
AU - U.Nknown Goose

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 05 December 2024 at 17:03:19

Artist: AU
Title: U.Nknown Goose
Source: 東方Project
Tags: 東方紅魔郷 ~ the embodiment of scarlet devil. touhou project electronic video game music vgm rhythm instrumental mutsuhiko izumi jubeat niconico nico douga inaba-tan gezoda u.n.owen was her snow goose zun flandre remilia SkyDevil Velamy nathan off osu bloxi wrn81056 siiyu
BPM: 200
Filesize: 4635kb
Play Time: 01:38
Difficulties Available:
  1. Bloxi's Normal (2.63 stars, 217 notes)
  2. Easy (1.91 stars, 109 notes)
  3. Kia off osu's Hyper (4.46 stars, 371 notes)
  4. Lunatic (5.3 stars, 530 notes)
  5. SkyDevil's Extra Stage (5.76 stars, 497 notes)
  6. U.Nknown Stage (6.63 stars, 774 notes)
  7. Velamy's Phantasm (6.34 stars, 742 notes)
  8. wrn's Hard (3.4 stars, 294 notes)
Download: AU - U.Nknown Goose
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
the goose lives on

im goosin my shish rn i got goose on my shish im goosin so hard im such a goose bruhh

main bg source (it's flan now ok!!!!)
wrn diff bg source (i think its an r-18 website oops)
skydevil diff bg source

Normal by Bloxi
Hard by wrn81056398
Collab Hyper by siiyu & nathan off osu (he mapped up to 00:43:875)
Extra Stage by SkyDevil from this set with consent (HS are also his own from the same set) :33
Phantasm by velamy
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