
What do you think of Japanese people?

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Just discuss Japanese people with foreigners.
I wanna know how foreigners are thinking of Japanese people.
If you gave me any replies I would improve myself personality or in English.
Japanese people are very nice and hospitable, even they're shy... meh the level of creativity is unimagineable (most of it a surprises) :P
So far i think they are very smart people who try very hard at what they do, respectful nice and kind i may only know two but the ones i do know seem to fit my description :D
waxman totemo kawaii (<ゝω・)~ ☆
I want Japan-san to make love to me.
They're people.
From my own experience Japanese people in the US and in Japan are very nice and considerate. Very hospitable and funny at times.
Based on my experience... Japanese people are nice and clever, and also hospitable.
*I have japanese friends irl, so yeah
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salted_nuts wrote:

waxman totemo kawaii (<ゝω・)~ ☆
I know :3
Japanese people in general seem very polite, abiding by the rules and ready to help.

There's a huge difference with western people though : I feel that Japanese people try to not be noticed, be loud, or stick out in general, when westerners like to stand out and show off if they can.

I also feel like there's always a bit of xenophobia from Japan. It looks like a very welcoming country to visit, but I feel that you can't ever integrate the society because you are not born Japanese. It also explains why no Japanese players ever come to English speaking channels, waxman obviously being the exception :p

It's very different from the western culture. I hang out on English channels and communities and it's not even my first language, and I don't even share the same culture, yet I feel like I am a part of the community, and I definitely didn't feel like a stranger when I went to the US.

Although the language barrier is hard to overcome, I wish more Japanese people would talk with us in English channels.
Japanese people are polite people focused on quality rather than quantity when talking about producing merchandise. They make decent electronics, but when talking about cars, German cars are more durable. My mom when to Japan last fall, and because they are facing falling birthrate (少子化) so bad, that there's many Chinese people in filling empty spaces.

But the dark side of the moon is they are some weird people when talking about their wild imaginations, and they can be psychopathic at times. Recently Japan's prime minister named 安倍晋三 is trying to get militaristic and Japan its own army despite what happened after WWII.

Apex wrote:

but when talking about cars, German cars are more durable.
[citation needed]

Mr Color wrote:

Japanese people in general seem very polite, abiding by the rules and ready to help.

There's a huge difference with western people though : I feel that Japanese people try to not be noticed, be loud, or stick out in general, when westerners like to stand out and show off if they can.

I also feel like there's always a bit of xenophobia from Japan. It looks like a very welcoming country to visit, but I feel that you can't ever integrate the society because you are not born Japanese. It also explains why no Japanese players ever come to English speaking channels, waxman obviously being the exception :p

It's very different from the western culture. I hang out on English channels and communities and it's not even my first language, and I don't even share the same culture, yet I feel like I am a part of the community, and I definitely didn't feel like a stranger when I went to the US.

Although the language barrier is hard to overcome, I wish more Japanese people would talk with us in English channels.
this is pretty much every big asian country. no one tries to be an individual in Korea. it's unsettling. also everyone is xenophobic in china japan and korea

e.g: requiring japanese ip to play japanese online games. requiring a cellphone number/ i-pin number to play korean games. the id for that chatting program that every chinese person uses that requires an SSN to register for. NO FOREIGNERS ALLOWED MAN
i love japan!!! anime ftw

japan is BY FAR the GREATEST country. superior culture, food, and people. have I mentioned anime??? besides, nihongo is so kawaii!!~
We had this IB World Cultures class. The last question on the final exam was about what culture do you find most engrossing. When the teacher was talking about the last question, he said that, "Many of you have chosen the Japanese culture, but you would get more points if you didn't just talk too much about animu."

I chose India because it is like a democratic alternative of China: It has an ancient culture, raised an economy from cheap labor, and are facing anachronistic questions, unfair wealth distribution, only that it has more freedom and is down a different path.

Besides there are actually some good sides of Indian culture: Gandhi, Tagore, curry...etc. No Hinduism thank you

Mr Color wrote:

Apex wrote:

but when talking about cars, German cars are more durable.
[citation needed]
I'll say it's a kind of stereotype when automobiles were first introduced in China, here's an example:

German car (Probably the most popular German model in China back then, might be the most popular model overall as well)

Japanese car (made by Chinese manufacturer when it's sold in China, and it was quite popular)

That's basically where the stereotype comes from.

B-52 wrote:

Mr Color wrote:

[citation needed]
I'll say it's a kind of stereotype when automobiles were first introduced in China, here's an example:

German car (Probably the most popular German model in China back then, might be the most popular model overall as well)

Japanese car (made by Chinese manufacturer when it's sold in China, and it was quite popular)

That's basically where the stereotype comes from.
No. It was not a stereotype. Japan's cars majorly focuses on agility and speed, so it would be less durable when compared to other cars.

Apex wrote:

B-52 wrote:

I'll say it's a kind of stereotype when automobiles were first introduced in China, here's an example:

German car (Probably the most popular German model in China back then, might be the most popular model overall as well)

Japanese car (made by Chinese manufacturer when it's sold in China, and it was quite popular)

That's basically where the stereotype comes from.
No. It was not a stereotype. Japan's cars majorly focuses on agility and speed, so it would be less durable when compared to other cars.
Well the difference of durability is not so huge now, thanks to the high-tech materials, so Japanese cars don't need to be built like a tank to get high durability, that's why I'm saying it's a kind of stereotype.
lol'd on japanese cars being more agile and faster than german ones.

apex do you even audi/porsche/mercedes to some degree?
even opel has its fast cars.
Trash Boat
Japanese people are awesome, with a very advanced technology. How many years they have in advantage, 10? But i saw in an article that they lost almost all interest by intercourse, if u know what i mean. Is that true?

