
Kitasan Black (CV: Yano Hinaki) - Lost Shine (A...

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年2月19日 at 23:17:24

Artist: Kitasan Black (CV: Yano Hinaki)
Title: Lost Shine (Assertive & HYPERLOCK Hardcore Bootleg)
Source: ウマ娘 プリティーダービー Season 3
Tags: electronic edm japanese j-core jcore ler1211 rinze uma musume umamusume pretty derby anime j-pop jpop ending ed theme s3
BPM: 170
Filesize: 10887kb
Play Time: 06:41
Difficulties Available:
  1. supe & ler's Shining!! (5.38 stars, 2415 notes)
Download: Kitasan Black (CV: Yano Hinaki) - Lost Shine (Assertive & HYPERLOCK Hardcore Bootleg)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
見上げた空 きらめいてた
いつか見つけた あこがれみたいに

For Rank!!!!!!!!!
Collab with ler1211!!

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