
[STD] [#100-#10000 2021+ Badges BWS] En Garde Internationale (Merged Tier Tournament)

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  1. 3v3 osu! Standard RO16/32 Classic Double Elimination ScoreV2 Tournament.
  2. As this is a badged pending tournament, staff that can playtest/help after elimination is according to the wiki for official tournament support.
  3. The tournament’s matches will be based on UTC time. To assist finding out your earliest & latest time zone availability in UTC, use this tool.
  4. All staff members except GFX artists, streamers, commentators are NOT allowed to play in the tournament.
  5. Any acts of disrespect, toxicity, or unsportsmanlike behavior (included but not limited to discrimination, harassment, racism, or abuse) by participants to other players or the staff members during the matches and throughout the tourney will risk punishment at the discretion of the referee, admins/hosts or the osu! team.

  1. Teams will consist of 3 to 6 players, but each team must comprise players from 3 separate rank ranges (refer to Registrations for details).
  2. The rank ranges and team composition for the tournament are outlined as follows:
    1. High Tier (T1): 100 - 499 2021+ Badge BWS
    2. Mid Tier (T2): 500 - 999 2021+ Badge BWS
    3. Low Tier (T3): 1,000 - 10,000 2021+ Badge BWS
  3. Each tier should include at least 1 player and up to 2 players.
  4. If you are unable to recruit players from a higher tier, lower-tier players can fill the higher-tier slots.
  5. Should this occurs, they will be assigned based on their placement in rank in the team.
    1. Tier 1: 1st and 2nd highest rank. (as long as its not <100)
    2. Tier 2: 3rd and 4th highest rank. (as long as its not <500)
    3. Tier 3: 5th and 6th highest rank.
  6. BWS will be determined using rank^0.9937^badges^2.
  7. Only tournament badges earned since 2021 will count towards BWS. (Referred as 2021+ BWS)

  1. To register a team, please utilize the provided registration form designated for teams.
  2. For players seeking a team, you are considered a free agent and should complete the form designated for free agents.
  3. Captains are required to join the tournament Discord server and maintain their presence throughout the tournament until their affiliated team has been eliminated.
  4. Team members are encouraged to join the tournament Discord server to receive important updates and notifications. This ensures prompt resolution of any issues that may arise before or during matches, such as situations where captains are unreachable.
  5. If players on your team fall outside the 100-10000 BWS range by the conclusion of team and free agent registrations, they will be removed from the team. An early announcement will be issued to alert players to this possibility.
  6. If a player transitions into a higher rank range (e.g., T1, T2, T2, T2, T3, T3) by the registration’s deadline, the player will be designated as a lower tier and may remain on the team if they were already in a higher tier, provided the player is not ranked above #10000 based on 2021+ BWS.
  7. Conversely, if a team already consists of 2 players of the same tier (e.g., T1, T2, T2, T2, T2, T3), the redundant player will be removed from the team. In such cases, the player will only be designated as a free agent by the conclusion of the Team & Free Agent Registrations deadline.

  1. A screening list will be compiled and submitted to osu! staff. Following the submission of the screening list, participants are permitted to adjust their ranks, either outranking or deranking.
  2. Any free agents who remain unassigned to teams are eligible to remain on the free agent list/.
  3. Upon receipt of the screening results, which is expected to occur within approximately 2 weeks, players who have been screened out are prohibited from participating in the tournament.

  1. Teams that have lost players due to screening are permitted to recruit free agents from the free agent list who have not been screened out as replacements.
  2. Additionally, teams have the option to substitute players of a lower tier if they choose to do so.
  3. Similarly, newly designated or remaining free agents may join other teams with available slots or form teams with other free agents.
  4. The player or players must be listed in the free agents' list before the team registration deadline is concluded.
  5. The captain of the registered team or newly formed team is then required to confirm the new team or addition of the free agent to the team roster via #questions on the tournament Discord server.
  6. For newly formed teams, the captain must declare the team roster in a format similar to the team registration form.
  7. For free agents, the captain must provide the discord ID and osu! username of the player to be added.
  8. All necessary actions regarding the above must be completed before the start of qualifiers.

  1. Matches are typically scheduled for Saturdays and Sundays at specific times outlined in the qualifiers' schedule. Team captains are responsible for indicating the lobby in which their team wishes to participate.
  2. Custom lobbies may be arranged if a referee is available to oversee them, but this option is only viable until 23:59 UTC on Sunday of the Qualifier Week.
  3. If a team does not have at least 1 high-tier, 1 mid-tier, and 1 low-tier player present within 5 minutes of the designated start time, they will not be permitted to compete during that session and will need to participate in another qualifier lobby.
  4. The same conditions apply if a team misses their scheduled match time.
  5. A 90-second timer will be utilized between maps to allow players time to prepare.
  6. Teams are allowed to substitute players of the same tier for each map.
  7. Each map will only be played once during the qualifiers.
  8. The qualifiers will progress in ascending order of map modifiers, starting with Nomod (NM), followed by Hidden (HD), Hard Rock (HR), and Double Time (DT).
  9. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the referee in cases where issues arise. In such instances, the affected player will replay the missed map after the Double Time pools have concluded.
  10. A total of 16 or 32 teams will qualify for the main event, with the number subject to change based on demand.
  11. Bracket seeding will be determined based on z-sum scoring.
  12. Teams will then be seeded for the bracket stages according to the double-elimination structure, with Seed 1 facing Seed 32, followed by Seed 2 against Seed 31, and so on.

