saddest thing is, the way they suspected me is that I didn't have a lot of friends or that I was socially awkward. Wtf guys. (its only minor. Like, really minor)

Just one more thing before this gets a bit boring.....
I'm bisexual. Yeah..... Not really much surprising though but uhm yeah~...
(Ran out of things to say)
Oh and.....
high five for not thinking this was a trap! :D

kynolenkun wrote:

high five for not thinking this was a trap! :D
what are you talking about~ this is OT! EVERYTHING is a trap!

I studied really hard on this one topic because I wasn't listening during the time the conversation about the topic was happening. Then when the finals came out, the topic wasn't there and I really wanted to cry at that time. ;w;

Chris9427 wrote:

Well, the universe is infinite, which means there's also an infinite amount of galaxies and planets. It could be very possible that parallel universes actually exist.
Physical laws are being broken so many times in the universe anyways.
Especially things like quasars. A trillion times brighter than our sun, so bright that you can clearly see them even when they're billion lightyears away. That's beyond incredible.

The universe might or might not be infinite, but the general consensus among physicists is that it is heading towards a temperature equilibrium (the heat death of the universe) which is something that will happen as long as the Universe contains a finite amount of energy. Since we don't know of any magical energy sources that continuously create energy from nothing, we can't have an infinite amount of galaxies/stars/planets etc- just a very, very large number.

As long as no energy is being provided to the Universe from outside of it (which goes against the very definition of "Universe" since it should contain everything), then it will be a thermodynamically closed system.

Quasars don't break the laws of physics, either! If something is found to be breaking the laws of physics, either the law is redefined somehow (very rare) or more likely there is some error in the calculation (for example, not including relativistic calculations will mean that plenty of particles break the laws of physics in some way).

Some structures seen in the known Universe don't seem to abide by the laws of physics, but we really don't understand much about them yet, so no conclusions can be drawn about whether or not we have to redefine them.

Although this information might sound disappointing, I think it's even more amazing that this stuff can and does exist, and also that we've almost perfectly worked out how it all happens!

My understanding of this subject is pretty small though, so if anyone can correct me on any mistakes, that'd be very much appreciated.
I have a weird fascination with reading about murder/killings, human mutations, beheading, medieval torture devices- stuff like that.

Yeah, I'm creepy.
I'm happy about having Panic Disorder.

The only thing I can think about when I have an attack is suicide, though

Chris9427 wrote:

Well, the universe is infinite, which means there's also an infinite amount of galaxies and planets. It could be very possible that parallel universes actually exist.
Physical laws are being broken so many times in the universe anyways.
Especially things like quasars. A trillion times brighter than our sun, so bright that you can clearly see them even when they're billion lightyears away. That's beyond incredible.
We don't even know 0,1% of our galaxy, so even our galaxy has so many secrets that have yet to be discovered.

I'd give a lot to move freely through space, unaffected by forces, temperatures, etc.
we dont know if the universe is infinite, but if the universe was infinite, there would be places that are exactly the same as ours googol's of lightyears away from us, probably including one where there is a you that has a happier life.
here's a cool video (starts at about 3:50 but the whole video is interesting if you dont know about googol yet)
about physical laws: you cant really say there are things that break the laws of physics, it's just that they cant be described by our current laws, which just means we dont know everything yet.

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

Educational snip
Thanks for your efforts. It's extremely hard to imagine things when it comes to these sizes though.

Chris9427 wrote:

Thanks for your efforts. It's extremely hard to imagine things when it comes to these sizes though.
The vastness of space is really mind-blowing stuff. I can barely grasp the sheer scale of the Earth and the Moon, and comparisons of the sun to a star like VY Canis Majoris.

And then of course there's the density of it all, like the tiny patch of the sky magnified a ton to find this:

The Universe is really damn amazing.
Trash Boat
there's also a theory that the universe could be finite instead of infinite, but from here to the limits of this universe there's a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way, if its true
Anyone not subscribed to Youtube channels like Vsauce and minutephysics at this point should be ashamed of themselves.
I don't even know one of them ;w;
I watch Vsauce's videos every now and then but I haven't subscribed to some of my favourite people, even.
Could that be infamous hubble deep field? It is absolutely amazing photo and some of the galaxies in it are actually so far away that the light from them reaching us now is ancient, millions of years old so in a way we can see the past in them. Same applies to large gas formation called pillars of creation ( ... s-ago.html)
In addition to what silmarilen said, laws of physics completely break down as we know them when it comes to black holes (just fyi) as nothing infinite is supposed to exist in nature but they in fact cause space-time to curve infinitely.
Googolplex is another fascinating subject, to think it would be unlikely that another you exactly as you are wouldn't exist. There is an estimation that all the protons in existence are significantly less than one googolplex.
Today, I thought I saw a woman cosplaying as Hatsune Miku out of the corner of my eye. Turns out she was actually just wearing a teal hijab.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

