
Song level useless?

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I'm glad that there are more songs available to mania players now, but I'm noticing a really stupid trend now where one song's lvl 1 is another song's lvl 10, and eventually it gets to the point where reading a songs "lvl" gives you really no indication at all. It feels diminishing when you do well on a lvl 20 and think youre improving, and then get your face crushed by a lvl 10 song. It puts the whole thing out of whack and defeats the point of having such a system.

Are map makers just giving their songs a lvl number based on their experience? That would explain the massive disparity.
The reason for the diversity is mappers coming from different other mania games with their own level systems.

With the introduction of new-pp-calc by tom, o!m is soon going to have its own level system. Until that's available, only use levels to judge difficulty within the same mapset and not across different mapsets.

Anyway, you can use this t/183856&start=0
This level system is neutral and designed specifically for o!m maps, it's consistent within itself and no maps should be off by more than 1 level even with different player skills taken into account.
They aren't exactly useless, but more inaccurate. I mostly disregard the levels on mania maps, though there are some exceptions depending on the mapper.
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I suppose I'm having an issue because I'm playing mostly O2Jam converts at the moment.

They have some pretty crazy disparities
O2jam levels are all over the place. At lower levels they mostly make sense (1-30 or so) but may be slightly inaccurate (a level 22 that feels harder than a 26, etc.). from 30-50 they are usually a little bit more unpredictable, but still kinda work a bit. Past that things tend to be pretty much arbitrary.

They can still be useful to some degree, because a 30 is almost guaranteed to be easier than a 40, for example, but they're really only useful for making a rough estimate.
Still, don't compare O2Jam level to mania because it's pretty useless unless you know how the level calculates and other stuff like the note density, patterns which can be estimated to create a level.

Also, like Bobbias said,

Bobbias wrote:

O2jam levels are all over the place.
There's a LOT of them and maybe including mine also. :P
You also have to factor in player skill. Personally a level 20 map with lots of long notes and shield streams would be alot harder for me than a level 30 map with lots of streams and complex stairs.
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