  1. Matches are typically scheduled at specific times outlined in the bracket schedule, involving the participating teams, their respective opponents, and assigned referees for all matches.
  2. If a mutually agreed upon time has been established between the two teams, a screenshot verifying the agreement between the captains must be submitted in the designated channel #reschedules.
  3. Requests for rescheduling bracket matches must be submitted at least 6 hours before the scheduled match time. Reschedule requests submitted outside of this timeframe may be denied at the discretion of the referee or tournament administrators unless a referee is available and willing to oversee the match.

  1. The match lobby will be created by the referee, with both of the team captains being invited approximately 10-15 minutes before the scheduled time.
  2. In brackets, a 5-minute timer will be initiated before bans are considered lost, and a 10-minute timer will precede forfeitures.
  3. A team configuration comprising 1 High-tier, 1 Mid-tier, and 1 Low-tier player should be prepared in the lobby by the designated time.
  4. Similar to the registration process, substitution of a lower-tier player is permissible if a higher-tier player is unavailable.
    1. If this is the case, the referee will ask which player will be the person to be the higher tier for the match.
    2. The lower tier player will be designated as the higher tier player throughout the match.
    3. E.g. if there were 2 T3s, the referee will ask which T3 will be the replacement for the higher tier player.
    4. The lower tier player that is subbing will not be allowed to go back to its normal tier during the match.
    5. The absent player will not be allowed to play even if he arrives during the match.
  5. It is the responsibility of the team captain to ensure that all players from their team are invited to the lobby. Failure to do so will result in a Win by Default awarded to the opposing team.
  6. If neither team is fully present or lacks a minimum of 1 Mid-tier player and 2 Low-tier players, the team with the greatest number of players with distinct tiers, or the higher-seeded team if both teams have an equal number of players, will be declared the winner (unless there is a prior agreement for a specific team to win).
  7. Warmup matches will not be included in the tournament.

  1. Once both teams are present, both captains will conduct the !roll.
  2. In the event of a tie in the roll, a reroll will be conducted.
  3. The winner of the roll will have the option to choose either the pick first, ban second, or pick second, ban first. The losing team will then receive the remaining choice.
  4. Each team will now have the opportunity to protect one map per match, which occurs before the ban phase.
  5. Protected maps remain eligible for selection by both teams but cannot be banned during subsequent ban phases.
  6. The roll loser will be the first to protect a map, followed by the roll winner.
  7. A two-ban phase system will be implemented:
    1. Each team will ban one map during the initial ban phase.
    2. Both teams will then play four maps (with each team selecting two maps).
    3. Following this, the second ban phase commences, with each team banning one additional map.
    4. The picking phase continues until one team emerges as the overall winner.
  8. The tiebreaker map can neither be banned, picked nor protected.
  9. Similarly, banned and played maps cannot be picked.
  10. Apart from the aforementioned rule, no restrictions apply to protecting, picking, or banning.
  11. A 90-second timer is allocated for protecting, picking, and banning.
  12. If a team exceeds the 90-second time limit for protecting, picking, or banning a map during the match, their selection or ban will be forfeited.

  1. During each map, it is required that one player from each tier within a team is present and play the map.
  2. Teams should be assigned to slots 1-3 and slots 4-6 respectively. It is strongly advised that high-tier players occupy slots 1 and 4, mid-tier players occupy slots 2 and 5, and low-tier players occupy slots 3 and 6 to minimize confusion during livestreams.

    1. Each team will have a 2 min timeout.
    2. The timeouts can be used at any time but must be declared before any running timer expires.
    3. If timeouts are declared after the timer expires, the timeout will not be enforced.
    4. If the timeout is approved, 2 minutes will be added to the current running timer.

  1. When a pick is provided (e.g. Team A says NM3), there will be 30s for teams to declare a duel within the map (own or against opponent's pick).
  2. To initiate a duel, teams must type "We Duel" or "We hereby declare a duel" in the chat during that window.
  3. If no one says anything during this timeframe or fails to say the above statements, the duel will not be invoked.
  4. The normal method of determining based on cumulative team score will be used in this case.
  5. Upon declaration of a duel, the round transforms from a 3 vs 3 format to a series of 1 vs 1 duels among the tiers.
  6. Teams will have 90s to prepare for who will go against who.
  7. When the timer runs out, the referee will check the player configuration and start the match. If there are issues, the referee will call it out and if major stalling occurs, the referee has discretion in deciding to continue or provide a default win to the non-stalling team.
  8. The referee will start the match when all players are ready.
  9. After the map is played, instead of using the sum of the players’ scores, the referee will review the individual scores based on the 3 duels and will determine the winning team based on the 2-1 or 3-0 duel win basis. (2/3 1v1 duels won).
  10. If a draw occurs for one tier, the individual scores based on the remaining 2 duels will be looked at , with the winning team being declared if a 2-0 duel score is achieved. If the result is a tie (1-1), then total scores of the 2 players in the team will be used as the winning condition instead.
  11. It is not necessary to use up all opportunities.
  12. You cannot declare a duel on the tiebreaker map.

