
Changing your given name

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Do you think changing your given name is disrespectful to your parents?

Total votes: 183
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Do you think changing your given name is considered disrespectful to your parents? This includes cases such as bullying.

Don't you think you should accept what has been given to you at birth? Shouldn't you just accept your name even if you're being bullied?
A name is special, especially a given name, given at birth, your parents probably put a lot of time into thinking of a name for you, yet you go deciding to change it for what ever reason, don't you think that's a little disrespectful?

I think its disrespectful...

Please select either yes or no and press submit.
Thankyou~ :)
~(\( . .)/)
~ ("')("')

I think it is a little, but that shouldn't stop you. Be your own person.
when i grow up out of my name

i would like to be dad
Trash Boat
Dunno. It's an individual's decision if one wants to change the name or not.
I'm honestly 50/50 about this question. While being your own person is pretty much the way to go, it's also depending on the situation. In my opinion, if a person has a beautiful name already, there's no sense in changing beauty. But if you got something ridiculous because your mother and/or father was high/on crack, then sure, why not (I would too if I was named Cocaine).

I suppose I lean more on the "yes" factor, though.

Agnes wrote:

I'm honestly 50/50 about this question. While being your own person is pretty much the way to go, it's also depending on the situation. In my opinion, if a person has a beautiful name already, there's no sense in changing beauty. But if you got something ridiculous because your mother and/or father was high/on crack, then sure, why not (I would too if I was named Cocaine).

I suppose I lean more on the "yes" factor, though.

I totaly agree with you, btw i love those eeveelution avatars <3 , to bad there are all taken would have grabbed one , don't wanna be a coppy cat tho
Trash Boat
off-topic: what about eevee?
on topic: my name is good for now but i may change it in a near future
my name is a joke conceived by my father when he was a little kid. does that make it right to change my name? not really. clearly he really wanted his kid to have that name since he held on to it for so long. out of respect i wouldn't change it, even though i dislike my name.

Trash Boat wrote:

off-topic: what about eevee?
on topic: my name is good for now but i may change it in a near future
Eevee is aswome two , but it"s also taken
There's kids out there named North West.

I'd say it's situational based on many factors, including culture (of both the parents + child), the parents, and how the kid's childhood is progressing (possible past/present/future tense).

At the end of the day, you have the freedom to do what you want. Leaning no to OP poll.
Well depending on what situation your in name changes could be acceptable. For example if your parents thought it was funny to name you car when your last name is parker (car parker) then I would think that a name change would be acceptable.
Trash Boat
where's Porsche? he must see this
Topic Starter
Even if it's individual or personal descsion, the main question is " is it disrespectful?" The question isn't, "are you/is it okay to change your name?" :/
I wanted to be born with the name "Lelouch Vi Britannia"
Personally if your parents gave you a reasonable name then I'd see it as disrespectful but if they gave you a dumb ass name then yeah why not
Omg how disrespectful you cis scum, I identify as a xer lizardman vampire named Kerin Tosh and my mind partner is a transmonkey spiritseer named Xurlot ko' Reginald.

Pls respect this.

And it is disrespectful but still legally the choice of the name holder.
it really depends on the situation

my name was given to me by my mom and she and i don't even talk anymore; i also happen to dislike my name very much

i wouldn't mind changing my name, i just haven't picked one yet

Shellghost wrote:

Omg how disrespectful you cis scum, I identify as a xer lizardman vampire named Kerin Tosh and my mind partner is a transmonkey spiritseer named Xurlot ko' Reginald.

Pls respect this.

And it is disrespectful but still legally the choice of the name holder.
transmonkey named Reginald.
coincidence? :roll:

Zeraph wrote:

Shellghost wrote:

Omg how disrespectful you cis scum, I identify as a xer lizardman vampire named Kerin Tosh and my mind partner is a transmonkey spiritseer named Xurlot ko' Reginald.

Pls respect this.

And it is disrespectful but still legally the choice of the name holder.
transmonkey named Reginald.
coincidence? :roll:
fucking lol'd
voted no, given that my name is a shitty mix between my parents' names and the city I was born in (I use my English name for things instead)

Corin wrote:

Personally if your parents gave you a reasonable name then I'd see it as disrespectful but if they gave you a dumb ass name then yeah why not
yeah if your parents called you syndee change your name or kill yourself
i use the matriarchal surname of a very distant relative for most unofficial things since my current surname comes from my father's stepfather, whom is an irreconcilable prat and a general fucksquat

that doesn't really count as a given name I guess, but nonetheless.
Witch Mercy
I actually talked to my mom about this once and she said it's fine with her if that's what I want.
Although I learned to embrace my name over the past few years and slowly realized that my mother gave me the name "Grace" because she truly felt like I "Grace'd" her life when I was born.
She's quite a religious person.
Topic Starter

Sethlied wrote:

I wanted to be born with the name "Lelouch Vi Britannia"
Trust me, you didn't.
It's depend on condition though.... :o
[ Stellar ]
In America, we have the freedom to do anything!

