
Taiko no Tatsujin +HD (Taiko Gameplay only)

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This skin is designed to be used only during Taiko gameplay. Therefore, it should be inside "Taiko" folder with the "use Taiko skin for Taiko mode" option enabled.

This skin has a @2x version of every element.

(Custom character this time IS included)

Download link:

ZIP file: ... /

Don't forget to put it inside Taiko folder in the Skins folder and check this option

This skin will probably never be updated.

  1. Added comboburst sounds (up to 9000 combo)
  2. Added comboberak sound
  3. Kiai disabled by default (Kiai files are inside "Kiai" folder)
  4. Re-made hit images
  5. Changed hitsounds
  6. More sounds
Update 2:
  1. Polished the drum, circle overlays, rolls and spinner warning
  2. Added custom character (with a bonus one as well)
  3. Re-made hit images again (this time animated like real Taiko no Tatsujin)
  4. Reworked a few mod icons
  5. Added some menu sounds
  6. Added elements for main skin (osu!skin folder) Taiko result screen
Update 2.1:
  1. Added unique combo font with four variations (inside the Combo folder).

no-combo is used by default
Note: Mod icons include both english and japanese versions inside Mod folder.
I downloaded this, it looks pretty nice.

I personally like the kiai thing around the circle when you hit notes .w.

Good luck -w-
Rolling Boy
I really like the taiko-slider, but the "taiko-bar-right-glow" is a bit annoying when i use hidden. Anyway, very good skin.
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Rolling Boy wrote:

I really like the taiko-slider, but the "taiko-bar-right-glow" is a bit annoying when i use hidden. Anyway, very good skin.
You can always make a copy of "taiko-bar-right" and name it "taiko-bar-right-glow" (I myself do this)
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For anyone using this as of latest update: If you have stuttering on hits see t/487300 and t/487621
JhowM, Do you have more custom taiko characters like marisa don :P
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You mean from Taiko no Tatsujin games?
I could rip any from taiko Wii/3DS maybe PSP but for now I, unfortunately, don't have time for doing so.

Here's what I have right now:

(don't ask me for Reimu)

Along with 20 other self-made characters which are so old I don't feel like sharing (except for the Remilia included in this skin)
Though if you want, I can send you through PM the Youmu-don I made for someone else, since he seems to have quit.
skinner is alive o/
nice job on this skin
best skin 77/7
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Found out that now we can have a unique combo font, so I made 2 fonts with two variations each.
Due to osu! skinning limitations I can't make it have no font for 0-9, a font for 10-99 and another one for 100-∞ combo, as well as the "combo" writing, which appears permanently (I made it tied to the scorebar).
Really awesome and looks sharp, thanks.
how do i change the skins for don chan :shock:
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you must copy all the files named pippidon*.png over to the skin folder you are using (I recommend you move your current don-chan skin files as to not mix the two skins)
sweet work!
Half Time
Very nice!
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