  1. If a player disconnects from the match within approximately 30 seconds, the match will be aborted and restarted upon reporting the issue to the referee. This is typically permitted once per team per match, subject to the discretion of the referee.
  2. In the event of a second occurrence, the player or team will have 5 minutes to resolve the issue.
  3. If the player is unable to rectify the issue within the allotted time, they must be substituted with a reserve player of the same tier or lower tier, or the match will proceed with 0 contributed score to the affected player(s).
  4. If a player disconnects after the 30-second mark and the match is being streamed, the last recorded score on the live stream will be considered.
  5. Alternatively, if an issue arises after the 30-second mark, the team may request a replay of the map, but this request must be accepted by the opposing team. Failure to accept will result in the match continuing as normal. It's important to note that this request can only be made once per match unless approved by the referee's discretion.
  6. Any intentional delays during the match without mutual agreement from both teams and the referee will result in penalties at the discretion of the referee.

  1. Qualifiers: 4 Nomod (NM) / 2 Hidden (HD) / 2 Hard Rock (HR) / 2 Double Time (DT)
  2. Round of 32 & 16 (Best of 9): 5 Nomod (NM) / 3 Hidden (HD) / 3 Hard Rock (HR) / 3 Double Time (DT) / 2 Free Mod (FM) / 1 Tiebreaker (TB)
  3. Quarterfinals & Semifinals (Best of 11): 6 Nomod (NM) / 3 Hidden (HD) / 3 Hard Rock (HR) / 4 Double Time (DT) / 3 Free Mod (FM) / 1 Tiebreaker (TB)
  4. Finals & Grand Finals (Best of 13): 6 Nomod (NM) / 3 Hidden (HD) / 3 Hard Rock (HR) / 4 Double Time (DT) / 3 Free Mod (FM) / 1 Tiebreaker (TB)
  5. Difficulty ranges from 6.6*-7.6* with Normal Approach Rate (~AR9ish) and Normal Aim Nomod Star Rating (SR) (tentative).
  6. Easy (EZ) multiplier will be 1.8x for FreeMod (FM).
  7. For FreeMod (FM) maps, each team must have 2 players using unique mods.
  8. The unique mods that is compulsory to be present in each team are Hard Rock (HDHR/HR) & Hidden / Easy (HDEZ/HD/EZ).
  9. All players are allowed to use mods during the tiebreaker.

    *Disclaimer: Star rating can be subject to change based on feedback and player performance. The same applies to the mappool structure.
    Note: The mappool will primarily utilize conventional slot pooling for this tournament.

  1. Team and Free Agent Registrations: From 7th April 2024 at 14:00 UTC to 21st April 2024 at 14:00 UTC
  2. Screening: 21st April - 5th May
  3. Qualifiers: 11th May-12th May
  4. Bracket Stage: 18th May Onwards
    Please note that the schedule is tentative and may be adjusted depending on circumstances.

  1. 1st Place - Badge (tentative) & Banner
  2. 2nd Place - Banner
  3. 3rd Place - Banner
    Donations for prize pool or staff would be nice.

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This was supposed to be an April fools joke ...
this wasnt the tourney of freedom i was promised...
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TheBear53 wrote:

this wasnt the tourney of freedom i was promised...
I'm sorry.
This will definitely give me the motivation to derust.
Edit: I just realised this is an entirly diffrent game mode, and I cannot read. I am now gonna screw myself into the ground out of embarrasment now.
Topic Starter

RicedCatto wrote:

This will definitely give me the motivation to derust.
Edit: I just realised this is an entirly diffrent game mode, and I cannot read. I am now gonna screw myself into the ground out of embarrasment now.
Maybe if I go forth with other modes in the future.
How are you gonna name it en garde tournament and not require players to say en garde to initiate the duel xd.
Topic Starter

xtremeities wrote:

How are you gonna name it en garde tournament and not require players to say en garde to initiate the duel xd.
I thought of that but it felt awkward to say during the lobbies. "We duel" could be said faster + sounded more dramatic for suspense.

dGeist wrote:

xtremeities wrote:

How are you gonna name it en garde tournament and not require players to say en garde to initiate the duel xd.
I thought of that but it felt awkward to say during the lobbies. "We duel" could be said faster + sounded more dramatic for suspense.
you could make the commentators say that whenever a map starts up instead, would do the job just as fine
Topic Starter

Raybean wrote:

dGeist wrote:

xtremeities wrote:

How are you gonna name it en garde tournament and not require players to say en garde to initiate the duel xd.
I thought of that but it felt awkward to say during the lobbies. "We duel" could be said faster + sounded more dramatic for suspense.
you could make the commentators say that whenever a map starts up instead, would do the job just as fine
It's required in order to invoke the gimmick.
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16 teams :salute:

Also registrations will be closing soon.
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