
Got any interesting beatmaps ranging high 4* to low 5*?

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So basically I've been playing taiko on lazer for a good while already, but I noticed that I'm always playing the same few beatmaps from the recents tab and the ocassional playlist beatmap, so I was wondering if ya'll got something I could try out for the fun of it.

Just in case, I gotta note that I'm not necessarily looking for ranked stuff either, just something to have fun with.

hi! saw this thread and thought i'd recommend some maps i really like around that range.

KINEMA106 - Nightmare Party - Oni 4.87* - lolcubes - 200 bpm j-metal consistency map with occassional 1/3 snap patterns

Orange Lounge - Les filles balancent - Oni & Inner Oni - 4.56* & 5.20* - Zetera and Shinsekai- - 180 bpm french-inspired dnb song. the oni is great for testing pattern consistency, and the inner oni has tons of different rhythms and unique 1/4 in it.

Tsukasa - Visions - Inner Oni - 4.91* - MMzz - 178 bpm dnb song from cytus. this ranked map has a great sense of flow, and since it's od7, it will test your accuracy a bit.

Morimori Atsushi - Aduh! - Oni - 5.23* - applerss - 115-195 bpm touhou funkot remix song. the oni starts off with longer patterns, but it eventually mellows down. there is a bpm-changing part in the middle that'll test finger control

school food punishment - after laughter - Oni - 4.60* - Love - 180 bpm j-pop track with a blend of a lot of different instruments. a consistency map that'll have you starting a lot of rhythms with doublets going into triplets.

also, if there's any map that you like (in my post or somewhere else), i can see if i can try and find stuff that are similar to that!
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Hey there, thanks for taking your time to respond.

To be honest, I can see why you like those beapmaps after playing through most of them, though if I had to pick a favorite, I'd probably say "aduh!" because of the finger control part.

If you know about similar beatmaps, I'd appreciate if you could share those too.
I'll look for some maps with that soon, I'll edit this post with them later.

EDIT 2/10/2024 - (sorry for the late edit)

all of these maps have variable bpms so that you can test your adaptability

ikaruga_nex - ReviXy - Himekuri - 5.49* - HimekuriR18

Frums - Remnants of Turing - Oni - 4.57* - Ulqui

Hino Isuka vs. s-don - Glooorious!! - 5.08* - HiroK

Akhuta - Virga Gigantum - Oni - 4.78* - Nyan

stargaze shelter - SPECTR - Inner Oni - 4.74* - _Rise
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Heyo, sorry for the late response!
Again, thanks for taking your time to recommend some mapsets, appreciate it.

I did try playing through all of them though, I could only complete 3 beatmaps out of those last 5 because Glooorious!! really gets me at the end (tbh this is mostly a me thing as I tend to reset/quit when I drop too much acc at once) and ReviXy is a bit too much for me at the moment, so guess I'll have to save that one for the future.
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