Thank you for your guidance, I will do better in the next roundDrum-Hitnormal wrote:
some feedback on ur BN eval
`Content of general check looks good, but timing wasn't done. Looks to me like the offset needs -7ms (470->463)` -> this is very subjective and hardware dependent, anything less than 10ms is not really an issue, cant be DQ -> not sure why NAT even mention this...
Timing also wasn't done. Offset sounds like it could use +5ms (Lazer timing editor is goated for finding offset when the song has strong waveforms). Additionally, timing should be moved up an entire bar to align NC cymbals (and match the true first bar of the song) New offset should be ~1407. -> idk why NC is mentioned here its not even mandatory to do red timing for NC, its ok to rank ignoring NC, same as how HS is optional, not required.
General checks were missing timing, -> this was mentioned in why u failed, idk this feels unfair, none of these timing things would cause a DQ so u shouldn't be penalized for it. but other points seems valid so u would have failed regardless of the timing part.
if u need help preping ur next BN app u can dm me. BTW u should only mod in English for BN app, not any other language