I watch Vsauce's videos every now and then but I haven't subscribed to some of my favourite people, even.
Same goes to me. I still haven't subscribed Vsauce, but I watch his videos, and I really like his videos as well.

Chris9427 wrote:

Static Noise Bird wrote:

I watch Vsauce's videos every now and then but I haven't subscribed to some of my favourite people, even.
Same goes to me. I still haven't subscribed Vsauce, but I watch his videos, and I really like his videos as well.
That's...really counter productive.

Rorona wrote:

That's...really counter productive.
The most things I do are counter productive.

H3nkkazz wrote:

Could that be infamous hubble deep field?
The Hubble eXtreme deep field, to be precise!

H3nkkazz wrote:

In addition to what silmarilen said, laws of physics completely break down as we know them when it comes to black holes (just fyi) as nothing infinite is supposed to exist in nature but they in fact cause space-time to curve infinitely
There has been a recent study that suggests that event horizons may not actually exist, so perhaps the infinite space-time curvature isn't real either.

Also a great website for people who like pictures of cool space stuff:
Nvm, dogs aren't just better than cats, they're superior to cats. I fucking hate cats right now.
Hiding under my bed, and when I try to get the cat out of my room, it fucking attacks me. Now I'm bleeding. Little fucker thinks he's big.
Fucking cats.

Chris9427 wrote:

Nvm, dogs aren't just better than cats, they're superior to cats. I fucking hate cats right now.
Hiding under my bed, and when I try to get the cat out of my room, it fucking attacks me. Now I'm bleeding. Little fucker thinks he's big.
Fucking cats.
Throw that cat SO HARD. Make sure it doesn't hit anything tho.
^the fuck is wrong with you

cats are the best, your problem is the "I try to get the cat out of my room" part

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

^the fuck is wrong with you

cats are the best, your problem is the "I try to get the cat out of my room" part
It was 6 am. I spent 1 hour trying to get the cat out of my room.
Now, I wouldn't mind the cat being in my room if there was a place for the cat to take a dump, but there wasn't, so the cat had to get outta my room.

I got the cat out by baiting her with some food it likes.

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

H3nkkazz wrote:

Could that be infamous hubble deep field?
The Hubble eXtreme deep field, to be precise!

H3nkkazz wrote:

In addition to what silmarilen said, laws of physics completely break down as we know them when it comes to black holes (just fyi) as nothing infinite is supposed to exist in nature but they in fact cause space-time to curve infinitely
There has been a recent study that suggests that event horizons may not actually exist, so perhaps the infinite space-time curvature isn't real either.

Also a great website for people who like pictures of cool space stuff:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is event horizon not the zone where absolutely nothing can anymore resist the gravity? How is it possible it could not exist, as there would have to be a point where not even light can not escape, just past the photon sphere?

GladiOol wrote:

mathexpert wrote:

This is probably a very ignorant thought to have, but why would anybody kill themselves life is such wonderful privilege to have
I wouldn't say life is a privilege to begin with. It's a gift. But even gifts can be toxic. Suicide nearly always (I'm assuming this) occurs through depression, and a depression is like a reverse nightmare. You don't fall asleep and enter a nightmare, you wake up in one. Suicide will always be a viable option in the minds of those who live like that. When the heat of your mental state pushes you to the edge, the fear of falling will be less grave than the fear of the flames in your back.
Not meaning to disrespect people who've died through suicide, I have had close people go down that path myself. These people have had terrible conditions not only at home but socially as well. Putting myself in their shoes would probably change my current position towards suicide.
However, when it comes to reasons like lets say parents scolding you by removing your internet momentarily, getting a bad grade, breaking up etc I really can't understand that.

Your life is not ruined. You're just scared of change (possibly for the better since you usually learn from mistakes you make or unfortunate things that occur).
I do realize this want for suicide is most likely a cry for attention at this stage, but those cries shouldn't go unnoticed anyway. Who knows how a kid who've lived online his entire life would react if suddenly his whole world stop spinning for him.

