Hello and welcome to the second Season of the osu!catch Draft Tournament. You may ask, what is osu!catch Draft Tournament? Well, everyone that has signed up for the tournament will be playing in a qualifier round, much like any other tournament. Based on the results of the qualifiers and other criteria players will be given a price. Once the qualifiers have concluded, the team captains will be picked and a date and time will be set to draft all the teams. All the team captains will be given the same amount of money to buy their team and start playing in the tournament!
This year we are going to do the drafting process a little differently to spice things up a bit. Instead of splitting teams up in Seeds, we will be pricing players based on a formula.
Players will be priced between 1$ and 5$ and a team captain will be allowed to spend a total of 15$ on their team. The total price a captain is allowed to spend will also include their own value.
The minimum number of players a team should have is gonna be 4 players and the maximum is gonna be 6 players. This means a team of 5 players is also allowed. In order to finalise your team you also have to spend the full 15$.
In this example, we assume the team captain is worth 5$, some of the team options are:
5$ (captain), 5$, 3$, 2$
5$ (captain), 4$, 4$, 2$
5$ (captain), 3$, 3$, 3$, 1$
5$ (captain), 3$, 3$, 2$, 2$
5$ (captain), 5$, 2$, 2$, 1$
Another change we are making to the drafting process is that we are gonna do the drafting in one go instead of spreading it out over the week. To make it easier on the captains, they will be allowed to select a stand-in captain for when the picking is gonna happen in case they are unable to make it.
Serpentine system
We will once again be opting for the Serpentine system with picking.
- The drafting will happen in Discord and will be visible to all
- Only team captains will be able to type in this channel
- Each team captain will have 90 seconds to pick their player, if they do not pick a player within this time the highest priced player will be picked.
16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
General Rules
- ScoreV2 will be used as a win condition for this tournament.
- The bracket stage will be double elimination.
- Everyone that has signed up will be able to participate, however a total of 16 teams will move on to the double elimination phase.
- This tournament will be played in a 3vs3 format.
- Each team will have 120 seconds (2 minutes)
- After a team has picked, both teams have 90 seconds (1:30 minutes) to ready up
- Each team has a one time timeout of 120 seconds (2 minutes) per match
- The Tiebreaker will be played with NoMod, it is also allowed to play it with Hidden. Any other mod is strictly forbidden.
- When picking either Doubletime or Hardrock maps, you are allowed to pick Hidden alongside.
- Nofail will be used for every map in the mappool.
- For any given map, players are not allowed to use the following mods : Easy, Flashlight, Sudden Death or other difficulty reducing mods.
- You are not allowed to pick a map from the same mod pool twice in a row.
- You are not allowed to ban a map from the same mod pool you've already banned.
- You cannot nullify a beatmap under any circumstance.
- Only in the first 10 seconds of a map, can the map be retried if anything hindering happens such as a disconnect. This is only allowed once per match per team.
- If a team is 10 minutes late for a match, they will be disqualified for that match and lose by default.
- As for rolls, the team who rolls the highest will get to decide between first pick AND second ban OR first ban AND second pick
Qualifier lobby procedures
- All the maps will be played twice, starting from NM1 - NM2 - NM3 - HD1, etc
- For the 2nd playthrough you are allowed to skip for example NM1 (the order will remain the same, see above), however if another player in your qualifier lobby wants to play this you are gonna have to wait for them to finish playing the map
- The highest score of both playthroughs will be used
- Nofail will be used for all maps
- Hidden is allowed alongside Hardrock & Doubletime
- If you show up late, you can still join in and tag along until all the maps have been played. Once all the maps have been played you can play the maps which you have missed at the start.
- Note:If you show up late, you forfeit the right to replay the maps you have missed for a second time, you will only be allowed to play the maps you have missed once
- In between maps you have 1 minute to ready up, if you are not ready within this time the referee will start without you, make sure to have the maps downloaded!
Date when the registration will be closed: 08/10/2023 (dd/mm/yyyy). After this date we will send in all the users that signed up to get screened.
This will take one to two weeks. Updates about this will go on Discord.
If we do not comply with this the tournament is not eligible to receive a badge.
See Tournament screening for more information.
Players will have to register as groups and will be checked if they exceed the price limit.
In order to register, visit the website, login and scroll down to sign yourself up.
Make sure to join the Discord server afterwards, this is a REQUIREMENT. This is so we can make sure we can easily make announcements.
All dates are listed as dd-mm-yyyy
Registration phase: 10-09-2023
Registration phase close: 08-10-2023
The following dates are tentative, depending on how long screening takes this might shift up by a week
Qualifiers: 15-10-2023
Round of 16: 04-11-2023
Quarter finals: 11-11-2023
Semi finals: 18-11-2023
Finals: 25-11-2023
Grand finals: 02-12-2023
If you are willing to help out funding supporter/prizepools fill out the form mentioned in the staff section and select the Sponsor checkbox and we will contact you about it!
We are still looking for staff reinforcements, if you are interested in helping out, fill out the following form by filling out the form on the website (click me)