
[Proposal] Reword Metadata RC on "osu! in Source Field"

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The metadata rules regarding the use of "osu!" in the beatmap source field currently states the following:

osu! itself should never be used in the source field except in cases where the track was specifically created for osu! (also known as an osu! original), such as commissioned tournament tiebreaker tracks.

It may be quite misleading to use the blanket example of "commissioned tournament tiebreaker tracks" here, especially if we consider that the osu! original page itself clearly states that there are differences between licensed and non-licensed osu! originals.

I believe it doesn't make much sense to include non-licensed osu! community tournament originals under this allowance for using "osu!" in their source fields, as we would then have cases like this currently Qualified song which uses "osu!" as their source field rather than the actual tournament/event name, despite not being licensed as an FA track.

Hence, I would like to propose the following changes to the paragraph:

osu! itself should never be used in the source field except in cases where the track was specifically created and licensed for osu!. This is commonly distinguished by the ORIGINAL label on their respective featured artists' pages.

I think this would allow for a clearer distinction between songs that were actually licensed for osu!, and those that were just commissioned for community tournaments without FA licensing.
I would personally tend to agree on this, I feel like this leaves too much liberty to mapper's choice, on something that should be an objective fact like metadata.
I was told this issue was addressed in an upcoming rewrite of the RC, but the way it's written doesn't feel like it changes that much, so rewording it to what is proposed here would be best.
Nao Tomori
Metadata isn't really an objective fact. Or rather, being overly granular and trying to define an exact rule and correct answer for every question instead of following the general idea and getting pretty close creates a lot of unnecessary discussion, especially in the metadata area. Imo this sort of thing (osu! vs the specific tournament) isn't a big deal. Any song commissioned for a community event in the game is by definition going to be allowed for use in the game.
the source is there to show people where the song is from. osu! itself has slightly different definitions for it because most of the songs we do license aren't licensed exclusively which is why the distinction is there


goes with

The Source field must be used, if the song ...
  1. was specifically created for osu!, such as osu! originals. Any other song must not use osu! as the source field.
  2. was created for a specific event, such as a tournament like the osu! World Cup or concerts.

as well as

The Source field must be precise. Use the most specific source instead of general series or project names, unless multiple sources within a series apply.

which i think should cover this fine?

Nao Tomori wrote:

Metadata isn't really an objective fact. Or rather, being overly granular and trying to define an exact rule and correct answer for every question instead of following the general idea and getting pretty close creates a lot of unnecessary discussion, especially in the metadata area. Imo this sort of thing (osu! vs the specific tournament) isn't a big deal. Any song commissioned for a community event in the game is by definition going to be allowed for use in the game.
"Metadata isn't really an objective fact."

First of all, what? Metadata is literally either right or wrong, how is there any difference?? Also why would DQs for tags happen then.

"Or rather, being overly granular and trying to define an exact rule and correct answer for every question instead of following the general idea and getting pretty close creates a lot of unnecessary discussion, especially in the metadata area."

Except this isn't really being overly granular, when it's literally just about the basis of the entire song's existence, at all.

"Imo this sort of thing (osu! vs the specific tournament) isn't a big deal."

Why are we letting BMS events in sources then, instead of BMS, as was done in the past? (Which is a good thing, and should stay the standard as of right now.)
Like, I know "BMS" doesn't stand for a game specifically, but I find it really weird we're agreeing that we should use the events' actual name, but for stuff done in the game, we have to shy away from it for some reason?

"Any song commissioned for a community event in the game is by definition going to be allowed for use in the game."

What does this have to do in relation to metadata at all? And also, commissioners could literally have a contract that states the song is made for exclusive use for the event?

Okoratu wrote:

as well as

The Source field must be precise. Use the most specific source instead of general series or project names, unless multiple sources within a series apply.
which i think should cover this fine?
Going to state the same thing I've said in the discussion thread where you replied to me, I still feel like the definition of osu! originals should be changed to "specifically licensed for osu!", at the very least, as that writing kind of makes it look like it includes songs that are on the osu! originals wiki, which aren't specifically licensed by osu for the most part, so I don't think they should apply.
i think that distinction is superficial and overcomplicates the problem at hand

edit: for more context
Touhou songs aren't specifically licensed for touhou either, they're songs related to X
osu! is treating itself differently because most of the music we license to begin with was not made to be for osu! only things made to be used for osu! should be able to use osu! is the thought process

i think that's simple ennough and should work fine.

most of the usecases i can think of were made for a specific tournament, and thus would not use osu! but the tournament like corsace open / corsace closed / osu! worldcup / Resurrection Cup or whatever
Sure enough.
I just want to make sure it's not being understood as the fact that mappers have the freedom of choice to use osu!, instead of the tournament's name, hence why I meant for the clarification, since myself and Jerry definitely didn't understand it as that, so I would expect mappers to keep using the ruling as a justification to use osu! still.
Nao Tomori
To be clear: I think this is similar to the BMS issue and the Touhou Project vs. specific game issue, and I have the opposite opinion to the current metadata draft that it's important to be specific. I think it should be optional. I don't think metadata is objective, and if you witness the discussions around various metadata that happen daily in various communities you might also think the same thing. If it were objective tag DQs wouldn't happen because the mapper would already have an objective list of tags to include and not arbitrarily be prodded into adding other ones by anyone who cares to post on the map in qualified.
I also don't think "osu!" is necessarily wrong as the source, but I'm okay with the proposed version in the metadata rewrite, which should satisfy OP.

I disagree with involving "licensing" in Source metadata because it doesn't convey the same thing as originating from a piece of media. if some music was created to be mapped on osu, that's what I want to know -- i dont care about the details of who retains legal rights to do xyz with the track
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