I do think the approach to cut something off without compromise is stupid. Teens are capable of reasoning as long as you treat them respectfully, which lots of parents overlook since they 'pay the bills' and you must obay them.

H3nkkazz wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is event horizon not the zone where absolutely nothing can anymore resist the gravity? How is it possible it could not exist, as there would have to be a point where not even light can not escape, just past the photon sphere? ... -not-exist


H3nkkazz wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but is event horizon not the zone where absolutely nothing can anymore resist the gravity? How is it possible it could not exist, as there would have to be a point where not even light can not escape, just past the photon sphere?
tl;dw of the above video is Event Horizons existed when only General Relativity was applied but now maybe not so much when Quantum Mechanics are thrown in.

And so what was defined as a Black Hole and it's Event Horizon can't exist anymore and needs to be redefined.
That was interesting, though paradoxical and weird. thanks guys
GG life but I can't get into forums games so I can't find the will to live anymore, don't try and talk me out of it ok bye forever

B1rd wrote:

GG life but I can't get into forums games so I can't find the will to live anymore, don't try and talk me out of it ok bye forever
How about you play the game ._.
at school ,_,
I know I shouldn't be doing this, but even at school I play...

DestinySonata wrote:

I know I shouldn't be doing this, but even at school I play...
I wish I can play at school. People drop my accuracy.

H3nkkazz wrote:

That was interesting, though paradoxical and weird. thanks guys
welcome to the world of modern physics
since there was a topic about the universe, i may as well share this thing here:

piruchan wrote:

DestinySonata wrote:

I know I shouldn't be doing this, but even at school I play...
I wish I can play at school. People drop my accuracy.

same U_U
I believe that the country I'm living in doesn't care about the future of it's young generation.

-Seren- wrote:

since there was a topic about the universe, i may as well share this thing here:
i lol'd at minecraft world

piruchan wrote:

I believe that the country I'm living in doesn't care about the future of it's young generation.
tell me more about your country~
im scared of picking up animals.
we've had different cats throughout my whole life (i think we didnt have one for at most 2 years and im 22) and i have never picked one up in my life.

Sal32 wrote:

tell me more about your country~
Why don't check your's? I'm pretty sure there won't be much different.

silmarilen wrote:

im scared of picking up animals.
we've had different cats throughout my whole life (i think we didnt have one for at most 2 years and im 22) and i have never picked one up in my life.
Every animals?
Maybe silmarilen has doraphobia. I have mild anxiety in narrow places, but I can't understand irrational phobias on personal level.

piruchan wrote:

Sal32 wrote:

tell me more about your country~
Why don't check your's? I'm pretty sure there won't be much different.

silmarilen wrote:

im scared of picking up animals.
we've had different cats throughout my whole life (i think we didnt have one for at most 2 years and im 22) and i have never picked one up in my life.
Every animals?
not every animal i think, i used to pick up snails and stuff when i was a litle kid.

H3nkkazz wrote:

Maybe silmarilen has doraphobia. I have mild anxiety in narrow places, but I can't understand irrational phobias on personal level.
nah i dont, i love cats and playing with them.
i think it's the thought of having a living thing moving in my hands/arms that scares me
Trash Boat
you're afraid of monsters, then
I ate a bit more chocolate than I would have liked today. I've also been troubled by thoughts of suicide these last few months as my life has had very little meaning these last few years.
Trash Boat
suicide is the last thing anyone should do. I'm pretty sure you have a lot of options before that one
Hence why I'm not actually dead yet

piruchan wrote:

Sal32 wrote:

tell me more about your country~
Why don't check your's? I'm pretty sure there won't be much different.
I mean what makes you says that?
Personally I dont really cares about that.But I really want to know what do you think about our beloved country :3

Jarby wrote:

Hence why I'm not actually dead yet
But Jarby.
I still need you around babe ... ):

Even if it's unresponsive affection-sort-of-thing and lack of communication on my side,
i do appreciate your presence in every way man :'<

I hope, whatever drags you down these days and occupies your mind won't get in your way of living on,
as i know it's easier said than done especially if it's a condition.
Sorry, I didn't mean to hijack this thread with my own drama. I tend to get worse around holidays ironically.

NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

I still need you around babe ... ):

Even if it's unresponsive affection-sort-of-thing and lack of communication on my side,
i do appreciate your presence in every way man :'<
We need to speak more then!
sometimes i like to dig a hole in my backyard and pretend i'm a carrot

Sal32 wrote:

I mean what makes you says that?
Personally I dont really cares about that.But I really want to know what do you think about our beloved country :3
First of all, don't get me wrong, I don't hate this country, what I hate is the state of the government at the present time. And there are nice people who are totally different from what you're about to read.

My rant
The ministry of education Fuck UN. I wonder what education they had.
They keep doing this national exam thing which has been known to cause good students to fail because their circles is too thin it's unreadable by the computer (Indonesians know what I mean).Year after year after year they keep asking students who are on grade IX and XII not to believe the widespread answer leak(btw, this year it's on mediafire, all 28 type of them), but never said that it's wrong/fake. (it is the correct one tough). And the worst thing is that they are "proud" because of the 99.xx% national success rate caused by this widespread answer leak. The test should be changed to national cheating exam, not just national exam.

I know that students future is not decided just by an exam, but come on, it's the same scenario year after year.

I'm not sure if this is new, but corruption. The level of corruption and bribery here is beyond godlike. There are even people who decided to become a legislative body only to gain money from corruption. Money solves problems here, you can even get a job if you bribe the right person.

And how young people are treated in general, older generation thinks that young ones are inexperienced and can't do anything (to put it simple, they suck).

I won't go too much here to avoid a giant wall of text, but I guess that sums it up. (There's also one more thing, but it's about personal belief and religion, not a good topic to talk about in public, PM if you want my opinion.)

In case you're interested in the happenings in my country, visit this site. It's in English and has some of the most wonderful comments about the government I've ever read.

kirukashi wrote:

sometimes i like to dig a hole in my backyard and pretend i'm a carrot
What? lol.

piruchan wrote:

Sal32 wrote:

I mean what makes you says that?
Personally I dont really cares about that.But I really want to know what do you think about our beloved country :3
First of all, don't get me wrong, I don't hate this country, what I hate is the state of the government at the present time. And there are nice people who are totally different from what you're about to read.

My rant
The ministry of education Fuck UN. I wonder what education they had.
They keep doing this national exam thing which has been known to cause good students to fail because their circles is too thin it's unreadable by the computer (Indonesians know what I mean).Year after year after year they keep asking students who are on grade IX and XII not to believe the widespread answer leak(btw, this year it's on mediafire, all 28 type of them), but never said that it's wrong/fake. (it is the correct one tough). And the worst thing is that they are "proud" because of the 99.xx% national success rate caused by this widespread answer leak. The test should be changed to national cheating exam, not just national exam.

I know that students future is not decided just by an exam, but come on, it's the same scenario year after year.

I'm not sure if this is new, but corruption. The level of corruption and bribery here is beyond godlike. There are even people who decided to become a legislative body only to gain money from corruption. Money solves problems here, you can even get a job if you bribe the right person.

And how young people are treated in general, older generation thinks that young ones are inexperienced and can't do anything (to put it simple, they suck).

I won't go too much here to avoid a giant wall of text, but I guess that sums it up. (There's also one more thing, but it's about personal belief and religion, not a good topic to talk about in public, PM if you want my opinion.)

In case you're interested in the happenings in my country, visit this site. It's in English and has some of the most wonderful comments about the government I've ever read.
UN :) Should have known that this is the main problems xD
Well it's an open secret already that every year there is answer leak even though they keep saying this year there will be no way for a leak to happen.

When I had the national exam,the answer is everywhere.From the text from another students from another school,even the school teacher sells it to one of my friend.

It's true that the edu-system in our country is kinda messed up.But what I learn after I graduate is that there are things in real life that you can't learn when you're in school.Being good at school doesn't mean makes you well-prepared to face the real world.

Well if you're having the national exam and are waiting for the result,I give my best wishes of luck for you :oops:

Trash Boat wrote:

suicide is the last thing anyone should do

it's creepy if you manage to do anything after that

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Trash Boat wrote:

suicide is the last thing anyone should do

it's creepy if you manage to do anything after that


These days I fantasize more about being a master of Osu! than of the opposite sex..

