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Tablet players (especially), where is your elbow and how far are you sitting from the monitor?
My elbow hangs just over the edge of my table, and my monitor is like roughly 16inches/46cm from my face. Not sure if it matters but im using full area on a ctl672
I sit slightly more than an arm's length from my computer and my elbow is barely on my table, I play with my tablet tilted at an ~45 degree angle counterclockwise so my arm is positioned accordingly.
I also sit slightly more than arm's length away from my monitor when I sit up straight but I do lean forward a bit. My elbow is hanging off the table, with the part of my arm just below the wrist on the edge of the table. I used to have my arm way up to where my elbow was nearly on the table and used my wrist to aim, but after some wrist pain I switched to pivoting horizontally with my arm instead of my wrist because it was the closest to how I aimed before without actually having to strain my wrist, and have not had major wrist pain since. My tablet is tilted like 15 degrees maybe, started playing like that because I used to tilt paper slightly while I wrote and so it felt natural.
dung eater
in the air around rib level, arm's length/70cm from monitor
KS Wicher
my elblow is on my chair's elblow rest so my tablet is just where my wrist happens to be that day (i move my tablet pen with wrist+fingers)
my head is around 40cm-70cm from the screen

my tablet is set perfectly horizontal unless my aim feels off, then i just tilt it bit by bit till i can play comfortably
My elbows are on the air, slightly flexed and not resting on anything as i play on the floor. Monitor distance is as close as i can get my laptop on playing with a foldable desk. My face is definitely within 50cm from the screen. However, i am not a tablet player
my elbow is off the table and i try to be as far away from my monitor as possible
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