Topic Starter

[ Stellar ] wrote:

In America, we have the freedom to do anything!

its not about freedom... like i said its only based on what it is considered...
I wanted to be Neekerimies. That didn't happen.
To me it's disrespectful, even if they were high-on-drugs or something like that, it's still something they gave to you. That won't change.
Though it's more acceptable to change your name if they were high.
Shohei Ohtani
If I become a porn star I'm changing my last name from Hotchkiss to Hotkiss.

but thats about it.
I changed my Name already, so no ...

Attention! Opinion Incoming!
Giving you a 'Sound' at a Stage where you don't know how the World works and what/who you are, that identifies you; is "disrespectful" in my opinion.
If I ever have a child, I will not give him/her a name and let him/her choose on its own when it feels ready.
(Which, Yes is possible in Austria)
Restless Spirit
There is nothing disrespectful to be sought here. And if it was, I wouldn't care. If my name was really as bad so that I would have to go and change my name because I get teased and made fun of all the time I would consider that my parents did a pretty crappy job back then when they chose the name. And you wouldn't reward a crappy job with respect now, would you? I think not. I wouldn't, anyway.
What the real issue is though: it costs money to change your name. It shouldn't in my opinion. I mean, okay, it's certainly leading to a bloody mess with paperwork and bureaucracy when some people constantly change their names as they see fit, sure. So this would be the plus side of not having the opportunity to do it whenever you like without any cost. The downside however is that you are forced to live with that name and get called with that sound (as described well by the post above) all your life.
But then again, if you develop deeper relationships with people, you might be given a nickname (I, for once, like it better when people call me by my various nicknames, be it my internet nicknames or reallife nicks given to me at some point in life) or something. Most of the time I try to get people to call me "Socke" instead of my real name ("Socke" is the german word for "sock", don't ask where it comes from. It's just weird), which indicates I am less than happy with it. But on the other hand I do not care enough about this triviality of names that I'd consider changing it.

Really, aren't names trivial? I don't know 'bout you guys, but I don't have a problem to have a personal conversation with someone without mentioning his/her name even once. I don't need that. Of course, in terms of identification it is useful.

I think I digressed a bit.
Restless Spirit

kyseka wrote:

so if u think its disrespectful to ur parents to change ur name

but dont like ur name

y not just add names
Because the old name's still there, I would presume.
Let's say your name's Felix and you genuinely hate it, changing it to Felix Matthias doesn't make it any better because there's still "Felix" in the name.

Powersocke wrote:

kyseka wrote:

so if u think its disrespectful to ur parents to change ur name

but dont like ur name

y not just add names
Because the old name's still there, I would presume.
Let's say your name's Felix and you genuinely hate it, changing it to Felix Matthias doesn't make it any better because there's still "Felix" in the name.
what if u just tell people "matthias"

kyseka wrote:

so if u think its disrespectful to ur parents to change ur name

but dont like ur name

y not just add names
I think some places have a limit on how many words you can have in your name / total length of your name. If there wasn't someone's gonna write a short story and set it as their name for fun.

Its also sensible to set restrictions on what you can or cannot set as your name obviously. Else i'm gonna go with "gj;DROP TABLE Name" or "gfj;DROP DATABASE Customers" and start signing up for anything where they store customer/user data on a database.

ontopic: i don't think its disrespectful. especially when your parents lack creativity (check here: )
however if they took the time to make a unique meaningful name maybe its a little disrespectful
Well, you can always get your parents' consent. :)

Sheepsticks wrote:

Well, you can always get your parents' consent. :)
Always? Damn, you sure have understanding parents.
I don't really care too much if it is or not, you're the one who has to live with the name so change it to whatever you want.

I'll probably get mine changed, since for whatever reason my parents decided to give me both their last names in a annoying hyphenated version.
You are the person that has to live with your name. Therefore, I vote no.
I think it's a yes.
but don't make that stop you :3
It depends, really. Some people change it even though it's good enough already. :3
By the way, do you have a nickname or something?
Then again, there are always pseudonyms.

If you're a writer.
I'm going to change my name to... Ilfri.
My English name my parents gave me is seriously retarded. They didn't even speak English when they had me (parents are from China). I mean, I do go by a few nicknames on the Internet but not irl though. My teachers refuse to call me anything but my birth name which is embarrassing.

I rarely speak to my parents and they're usually away at work. Both of them don't get off until like 1 A.M. and they work just about 7 days a week.

I could care less if it's disrespectful to my parents. They didn't put any thought in choosing my name or help me when I got teased by it as a kid. Not to mention our relationship isn't good. If anything, it's like we're strangers.
^tell us what it is den
You don't see other people posting their RL name, do you?

Frostei wrote:

You don't see other people posting their RL name, do you?
I have it on my profile, and even If it was a harsh name they gave me or even the most embarrassing, I wouldn't care because at least my parents named me and I was something to them that they cared of.

Sulker wrote:

at least my parents named me
I wasn't aware there were parents who did not name their child(ren) even though they wanted them. "Hey Unnamed00252, give me that milk please."
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