B1rd wrote:

These days I fantasize more about being a master of Osu! than of the opposite sex..
Is it possible?
Trash Boat
i'm not that expressive when it comes about taking pictures of myself

piruchan wrote:

B1rd wrote:

These days I fantasize more about being a master of Osu! than of the opposite sex..
Is it possible?
With legitimate prioritization it is.
I want a gender change

Frostei wrote:

I want a gender change
Same. Kind of.

I don't. I just wish I could have born in my correct gender's body.
Mitä ihmettä
I hate this one person but at the same time, I like them. It's so annoying otl. Take my feels pls
I hate 1/5 of my friends

Frostei wrote:

I want a gender change
me too
Since I have holidays right now, I started having dreams again. And all of these dreams have been about me spending time together with a cute girl.
As a side note, forests in my dreams look stupid. Really stupid.

Oh, and when I eat cornflakes, I put the milk and the flakes in 2 seperate bowls. I eat quite slow, so the flakes would get soft before I'm even halfway done. And soft flakes could make me puke.
I usually get serious easily. :|
supercell isn't that bad, to be honest. This is coming from someone who doesn't really tolerate weeaboo music.
Even though im not a brony nor have watched MLP, I fucking love Fluttershy.

<-- see

Static Noise Bird wrote:

supercell isn't that bad, to be honest. This is coming from someone who doesn't really tolerate weeaboo music.
supercell is love
and ryo is genius, imo
I can barely hold the urge to troll in my class Line group.
I like the idea of just being able to freely change gender.

best of both worlds basically. though i like being a manly man.
Sometimes I love myself so much, that I wish I could marry myself and have children that are pure copies of me.
Trash Boat
narcisism isn't that common you know?

Trash Boat wrote:

narcissism is common you know?
I'm really interested in pretty much anything related to killings/murders It's fascinating to read up on how the victim dies and/or their body gets mutated. Probably why I'm obsessed with reading about stuff like those is because I can't imagine myself doing that while others can.

Frostei wrote:

I'm really interested in pretty much anything related to killings/murders It's fascinating to read up on how the victim dies and/or their body gets mutated. Probably why I'm obsessed with reading about stuff like those is because I can't imagine myself doing that while others can.
I could imagine myself doing that, but I fear the consequences.


I almost installed the ASK toolbar. I would've strangled a kit- bad guy if I installed it. I should pay more attention..
I still want a gender change >_>

Frostei wrote:

I still want a gender change >_>
i want a sex change
Trash Boat
i want a change :P
I sometimes want to change the way I feel... change everything and fix mistakes.

Aurani wrote:

Sometimes I love myself so much, that I wish I could marry myself and have children that are pure copies of me.
I seriously thought I was the only one who thought this.

ColdTooth wrote:

I sometimes want to change the way I feel... change everything and fix mistakes.
My personality might have given me many problems already. If it wasn't for my personality, I would have almost no problems right now.
Although, I like my personality and I don't want a different one.
My mother keeps bursting into my room and telling me to stop when I'm playing osu, because my keys are too loud. That means I can't play osu ~8 pm - ~12 pm. It also happens to be the perfect time for playing osu.
I fucking hate having a family.

Chris9427 wrote:

My mother keeps bursting into my room and telling me to stop when I'm playing osu, because my keys are too loud. That means I can't play osu ~8 pm - ~12 pm. It also happens to be the perfect time for playing osu.
I fucking hate having a family.
Switch to better keys and she won't bother you anymore.
Trash Boat

Chris9427 wrote:

My mother keeps bursting into my room and telling me to stop when I'm playing osu, because my keys are too loud. That means I can't play osu ~8 pm - ~12 pm. It also happens to be the perfect time for playing osu.
I fucking hate having a family.
yeah i know that feeling, even if i dont have a mech keyboard
that is why you move to your own place. other people are only a hindrance to developing your osu! skills
I really hate Tsunderes~ DX
I don't want to eat but my parents are pushing me to. Damnit....

And fuck PMs.

Dulcet wrote:

Chris9427 wrote:

My mother keeps bursting into my room and telling me to stop when I'm playing osu, because my keys are too loud. That means I can't play osu ~8 pm - ~12 pm. It also happens to be the perfect time for playing osu.
I fucking hate having a family.
Switch to better keys and she won't bother you anymore.
I'm using a laptop....
how loud do you tap lol

Chris9427 wrote:

I'm using a laptop....
Close your bedroom door so they can't hear it? Unless the house is dead silent, your mom shouldn't be able to hear the tapping sounds.
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