
Pain in my tapping hand

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Hello ;)
Recently my left hand has started to give me pain while doing basic functions; grabbing smt,extending,closing my hand. I am going to take a little break from the game but meanwhile I`d like to know how to prevent any future pain or injuries, or how to get rid of the pain I am currently experiencing
Jason X
Not exactly a problem for the help forum, anyway.

Taking breaks is very important, not just from osu, but any game.
Regardless, if the pain continues I do recommend you go see a doctor about it.

Could be a trapped nerve.
(I had kubital tunnel syndrome, so I know how unpleasant this can be)
dung eater
exercise, sleep, good food, enought water make you recover faster

if both extending fingers and closing them feels bad it does sounds more alarming, possibly not just muscle strain.

to prevent injuries you need to play in a way that doesn't strain you enough to cause injury - you need to recover from the playing before straining yourself more. you can learn to play in a way that is less damaging or play less, to not get injured.

i would avoid anything that causes pain for a while, see if the pain starts fading in a week.
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