
Ranked Beatmap Packs

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Read this before downloading!

Installation: Once a pack has been downloaded, extract the .rar into your osu! Songs directory. All songs are still .zip'd and/or .osz'd inside the pack, so osu! will need to extract the beatmaps itself the next time you go into Play mode. Do NOT extract the zip's/osz's yourself, or the beatmaps will display incorrectly in osu and will not function properly.

Also note that it is highly recommended to download the packs from latest to earliest, since the majority of the maps in packs 1-14ish are of much lower quality than most recent maps.
[deleted user]
Who can tell me the password of extract?
[deleted user]

Saturos wrote:

zouchenshuo wrote:

Who can tell me the password of extract?
There isn't one.
What do you mean?There is not any password,isn't it?
[deleted user]
sweet :D

This saves time downloading them one by one :)

[deleted user]
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
[deleted user]
Osu! + All Beatmaps

7. Lady GaGa ft. Akon & Colby O'Donis - Just Dance [VIDEO] (Pack 106) - error CRC.
Downloaded 2 times - always this file is broken.
[deleted user]

Blue_Ninja0 wrote:

That's nice and all, but this:
"Extract it to one folder, extract every archive to separate folder. Copy folders to "Songs" directory of game."
is so wrong!
The .zip and .osz are to be extracted by Osu itself, or problems may occur.
If I add this "One song in .zip or .ocz file can be opened and installed directly by Osu!"
all ok?
[deleted user]

Blue_Ninja0 wrote:

By the way, your torrent seems to be 404.
D*mn p-b buyers...
Uploaded to

Now i'm seed at three trackers... if m-n delete it - seed at four %)
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