Ive been playing osu!m for around 3 years now, and yet im only able to play 4 stars max. Is that normal? Does skill development depends on age or Keyboard or smth else?
oh ok then, ill try to play more. thanks for the suggestion!UltraBlack wrote:
For mania I wouldn't day that age matters much, maybe a bit on mindset. I just think you didn't played enough, like, you have 2 days online only. Now, if you were playing offline it is hard for me to have a veredict. Overall, playing 3 years should be more than enough to get into a 3 digits, i myself didn't played 4k for three years. I think you just have to play more シ
age doesn't matter, it's just your mindset on how you consistently play it and always pushing limits 1 star above your comfortable star rating (what you're currently comfortable with S-ranking or A-ranking maps)DaShirubs wrote:
Ive been playing osu!m for around 3 years now, and yet im only able to play 4 stars max. Is that normal? Does skill development depends on age or Keyboard or smth else?