
Sasaki Sayaka - Sakura, Reincarnation

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2024年5月21日 at 23:09:27

Artist: Sasaki Sayaka
Title: Sakura, Reincarnation
Source: さくら、もゆ。-as the Night's, Reincarnation-
Tags: 山本美禰子 yamamoto mineko 石倉誉之 ishikura takashi 小高光太郎 kodaka koutarou favorite opening galgame eroge visual novel sakura moyu japanese pop j-pop jpop op night video game vn pnky clammbon fukari-tan eringiRa
BPM: 181
Filesize: 5199kb
Play Time: 02:06
Difficulties Available:
  1. eringiRa's Hard (3.57 stars, 358 notes)
  2. Fukari's Insane (4.38 stars, 400 notes)
  3. Normal (2.33 stars, 261 notes)
  4. pnky's Expert (5.35 stars, 463 notes)
  5. Reincarnation (5.57 stars, 449 notes)
Download: Sasaki Sayaka - Sakura, Reincarnation
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
spongie: chiwa kawasugi

千和ちゃん<3 猫村ゆきは最高

fukari restricted;;

bg from the game

Mochi- / Natsume Shizuku
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