
[assigned] [Clarification] Add exception of album titles to source fields.

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As of now, the Ranking Criteria states the following under Metadata - Rules - Technical:

You must use the Source field if the song comes from or is directly tied to another media such as a video game, movie, series, event, etc. If the song was featured or tied to a media after it was released, the source field is optional. If a song has multiple potential sources, any option is valid.
  1. For remixes, arrangements, or covers based upon the original song, the source of the original song should be used.
  2. Website names may be used as sources when the song is tied to specific cultural phenomena related to the platform, or the song is composed as a website theme/background song.
  3. In cases where a song compilation/remix/medley/etc. has songs without a common source, the sources must be put in the tags instead of the source field (unless the compilation is prominently tied to a source itself).
  4. osu! itself should never be used in the source field except in cases where the track was specifically created for osu! (also known as an osu! original), such as commissioned tournament tiebreaker tracks.
However, nowhere does it state that album titles do NOT belong in the Source field, despite albums being a piece of media -- and as of now, it's seen mostly as "common knowledge" that album titles do not belong in the Source field, with the reasons varying from mapper to mapper (some claiming albums aren't the focus of a song, but rather the focus belongs with the source that uses the song; others claiming album titles are redundant to the song, etc..)

I think that by adding an exception to the RC, it can avoid confusion towards mappers, clarify how they should be handled, and state a more consistent reasoning.

  1. Album titles should be added to tags instead of the source field, unless there's a source that shares its name with the album.
Or alternatively, add a separate guideline with the same statement.

Album titles should be added to tags instead of the source field, unless there's a source that shares its name with the album. This is to prioritize where the song is used rather than when it was released.
(This reasoning is temporary, might need to discuss it more here...)

Now, I think this could probably be handled as a temporary solution, as Lazer can potentially have its own album field, but for now, since such field does not exist in stable (and Lazer isn't released), I feel that this will be necessary to clear up any confusion.
our rework draft changes this to visual media and we probably will include a disambiuation explaining that that means shows etc

so basically what u wnt to change

fwiw im not opposed to adding this but we wanted to publish the draft sometime soonish (this weekend ideally).
can you give some feedback on whether or not wiki/en/Ranking_criteria/Metadata#title is better and resolves this ?
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... except for albums and hosting websites.

Yeah, this is what I was looking for.

The only issue I can think of at the moment is not distinguishing media and album names with the exact same title but, I think that's too niche so it shouldn't matter.

Other than that, I think that what was written is just what i wanted. Thank you!

(It solves the issue for me. Should I get more people like with the other proposals? or is this done?)
Ryu Sei
That issue might be handled on case-by-case, I guess. Either way it looks great now
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