
How are your fingers?

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I once played 5 hour sessions for maybe a week or so and really hurt my fingers even now my right ring finger hurts after 5 or so months so I'm curious what kind of injuries have you guys racked up over your time here in the rhythm world?
Sometimes the middle finger on my right hand acts up, whenever i try to draw or at least hold a pen for a period of time it becomes so stiff and aches a lot.
Wimpy Cursed
My left arm started to hurt after stupidly repeating the act of tensing up.

Got a capsule of advil pills to reduce the pain/speed up the healing process. I also stopped playing during that time.
iirc, I am pretty sure I was out for like two weeks

As for fingers, there would just a lot of strain at times. Pretty sure I messed up my right index, but it isn't in pain. My tapping is just weird.
There would be moments where I would curl my fingers and hurt though, all four that I used. Didn't see to much of an issue, but that might of been bad for the long run if I continued to do the same process.
alright ig
My hands get tired after long session and can be sore, but other than that I don't feel any horrible pain.

I would recommend doing hand exercises before and after session to prevent RSI or any pain.
When I feel pain, I take a break until the pain in my fingers really starts to subside. then I go back to playing.
The only times I have ever felt pain in my hands is when I derust or play hard maps while not warmed up. I do push extremely hard too so yeah

Also its kind of crazy to hear when people do sessions that long cause mine never go past 2 hours
I have wracked up wrist pain because I keep holding my hand on the keyboard weird so my wrists would be bent for hours at a time before I stopped playing

I stopped playing for a week just because of it.
[TCD] Dzar03
already dead

jk but it isnt as good as my peak, I also busy with my college so for now I just sometimes play for fun
since I take pretty short sessions and frequent breaks my fingers and hands haven't really gotten injured much, but when I do end up playing a long session my right hand will start to cramp up.

always immediately stop playing once you feel any sharp pain to avoid injury. (a burning sensation is pretty normal though)

try doing finger stretches and stuff like that before doing a session, could end up helping.
when I was rhythm games in general as a kid I'd play them for 5 hours a day without a single moment of rest. My fingers started locking up a lot during then and it stayed sore even hours after playing. guys taking care of your hands is important pls do it
I remember a couple months after I started playing I got this weird pain in my index fingers on both hands where it was kinda sore and felt strange when I pressed down on anything. I had to stop playing for like three days after that because of it. Now I make sure to stretch my wrists and my fingers before I start playing, and if I play for a long time then I stretch periodically during the session. now I'm back to normal and I haven't had much pain since then.

If anything ill cramp up a bit in my arms after a super hard map because I tend to tense up a lot when I play those, but it usually goes away pretty quickly after I'm done. so I definitely recommend stretching at least a little, it helped me a lot so 10/10
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