
[SOLVED] Question with pending.

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Sended my map to Pending 8 days ago. I don't know, do I need to do something to make BNs detect me, or no? Maybe I need just wait... guys help pls! (I have 5 and more hypes by the way.)
you need to find the BN's yourself, pending category doesn't actually do anything, could even just post everything to pending and ignore WIP section if you wanted.

go for list of all BN's and whether they are open to requests or not. go to their profiles to see how they wish to be contacted.

probably best to get some mods on the set first though, just read the rules in the pinned threads first

Edit: just took a look at your map, seems you're still quite new to mapping, your first few maps will probably not get ranked and you're best off focusing on improvement for a while instead of spending effort trying to get BN's attention.

For right now I will say you should delete all the red lines but the first one and remap only using 1/4 beatsnap divisor, most of the objects arent snapped to any sound in the song, focus on getting the rhythms right for now.

I see youre using the red lines to get slower sliders, dont do that, use green lines by checking this box and lowering the multiplier
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Thanks so much, WitherMite!
bump just to make sure you see my edit with some advice since you replied so fast
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WitherMite wrote:

I see youre using the red lines to get slower sliders, dont do that, use the green lines by checking this box and lowering the multiplier
And have a Q, slider velocity don't working right, look to the screenshot. Or I doing something wrong?
nudge one of the anchors, slider probably needs to update, don't forget to change beatsnap divisor to 1/4 too, should only see the red white and blue ticks in the top.
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Done, bro thanks :) How to remove sliderticks?
first save and exit, reopen the map to see if its just left over from old red lines

if not then in timing tab, lower slider tick rate and do above again to update sliders, 1 is good enough for most maps

this affects the entire map.
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