As the title suggest I am going through all my maps starting from 2.00 star maps to infinity and beyond without retrying them. (Except if I miss or hit a circle 50) (Later added: If I have more than 5 200 hits on a map then that map will go into the "training" group, meaning I will retry it until I SS it.)
What I am wondering though is that if I have the patience to do this then will I get better at harder maps or not?
And before you ask about if I am using any difficulty increasers (mods), no I don't. Once I went through all of my ranked maps then I plan to restart this journey except with all difficulty mods on. And I am only playing Osu! maps
So you might be wondering "How many maps are we talking about?". 13358 ranked maps. I did some calculations where I assumed that on average a map's length is 2 minutes and I also plan on playing at least 1 and a half hour daily. And the results is that I should be able to finish this in less than a year. (Which is not the truth since there is the inbetween times of selecting the map and stuff so I made the assumption that at maximum I would finish it in 2 years.)
As for skins, I already found the one that is the best for me. I am using a drawing tablet and keyboard. I have also removed every distraction from the screen while playing the songs. (This is due to the fact that in the past whenever I played a hard map I ended up constantly looking at where in the song currently I am and getting impatient, which resulted in less accuracy)
I started this journey today and I am at 2.01 star maps and have managed to beat them all either SS or S.
My current best tip for anyone attempting this:
Learn the meaning of OD, CS, AR, and HP. If you know these values then you have a higher chance of SS on first try.
Decided that this would take too long and therefore switching to a new strategy
What I am wondering though is that if I have the patience to do this then will I get better at harder maps or not?
And before you ask about if I am using any difficulty increasers (mods), no I don't. Once I went through all of my ranked maps then I plan to restart this journey except with all difficulty mods on. And I am only playing Osu! maps
So you might be wondering "How many maps are we talking about?". 13358 ranked maps. I did some calculations where I assumed that on average a map's length is 2 minutes and I also plan on playing at least 1 and a half hour daily. And the results is that I should be able to finish this in less than a year. (Which is not the truth since there is the inbetween times of selecting the map and stuff so I made the assumption that at maximum I would finish it in 2 years.)
As for skins, I already found the one that is the best for me. I am using a drawing tablet and keyboard. I have also removed every distraction from the screen while playing the songs. (This is due to the fact that in the past whenever I played a hard map I ended up constantly looking at where in the song currently I am and getting impatient, which resulted in less accuracy)
I started this journey today and I am at 2.01 star maps and have managed to beat them all either SS or S.
My current best tip for anyone attempting this:
Learn the meaning of OD, CS, AR, and HP. If you know these values then you have a higher chance of SS on first try.
Decided that this would take too long and therefore switching to a new strategy