Hi! Here's your requested mod from a really long time ago >.< (sorry about it)
You have to put hitsounds in your difficulty, it's in the
ranking criteria, and the map is too empty without hitsounds anyway
Also approach rate shouldn't be 0, change it to 3 or 2, and also the other options, I know it's Easy but 1 is really too low so try to use 2 or 3 for them.
In general, you should try to make nicer patterns, it doesn't have to be symmetric, but right now many patterns look messy, try to be a bit more creative, make some nice sliders and circle patterns, you could also try to make nice blankets, for example:
00:15:781 (4,5) -
00:09:115 (1,2,3) - here I think you could make a nicer pattern, it doesn't necessarily have to be symmetric, but it would improve a lot on the pattern in my opinion, so for example:
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/1505154of course it's just an example to give you an idea, you don't have to follow it
I can see you used distance snap most of the time, but not always, so you should fix some of your patterns. These are the places where you should fix spacing:
00:15:226 (3,4) -
00:46:337 (2,3,1) -
01:42:448 (1,2) -
02:19:671 (3,4) -
02:21:337 (5,6,1) -
00:46:892 (3) - this slider has too many reverses, so it could be confusing to newer players, you should try to have only 1 reverse and add a hit circle, like this:
http://puu.sh/85HFP.jpg00:53:559 (1) - I would suggest you not to use slider velocity change on an Easy difficulty, especially because when there is SV change the distance also changes so it might be confusing
01:02:448 (1,2) - don't use such short reverse sliders, they are confusing because they have more than one reverses and because they are too short and the reverse arrow reaches the beginning of the slider:
http://puu.sh/85HOR.jpg - so try not to follow THAT accurately the vocals on this difficulty, it's okay to have longer sliders
01:03:559 (2,1) - don't make them overlap, it's confusing, even though you used distance snap, in this case just try to give a different direction for the previous slider, but hopefully this won't be a problem after you change what I said in the previous point
01:09:115 (1) - same about having too many reverses
01:11:337 (1,2) - this is confusing for newbies, because (2) is close the end of the slider which has a reverse arrow, and the flow could be improved as well, because (1) leads to the opposite direction:
http://puu.sh/85Iez.jpg - it's a bit hard to explain, so I hope this makes it easier to understand, so try something like this?
http://puu.sh/85Ilt.jpg01:18:004 (5) - don't change the slider velocity just for the shape of a slider (especially not on an Easy), it can be a bit hard to read because the end of the slider is too close to the beginning of the slider, also put new combo on it, since (7) is a bit too long combo for Easy
01:22:448 (4) - place a new combo here as well, not only because of the long combo, but it fits to the vocals as well, since it slightly changes
01:28:004 (1) - try to do the same that I suggested here 00:46:892 (3) - remove some of the reverses and put a hit circle later on
01:43:559 (2) - why the SV (slider velocity) change? o.o it's unnecessary and also try not to do it on an Easy diff as I have already mentioned
01:53:560 (5,1,2) - this might be a bit too fast, players have to react quickly, so I would suggest you not to put a slider right after the circle, remove (5) and put (1) a bit earlier (where (5) was) -
http://puu.sh/85Jw9.jpg - also don't forget to change placement to make it fit to the distance
01:55:782 (1) - same things about slider velocity change >.<
02:16:337 (2) - try to replace this a bit, because it's too close to (3) so newbie players might want to click (2) earlier than (1), because it's closer, example:
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/150534402:29:115 (5) - add new combo, because (8) is too long and because here she sings in a long way, so it would fit
02:40:226 (1) - shorten this spinner a bit, so that it fits to the vocals better, it should last until about 02:43:559 -
02:49:115 (1) - again slider velocity change >.<
03:22:449 (4,5,6) - this pattern is a bit fast for newbies and the placement is also a bit crowded, so try to change it a bit:
http://puu.sh/85Kbw.jpg03:28:560 (4,1) - please don't put the end of the slider to where (4) is, it's really confusing! in case like this, try something different, for example:
http://puu.sh/85Khe.jpg - obviously, you'll have to replace the next objects after changing it
03:31:338 (4) - add a new combo here, because of the high vocals
03:31:338 (4,5) - it would fit better if you made these a slider instead of 2 hit circles, because the vocals are "long"
03:34:671 (2,1) - these are a bit too close, just like I mentioned in a previous pattern here 02:15:226 (3,2) -
03:37:449 (4,5) - you should use ctrl+g on the timeline
http://puu.sh/85KxR.jpg , because at the end of 03:37:449 (4) - there should be a new combo because of the vocals so a sliderend doesn't fit there
03:41:338 (1) - you could make this shape nicer, especially because the reverse arrow is too close to the beginning of the slider >.< so try something like this:
http://puu.sh/85KT6.jpgAlso please check AiMod:
http://puu.sh/85LuT.pngto be continued...