
What's your current mapping style?

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like what do you like to map in general

i'm kind of curious to see what's the most popular mapping style here because there are many of them

i personally like to map generic with a few bursts that are 5-6 stars :)
Jason X
(Taiko) For the last two years, simple maps.

This goes for the lower and higher diffs, as even my Oni/Inner diffs use simple patterns.
My main goal since half a year is to utalize Abekobe and Mirrored patterns a lot, so that things don't feel too repetitive on the more repetitive parts of a song.
Also using Intertwined patterns when the song allows it (I mainly follow the song while mapping)

Just recently started making std (osu mode) maps again, but there I'm also focusing on the lower diffs (Easy-Hard).
Don't really have a style there I think, other than making sure the players get enough rest moments for the respective difficulties.
my recent-ish stuff has mostly been in one of the following categories
- tryhard slider anime
- max rhythm insane diffs
- cs5 alt
- fairly harsh aim consistency with some tapping
Yoisaki Kanade
my mapping style is bad maps changes a lot depending on the song I map but I’ve been enjoying more generic anime oriented songs recently so im mapping semi-generic anime. Also some alt stuff since I like playing alt.
for std i map comfy jumps/streams and for mania i map cj but i prob could map like streams if i had a little bit more motivation to
ive been trying to map high sv avalon tech and some tag-style stuff but unfortunately i have this problem where i can never finish maps
my style is very
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-nub wrote:

my style is very
i see it's very

tity wrote:

ive been trying to map high sv avalon tech and some tag-style stuff but unfortunately i have this problem where i can never finish maps
i always have that probelm and i map simple maps :frown:
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[-Omni-] wrote:

tity wrote:

ive been trying to map high sv avalon tech and some tag-style stuff but unfortunately i have this problem where i can never finish maps
i always have that probelm and i map simple maps :frown:
sometimes, simplicity means everything!

Anaxii wrote:

like what do you like to map in general

i'm kind of curious to see what's the most popular mapping style here because there are many of them

i personally like to map generic with a few bursts that are 5-6 stars :)
i like mapping harder maps but i like to use maps who have a good place to put really long sliders at because making sliders is sorta my thing (its really fun to do lol)

Anaxii wrote:

[-Omni-] wrote:

tity wrote:

ive been trying to map high sv avalon tech and some tag-style stuff but unfortunately i have this problem where i can never finish maps
i always have that probelm and i map simple maps :frown:
sometimes, simplicity means everything!
honestly i just map anything but depends on the song

if its chill and ambient i would usually use high CS and low AR
if it has 1/2 spam then i do jumps
if it sounds techy i do tech
Geum Hui
kroytz + ilay + fycho

usually switched between these 3 depending on the song tho
i use sliders and circles
Some old-style, somwhat straightforward mapping that's intended to be as obvious as possible about its musical representation to where it makes anyone, especially new players, relate and jam to the music more.
Kolon Dee
tech and wub
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1103 wrote:

i use sliders and circles
but no spinners? what a shame
I actually don't know. ;_;

But I have played a lot of 2009 maps, so it's gotta be some old style that I'm always mapping...but idk... =/
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