This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 12:48:35 PM
Artist: Aisaka Yuuka
Title: Hikari, Hikari (TV Size)
Source: ネト充のススメ
Tags: desire blue sky peni pasi pasi_ jaje kaine raja limetwist net-juu net juu no susume ed ending female vocal japanese jpop j pop recovery of an mmo junkie recommendation the wonderful virtual life 尾崎 世界観 Sekaikan Ozaki
BPM: 185
Filesize: 9791kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
Download: Aisaka Yuuka - Hikari, Hikari (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
please watch this show
bg from anime
lime hs
peni hard
payney coult kaine normal
pseudo hard
Artist: Aisaka Yuuka
Title: Hikari, Hikari (TV Size)
Source: ネト充のススメ
Tags: desire blue sky peni pasi pasi_ jaje kaine raja limetwist net-juu net juu no susume ed ending female vocal japanese jpop j pop recovery of an mmo junkie recommendation the wonderful virtual life 尾崎 世界観 Sekaikan Ozaki
BPM: 185
Filesize: 9791kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
- Collab Normal (2.43 stars, 180 notes)
- Insane (4.81 stars, 350 notes)
- Pasi's Hard (3.63 stars, 286 notes)
Download: Aisaka Yuuka - Hikari, Hikari (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
please watch this show
bg from anime
lime hs
peni hard
payney coult kaine normal
pseudo hard