
[osu!catch] AxS 9th edition

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Once again we are back, with the 9th edition of the AxS tournament! Just like the last iterations we are here to give you a fun and challenging experience to everyone.
So without further ado, let’s see who are the best osu!catch players of this year!

The full name of AxS is “Accuracy x Score”. The matches are in a three versus three format and the teams will have a maximum of six competitors.
The tournament is not nationality based, so anybody can join your team. While we allow people from all countries to join each other in the same team, we recommend you to try to get people around the same time zone to avoid scheduling issues.

AxS is different from your mainstream tournament. Here, accuracy has a huge impact on the final score of each team. Your team will be divided into two groups of players playing different roles to create a final score for each map.
Two of the three playing members will serve as the "score" and the other player will serve as the "accuracy". Further information can be found under the heading "Calculation explained".

General rules
  1. The score used in this tournament will be ScoreV2. Next to that AxS scoring is applied.
  2. A qualifier round will be played to determine the seeding of everyone.
  3. If a team is 10 minutes late for a match, they will be disqualified for that match and lose by default.
  4. If a team does not contain enough players to play a match (3 players), the opposing team will win the match.
  5. Please refrain from using offensive words in your team name as this can lead to disqualification. Names will be sent in to the osu! tournament staff for screening.
  6. Commentators aren't allowed to bad-mouth players in any given scenario, if they do, then please report this.
In-game rules
  1. The accuracy players of the teams have to sit in the First or Fourth slot of the multiplayer room depending on what team they are. This spot will be for the accuracy player, when the map has started the accuracy player is locked in and cannot be changed even if the map is retried for any reason.
  2. You are allowed to switch players in between maps.
  3. If a player disconnects from the game their score nor accuracy will not be accounted for in the final calculation.
  4. You cannot nullify a beatmap under any circumstance.
  5. A map can only be retried when something hindering happens (such as a disconnect) in the first 20 seconds of that map. This is only allowed once per match for each team.
  6. The rolling mechanic that decides who picks and bans in what order will be as follows: the winning team of a roll may decide whether they ban AND pick first, or ban AND pick second.
  7. Map-banning structure for rounds: Round of 32 & 16: Both teams get 1 ban at the start of the match.
  8. Map-banning structure for rounds: Quarter finals up until Grand Finals: Both teams get 1 ban at the start of the match. Either team gets a second ban in the match upon losing a third point. A team is only allowed to ban 1 maps per mod bracket
  9. Always remember that this is just a game (I.e behave yourself)
  10. If neither team has enough players to conduct the match a roll will be done to determine the match’s winner
Mod rules
  1. There are 4 NoMod, 2 Hidden, 2 HardRock, 3 DoubleTime, 2 Mixed Mod and 1 Tiebreaker map for stages: Round of 32 and Round of 16
  2. There are 5 NoMod, 3 Hidden, 3 HardRock, 3 DoubleTime, 2 Mixed Mod and 1 Tiebreaker map for stages: Quarter Finals and Semi Finals
  3. There are 5 NoMod, 3 Hidden, 3 HardRock, 4 DoubleTime, 3 Mixed Mod and 1 Tiebreaker map for stages: Finals and Grand Finals
  4. The Tiebreaker will be played with either NoMod or Hidden. Any other mods are NOT allowed.
  5. When picking either DoubleTime or HardRock maps, you are allowed to pick Hidden alongside
  6. When picking a Mixed Mod map, one player has to play with NoMod, one with Hidden and the last player with HardRock (can be with Hidden).
  7. You are not allowed to pick a map from the same mod pool twice in a row.

Registering or joining a team is all done through the website. Go to and scroll all the way down. Creating and/or joining a team should be relatively straight forward, if you are having issues, join the Discord server:, and contact Wesley.

Closing date for the registration phase: 03/02/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy)
All other dates can be found here:


Three players will choose between playing one of two different roles each map, these players and roles can be changed per map. The roles are “Accuracy player” and “Score player”. Each team will have ONE Accuracy player and TWO Score players.
The accuracy player primarily has to focus on their accuracy, to ensure that the score from the score players won’t drop. This obviously means that the score players primarily will have to focus on their score.

This is what the calculation looks like

Formula final score of player 1:
(Score of player 1 * (((100 - ((100 - Accuracy of player 1) / 5)) / 100) ^ modifier))

Formula score of player 2:
(Score of player 2 * (((100 - ((100 - Accuracy of player 2) / 5)) / 100) ^ modifier))

Formula score of player 3:
(Score of player 3 * (((100 - ((100 - Accuracy of player 3) / 5)) / 100) ^ modifier))

Formula final score:
((Final score of player 1) + (Final score of player 2) + (Final score of player 3)) * ((((Accuracy player 1 * 0.5) + (Accuracy player 2 * 0.25) + (Accuracy player 3 * 0.25)) / 100) ^ modifier)


Modifier: 10

Player 1 (Accuracy player):
Score: 950000
Accuracy: 99

Player 2 (Score player):
Score: 900000
Accuracy: 99.5

Player 3 (Score player):
Score: 1000000
Accuracy: 100

((950000 * (((100 - ((100 - 99) / 5)) / 100) ^ 10)) + (900000 * (((100 - ((100 - 99.5) / 5)) / 100) ^ 10)) + (1000000 * (((100 - ((100 - 100) / 5)) / 100) ^ 10))) * ((((99 * 0.5) + (99.5 * 0.25) + (100 * 0.25)) / 100) ^ 10) = 2650701.46067

  1. A badge for the team that gets first place - the design will be announced later.
If you are willing to help out funding supporter, go to the website (click me), click on “register as staff” and select the Sponsor checkbox and we will contact you about it!

Full staff list can be found on the website.

We are still looking for staff reinforcements; mappickers, referees, commentators and streamers. If you are interested in helping out, go to the website (click me) and click on “register as staff” and fill out the form!

Please report any concern you may have about this tournament to the tournament committee:

monkey prince
please update rules in website and forum post if the format is changed. (looks like 24 teams qualified to main event in website but say 64 teams in rule books.)
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