
Nintendo - Zelda - Dark World Woods

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on February 19, 2008 at 10:54:00 PM

Artist: Nintendo
Title: Zelda - Dark World Woods
BPM: 128.05
Filesize: 2943kb
Play Time: 01:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.99 stars, 105 notes)
  2. Normal (4.26 stars, 143 notes)
  3. Hard (4.88 stars, 188 notes)
Download: Nintendo - Zelda - Dark World Woods
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Straight from Super Smash Bros. Brawl's official music rip, this is my first beatmap. Let's...Just hope I didn't break anything. :S

Also if someone could name the person that composed this I'd be grateful.

Fixed the difficulties so normal is easy and hard is normal. And now there's a TRUE hard mode. >:3
Okay, not bad. For a start, I think you also need a harder difficulty.

A few spacing issues, but there may be more.

00:27:20 - feels wrong being this close to the slider.
00:33:26 - too far apart

You may want to consider revising distance spacing rules or turning on automatic spacing!

Overall worthy of a star - just look at making another level and fixing the above :).
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Okay, thanks for the suggestions. Fixing them like right now.

I was going to try out automatic spacing but I thought I was too manly to use it, though I think I may consider checking it out now.

If all goes well and I don't get lazy there should be a "hard" level difficulty up and some other things fixed by later tonight. :D
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