
Getty - B WiZ U

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Monday, June 3, 2024 at 1:06:59 AM

Artist: Getty
Title: B WiZ U
Source: オンゲキ bright
Tags: grand finals gf nm4 KNC konoha cup 4 KNC4 kyouren kittyadventure gokugohan12468 kevincela -kevincela- [ drop ] [_drop_] oppinosu 0ppinosu ohm002 cubbby instrumental electronic ongeki be with you hardcore tano*c tanoc
BPM: 175
Filesize: 5027kb
Play Time: 02:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. 0pp x ohm's extra (5.67 stars, 708 notes)
  2. Drop's Extra (5.36 stars, 771 notes)
  3. Insane (4.97 stars, 637 notes)
  4. -kevincela-'s Hard (3.55 stars, 414 notes)
  5. Kyouren's Normal (2.35 stars, 327 notes)
  6. Me & U (6.49 stars, 768 notes)
Download: Getty - B WiZ U
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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