Tanzklaue wrote:

lol'd on japanese cars being more agile and faster than german ones.

apex do you even audi/porsche/mercedes to some degree?
even opel has its fast cars.
What he's saying is that German cars are fast because of their 8+ cylinders, turbochargers, superchargers, etc., while Japanese cars are fast due more to their light body weight, so they can go super fast with only a turbocharged 4-cylinder engine (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo) or turbocharged 6-cylinder engine (Nissan GT-R).

Btw I would personally prefer BMW :3
German luxury cars are simply sexy looking though when talking about looks, damn the nissan gtr sure is a piece of art. Dem looks dem speed <3. If I were rich enough I would buy both a gtr and an audi.

About the Japanese in general, I always picture obedient workaholics.
Brittish cars are the only cars with class. And class is what matters most.
class alone aint gonna get you dat pussy gladi :^)

B-52 wrote:

Tanzklaue wrote:

lol'd on japanese cars being more agile and faster than german ones.

apex do you even audi/porsche/mercedes to some degree?
even opel has its fast cars.
What he's saying is that German cars are fast because of their 8+ cylinders, turbochargers, superchargers, etc., while Japanese cars are fast due more to their light body weight, so they can go super fast with only a turbocharged 4-cylinder engine (Mitsubishi Lancer Evo) or turbocharged 6-cylinder engine (Nissan GT-R).

Btw I would personally prefer BMW :3
someone at least knows what they're talking about here

Japanese cars are overall way more durable than any other really (apart from Korean, based Kia). I have a Suzuki Wagon R+ from 2001 and it is still completely fine. My family bought an Opel (granted that's the worst brand from Germany you could have) Zafira in 2004, shit broke in 3 years.

While this is only my personal experience, studies prove this, and companies actually give their cars a 5-year warranty which is a thing european manufacturers don't do.

Mr Color wrote:

My family bought an Opel (granted that's the worst brand from Germany you could have) Zafira in 2004, shit broke in 3 years.
Deutsch Qualität™
Is every japanese as cool and instructive as waxman? (´・ω・)
I think waxtraining is very good, even though i only play mania.
I wish to bed their women

South wrote:

I wish to bed their women
I wish to bed nedm aswell
Kanye West

South wrote:

I wish to bed their women
Mah nigga.

You Japanese guys need to talk in #english and learn from kanye-sensei. If in doubt, just ask P o M u T a, a proud graduate of kanye-sensei's school of engurishuuu. Kanye-sensei has taught him many useful phrases such as "blaze it faggots" and "my anus is bleeding!!"

GladiOol wrote:

Brittish cars are the only cars with class. And class is what matters most.

I googled "exploding Rover" to make a joke about British cars' reliability but this was way better

DaddyCoolVipper wrote:

I googled "exploding Rover" to make a joke about British cars' reliability but this was way better
British cars have about as much class as a rock.

I suppose we can't really participate down here considering how bad Australian cars are.
polite but they don't seem to like opening up to people.
From what little contact i had(a friend has japanese grandparents, he came to visit one time) they're quite shy, stay to themselves and all.
They seem to have an incredible ability of focusing on something, it's quite a sight.
A bit xenophobic, but here on brazil we are way too 'happy gogo'.
So maybe a bit of inter-communication with brazil woud be good, brazil could learn a thing or too(like when to shut up, or more seriously, that study is serious business, and not punishment from god).

Trash Boat

South wrote:

I wish to bed their women
too late because, as i said, they lost interest


GenoClysm wrote:


thelewa live footage
They are better than me in almost everything.
sad :(
Trash Boat

NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

thelewa live footage
that image just entered in my Top10 images that made me lol'd so hard, along with an image from Shoe on your head thread

NotEvenDoomMusic wrote:

GenoClysm wrote:


thelewa live footage

Not creative enough.

lewa i'm really fucking sorry for mutilating your face
japanese people read backwards
They are moe >w<
i love japanese people, now if only they loved me ;w;
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-MikexD- wrote:

They are moe >w<
Messi Kimochi >w<
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jackishere wrote:

i love japanese people, now if only they loved me ;w;
So I love you. :D
The question is pretty complicated because it relates to ideologies of Japan and what people are experiencing as they grow up. I feel kind of uncomfortable saying that I like or dislike people because of that. A somewhat extreme example: human rights in Nigeria are appalling, so people brought up there soak up those values; I wouldn't say that I dislike Nigerian people by default because of that. I suppose the issue I have with the question having the implication of tying culture and heritage directly to individuals.

That being said, I don't have any Japanese friends, I can't speak Japanese competently and I have never been to Japan, though I imagine this is true for most people in the thread. Anything I see from Japan is second hand, so largely entertainment media and news coverage, so not exactly extremely reliable. An issue I imagine a lot of Westerners would take with Japan is to do with how harsh the law is on recreational drug use, cannabis being the main offender. Imprisonment/deporture for that is obscene. Some quick research also found that the antidepressant I take (which has been extremely helpful and without the side-effects I got from fluoxetine) has only been approved for use in Japan since 2011 despite being approved since 2002 in the US, so I would be kind of worried about medicine in general in Japan.

I also love gaymers.
I do not know many hentai people but waxman and bluoxy. They are very nice and smart people but waxman wants to peropero everything.
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