
Brian the Sun - Lonely Go! (TV Size)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 27 July 2024 at 17:16:00

Artist: Brian the Sun
Title: Lonely Go! (TV Size)
Tags: ブライアンザサン ロンリーゴー! 4 4th opening op theme song anime japanese rock jrock j-rock vocals mori ryota 森良太 shiroyama haruki 白山治輝 ogawa shinji 小川真司 tanaka shunta 田中駿汰 uzumaki naruto うずまき ナルト uchiha sarada うちはサラダ castie castiello fuxi fuxi66 wanpachi gorou stompy_
BPM: 204
Filesize: 16977kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Castie's Insane (4.82 stars, 355 notes)
  2. Extreme (5.89 stars, 379 notes)
  3. Fuxi's Extra (5.46 stars, 361 notes)
  4. Gorou's Hard (3.46 stars, 279 notes)
  5. Normal (2.51 stars, 227 notes)
  6. Sense of Purpose (6.51 stars, 397 notes)
  7. Stompy's Easy (1.8 stars, 132 notes)
Download: Brian the Sun - Lonely Go! (TV Size)
Download: Brian the Sun - Lonely Go! (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

I'm here because you are here


Easy - Stompy_
Normal - Log Off Now
Hard - Gorou
Insane - Castiello
Extra - Fuxi66
Extreme - Log Off Now
Sense of Purpose - Log Off Now

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