
PP and Dif question

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So I know it really just "depends on the person", but as a #580k, what should my highest pp play be and what diff should I normally be playing.
I normally play 5-6 stars and my overall accuracy is absolutely terrible, but if I play anything under a 5 star, I feel like its too slow, at the same time they are the only maps I can S rank.
I just want some opinions, thank you :D
Honestly, I don't really expect even a 100pp-120pp play from anyone above 300k if that gives you an idea. Also, play 3* and 4* mainly for a bit. While it is neat that you can play 5* and 6*, it won't do much if you can't even get those down to a T at the moment. So play 3* until it is like a consistent S rank FC, and move onto 4* cause then it starts to get into the things you see more of in 5* and up. Then again just my opinion good luck playing

xishkapish wrote:

So I know it really just "depends on the person", but as a #580k, what should my highest pp play be and what diff should I normally be playing.
I normally play 5-6 stars and my overall accuracy is absolutely terrible, but if I play anything under a 5 star, I feel like its too slow, at the same time they are the only maps I can S rank.
I just want some opinions, thank you :D
To be blunt: Too bad, start playing the 3*'s anyways.

If you're playing 5-6* maps with shit accuracy, you don't have to skills to play them. You'll only get that by playing easier maps and refining those skills.

To answer your first question: Why do you care? What does it matter if you have those plays at that rank?

xishkapish wrote:

but as a #580k, what should my highest pp play be and what diff should I normally be playing.
~100pp and 4-5*

xishkapish wrote:

I normally play 5-6 stars and my overall accuracy is absolutely terrible, but if I play anything under a 5 star, I feel like its too slow, at the same time they are the only maps I can S rank.
its fine to play 5-6* but also play 4* even if they are too slow for you. Playing lower star maps will help in building consistency and FCing ability (hitting each note/pattern properly)

playing harder maps = +skill limit
playing easier maps = +skill mastery

xishkapish wrote:

I normally play 5-6 stars and my overall accuracy is absolutely terrible, but if I play anything under a 5 star, I feel like its too slow
You hit the spot. You can continue as is, or you can play more lower star maps alongside the higher one. Mastering your consistency is important for quite a reason:

• Higher acc for more pp
• Opening up for oppotunities to playing less popular mapping style (low AR, High CS/ Precision, Speed, Tech, you name it)
• Less frustation when trying to FC maps
• Minimise bad habit of retry spamming

Bad accuracy is essential only if you know your own capabilities to FC it someday

I think there shouldn't be how much pp you should achieve (I also forgot what should it be), the bottomline is you can continue what you're playing or widen your skill sets
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