
t+pazolite - You are the Miserable [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, August 1, 2024 at 9:45:22 PM

Artist: t+pazolite
Title: You are the Miserable
Source: Lanota
Tags: see you again hollowood tpz t+pz chs-0033 electronic instrumental video game music vgm hardcore trance psytrance japanese j-core noxy games groove coaster 4 starlight road taito ワッカ wacca lily r marvelous overrapid collaboration act.2 sentimentalism chapter 3 iii indoroid tigerinity [_decku_] decku [decku] darkistdeci hytex asteria_ worthlessnut9 notiijohn0 iijohn0 johno
BPM: 163
Filesize: 8263kb
Play Time: 02:37
Difficulties Available:
  1. Ambient | Worthless' Easy - 4Key (1.26 stars, 403 notes)
  2. Desolate Depths of Anguish | Decku's Expert - 4Key (4.29 stars, 1839 notes)
  3. Harmony | Hyper - 4Key (2.87 stars, 1307 notes)
  4. Melody | Johno vs. Ucitysm's Hard - 4Key (2.41 stars, 1025 notes)
  5. Symphony | Hytex's Insane - 4Key (3.7 stars, 1568 notes)
  6. Whisper | Asteria vs. Ucitysm's Normal - 4Key (1.84 stars, 749 notes)
Download: t+pazolite - You are the Miserable
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

《 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎~ #27 ~ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‎‎》
// t+pazolite \\

you are the meow

check out the original set made by gasviaa,
as well as the abandoned set i revived by Decku!

Mirsaaa | Carpihat

Hitsounds & Keysounds

Ambient | Worthless' Easy by Worthlessnut9
Whisper | Asteria vs. Ucitysm's Normal by Asteria_ & Ucitysm
Melody | Johno vs. Ucitysm's Hard by iiJohn0 & Ucitysm
Harmony | Hyper by Ucitysm
Symphony | Hytex's Insane by Hytex
Desolate Depths of Anguish | Decku's Expert by Decku
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