
Farm map(s) that is around your recommended difficulty?

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Wimpy Cursed
Post farm map(s) that are around your recommended difficulty (-+ .10*)
It can be any mode.

For standard, my recommended difficulty is (4.46*)
So this (4.50*) map is a farm map around recommended difficulty
Totally am not trying to take farm maps from higher ranks or anything, do not ask questions
Duck o-o

every one from top 100 most played in the game prob has a diff around my recommended lul
could be some out of that that arent farm but i sure as hell wont try to find them
- Marco -
standard (rec 4.11, map 4.24)
tv size + hddt leaderboard

taiko (rec 5.04, map 5.53)
42s + minimum 240pp

catch (rec 4.72, map 4.48)
idk why it recommended 4.7* i don't even have a 4* fc badge (´;ω;`)ウゥゥ

mania (rec 5.65, map 5.48)
u can probably guess what it is

Topic Starter
Wimpy Cursed

keremaru wrote:

mania (rec 5.65, map 5.48)
u can probably guess what it is

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